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220w pl-l coco scrog cupboard


Grow like nobody is watching
Haha well, shit. I didn't expect you to post it here, man! You don't mess around. But since this thread already has 3 cabs squeezed in, and is about 18 pages longer than it should be, let's keep it brief if you don't mind, just to keep things in some kind of order in this thread at least. Heck, I'd even encourage you to start a unique thread. You'd stand more chance of others chiming in...which is totally what I want for you. I'm no expert, as we can see! But I don't mind offering opinions when asked. :)

The third one is what I had in mind. The first one is like, not even worth the time it took to draw. Seriously man, sometimes I worry about you, bro. :joint: Pig-pen's filter should technicaly work except the surfac....wah...WAIT A MINUTE! I see what you're doing now! :yoinks: You're trying to wear me down until I say "fuck it, I'll let him do his inefficient plan, I can't be bothered fielding the same question again!"

You know how I feel about inefficiency! Not to knock PP's filter - it's a wikkid idea, but that's something I'd put together in an emergency as a temp fix. Being that I plan on growing the stinkiest stickiest skunk AND I need stealth AND I have a lotta watts to cool AND I had a blank canvas just like you, there can be no half steppin' here. Every single stubby, short DIY filter is inefficient! Every one! My filter is the best I tell you! I will not back down! The BESSSSST!!!!!! The only way any filter will EVER be any better than mine is if it has more surface area. No if's or maybes. Every single time. Your mission, if you decide to still find a way out of admitting I'm right, is to find or design a tubular filter with a surface area of more than 450 sq cm which is what my design gives you. Then you have to find an adjustable one which is what my design gives you. I'm not saying it's impossible btw. It's probably quite do-able, but what if you make the carbon too thick? Too thin? Can you find an atrium/netpot/pencil holder/pipe expander/teapot in those dimensions?

About my mistake, I knew some smartass would try that angle but I'm sorry, no :noway: lol. All I will say is just listen to people with experience when they tell you stuff. The real problem is that I'm arrogant and I like to do things differently. So there you go.

Good work man, I think that was cryptic enough that they won't....wait, am I typing this out loud? Fuuuuuck :Bolt:

More pics tomorrow!


Grow like nobody is watching
Hahaaaa, well one must take precautions when one is transporting one's seed, my good fellow! :eek::

Yep it's all exposed otherwise it doesn't count towards surface area. When I poured in kitty litter, I left the bottom fan on and the effect was like....weird. The best description is that it was like Aeroheads mist pics. A huge cloud of mist/dust rose from the bed of k-litter, but mostly hovered there with the lid off, swirling around eerily. I had to put a layer of washed carbon on top to kill the dust. I can hold my hand on top of the carbon/k-litter with only one fan pushing and I can feel the air flowing all over the whole surface. There is absolutely no "bogging down" of the fan. It's very unrestricted. It's hard to improve on that but it can only improve when I pour in a much thinner layer (approx 1.5cm I hope) of activated carbon instead of a whopping 1.5 inches thick or so of kitty litter.

And then I can finally seal the lid of the rubbermaid, which should massively improve things again. All this whole time I still haven't sealed the lid once so the second fan, the puller, has mostly just been looking pretty and making noise. That's why I didn't give you heat examples for pulling thru the filter - it would have meant work for me!!

Plants are looking fantastic :D I need to let it recover now before I snip any cuts.


Grow like nobody is watching
My landlord has been rebuilding part of his house (on same property) and an insulation dude just turned up wanting to measure my tiny house and the access hole to get in the roof. The access hole is in the grow room!

I just said it's *this* big and let him measure the outside of the house. But shit, I hope I'm not getting insulation installed. :/ I'll talk to landlord soon and find out wtf is going on.


doesnt sound too good mate, just make sure you keep uptodate on what the landlords planning.


Active member
My landlord has been rebuilding part of his house (on same property) and an insulation dude just turned up wanting to measure my tiny house and the access hole to get in the roof. The access hole is in the grow room!

I just said it's *this* big and let him measure the outside of the house. But shit, I hope I'm not getting insulation installed. :/ I'll talk to landlord soon and find out wtf is going on.

Might be time to go move some boxes of yours with just junk in 'em to your attic. Put some old dishes/glasses in some of them. (Whatever - you get the idea).

That way, you can complain to your landlord you have "fragile things" up there and you want to be kept aprised of any plans to screw with the attic. Or something equally as plausible. Whatever the case - get on top of it and stay there.

Be safe.:joint:


Grow like nobody is watching
We don't have attics here, or maybe we do, but it's like a little space you can only crawl on your knees in and nobody ever stores anything up there. I was thinking of throwing the grow up there when I started out :) I would have covered the whole roof in scrog if I had my own power account.

Anyway, no huge deal. He also promised me a new kitchen and he never came through with that. There are regulations and stuff about giving notice and my landlord hasn't bothered me once in about 8 months so I'll definitely be forewarned. I don't have a job either so I'm always home and I have my own lock on the door.

So if I do get notice, I'll simply move it to my downstairs level where there's no insulation, or wheel it out on the deck where it'll look completely in place and won't stink so much. I was panicing at first but frankly, I've had a black helicopter hovering 20 metres above 10 large plants on my own property, a week before harvest. I've had people straight up threaten to rat on me. I've been chased by park rangers. I've been neck deep in water and had a venomous snake attack me. I've had many aggressive venomous snakes attack me and I'm scared as a girl when it comes to snakes. I've been lost in the wilderness overnight with nothing. And a whole lot more. All last year and all directly related to growing weed. So while I'm always cautious, this doesn't even rate on the stressometer. :cool: But I will keep you all informed.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Fuck Me bro all sorts of things going on :yoinks:, sending ya good vibes.


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks buddy. It never stops does it. Actually, last grow was the most stress free ever. So I intend to keep this one stress free too. I know for sure if something did happen, the police wouldn't be involved, I'd just get asked to move on, which is what I've wanted to do for a long time, it's just too hard and I'm too lazy.

My landlord doesn't seem to be a smoker but he's a very cool dude and very respectful of my privacy in general. He probably thinks I'll be over the moon about having insulation. Truth is, I will be if I can get away with the grow, lol. I want to hit him up that I can install an air conditioner and the insulation talk will be a good way to raise that, when I see him next.

Of course, I'd still be sitting here sweating, while the AC is ducted straight into my cab, hehehehe. :sasmokin:


I've been neck deep in water and had a venomous snake attack me.
God I hate snakes. :yoinks:
Landlord doesn't sound that bad in comparison, plus, as you mention, there's bound to be a period of notice he has to give you. It's 24hrs in England.

Oh and I've edited my previous few posts down from 'inadvertently thread molesting' size down to 'may or may not make that much sense' size! Soz again dude, crossed wires! :tongue:


Grow like nobody is watching
Hey that's fine mate, thank you. Don't be 'fraid to ask questions in the fan thread or PM or wherever if you need advice.

Yeah...snakes, my gawd. I had to wear this thick nylon wrap which velcroes over your calf to just above the knee. There are several different grades of nylon they come in which progressively block more and more snakes, and best believe I bought the top model!! What kind of moron buys the bottom model?! That's like buying a cheap parachute!

Apparently most of the venomous ones have quite short fangs and have trouble penetrating the toughest nylon AND your skin. It used to freak the shit out of me because if I got struck at my patch, which was entirely possible, I would have no option but to call for a helicopter rescue immediately. You must not move at all so hiking away from the patch (and the snake!) would be completely out of the question. Constant stress.

So contrast that with chilling on a couch smoking pipes all day and talking to you guys about my favourite thing in the world. :) This is why I use so many fucking smilies because I'm so goddamn happy all the time now!


Grow like nobody is watching

I went with the tall pot for logistical reasons. Once I take out the seedling tray down the bottom, that's all the headroom I have! The small one is probably going to get repotted soon into a pot that fits in the hashcan - a 4 litre square ice cream container. I think the pot the large one is in is around 17 litres and it's almost to the brim with straight coco. I removed almost the whole bottom and placed a very coarse plastic mesh there. Very coarse. I want to try making whole pots out of the stuff.

Daz wut sup :joint:


Nice, looks really clean in there! What's the white tubular jobby top left of that cab shot? I love full cab shots!


Grow like nobody is watching
That's a paper roll with my wireless thermometer/humidity sensor inside. Someone needs to make a pre-shielded thermometer! Wireless therms are great because you can keep a constant check on anywhere with just a glance, and the door doesn't need to be opened to check it, throwing off temps.

One day I would like a data logger. It basically records everything regularly, then loads it up in computer graph stylee.

edit: thanks mods
Last edited:


Grow like nobody is watching
So some more FMxShiva sprouted and did the exact same elephant ear thing. Why does it all have this same strange reaction? It's my new goal to find out!

Inspired by LadyLargely and Melkor, I took to that shit with my loupe, and investigated. There was no tip visible so I peeled back the leaves and found the same pale sickly leaf kind of thing I'd observed on some others.

Even the seedling itself is tiny so it's very hard to capture it. It looks kinda like what it is meant to be really, although it's like one leaf. I guess it's two still fused together.

So I didn't find out much really, lol. But it was rad fun!

My silver turned up! :D:yes: It'll be a long wait before I can actually utilize it.



Grow like nobody is watching
I dropped back to 3 lights for now, moved plants closer, and bolted another fan in. It's a rather wimpy .22a 80mm. I think I'm gonna order up 2 good 80mm's and try having the other one opposite that fan, on the door, so they both blow into the centre. The two bulb bases closest to the fan were very cool! Quite often I can only touch them a short while right at the base, so this is good.

I guess I'll call the big one Pure 1 (P Diddy if I'm feeling gangsta) and the smaller will be Pure 2. I snipped the top off P2 as it's all woody and can't be LST'd. I applied hormones and plonked it in a plastic cup of water down on the floor of the cab.

Got a good top-down shot of P1 while it was out:

I think it's just starting to grow. I was pretty rough with it when I transplanted, and now that I think about it, things may take off quite slowly due to the rather massive step up in pot size. I didn't realise the one it came in was only 6 litres! It looked way more. I'm hoping for good results with 17 litres and hopefully a fair bit of veg to let the roots and canopy fill right out. Next time I'll probably make a custom pot that fills nearly the entire base.



Grow like nobody is watching
I've been experimenting with fans. Every base is now the coolest part of the bulb :)

The black fans on the side aren't needed, or running - as I suspected, they cancelled each other out in the centre. The 2 clear fans do a great job alone - I think they're only 0.13 amps and they're located directly below both pairs of sockets. I can even move them closer to the wall if I drill some holes in the brackets. Strangely this didn't equate to any real drop in cab temp - yet. Maybe even a rise. I guess because that hot air has to go somewhere and a lot shoots off towards the tip end.

My light levels seem visibly brighter. At least at the base, but it almost seems like the whole bulb is brighter (I'm err, kind of high though). Could someone please go over this for me:

I only know that the PL-L lamps operate at max output when it's at least 75F.

Does Hydro mean they're at max output above 75 or below 75? Below, right? That would seem to be right anyway. :chin:

What I'm going to try next is relocate the big 0.48 amp 120cfm clear fan from the "tip" end to where my temp sensor tube is just below/between the new clear fans. That left side of cab was the darkest and hottest so I think it's the best compromise for a fan position. They're all clear fans too so maybe that helps.

I took out the 13w tube because it was too easy to smash during training and er, ain't exactly worth it. The damn AK didn't make it after all, but I have a fair few of the Outdoor seed sprouting in the tent (in seed raising mix) so I may as well grow them for practise, lol.

And I found some pretty neat lookin' 80mm blower fans similar to the Cooler Master Aero but slightly higher amps, otherwise seems like a copy except it's got Thermaltake's ubiquitous thermal sensor and speed control dial and I found them pretty cheap. Gonna get two for my server case. You guys will like my server case whenever it gets rebuilt :)


You're just getting that new blower fan because it looks cool aren't you!

They're all clear fans too so maybe that helps.
That's a good idea for any fan in any screened off light section. I might move my proposed one in line with what you've done there. Good job sar!


Grow like nobody is watching
I just hope I can disable the LEDs on it but yes they do look cool - black for stealth, lol.

For your light section you should actually aim for a white fan/s to bounce the light back in as much as possible. The only decent-ish white fans I found are the Silverstone FM range.

Or you can paint them I guess.

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