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Best ways to Eat Budder Without Baking???



Got budder, works great, finally getting a little bit of sleep these days!

I've been eating the raw budder every nite, wonder what is a good way to disguise the taste without baking cookies or something.

So far, I put some in some grits, on toast with honey,swallowed a chunk whole and cold, dipped some in chocolate syrup...

Any good ideas? So far, honey seems to be the best way to hide the taste.


weed fiend
That stuff tastes pretty bad. Sorry, only thing I know is brownies. Does it ever give you a belly ache?


To Have More ... Desire Less
one of the main ipartz of buffalo wingz in the butter..............
try using U'r canna butter w/ lott'o hotsauce on the chicken wingz...........
workz....VERY welll..........:2cents:


To Have More ... Desire Less
also apersonal fav of myne............
spread on par baked pizza crust then top as usual w/ what ever......my choice......p-nut sauce......grilled chicken......shredded carrotz w/ bean sproutz and cilantro for garnish.......a little chilli sambal for the heat.....ie.wickedchicken ....type of hotsauce......

my persoanl FAV.......
YES......thai peanut chicken pizza w/ CANNABUTTER rockz..............:joint:


Yes, it does give me a belly ache sometimes!

No cooking! I know lots of recipes... just want a way to gum down a wad of budder every nite that might be good.

Guess I shall have to cook tomorrow.... durn... :)


Have you tried spreading a good amount on toast and sprinkle with a bit of cinnamon and sugar? It tastes really good and it's quicker than making anything else with the budder


Cinnamon toast does sound good.

So far toast with honey is about as good as it gets. Not too bad.

Can ya'll tell I gotta go eat some more budder... (Lola drags her feet...)??

Hash Man



Lola if you make the butter with hash or budder (extraction) you will experience no taste.... and everything will be way more medical... just a tip. i never eat cannabutter unless its made with hash.... once you try it you never go back!


Cool avvy Hash Man!

I need to learn to make me some hash. Not experienced at it yet, but that makes a lot of sense.

Mine's not too horrible, but it tastes green anyway. I keep burping up this yucky green taste.... lol.

It do work though! I am getting 5 hours of sleep now without waking up hurting. so that is good.


I know this is still baking but I can't think of any other way to cover the taste. I've even tried buttering my pop tarts, dipping plain or powdered donuts in melted butter and I've found that a nice dessert is the best way. You could make up some potent chocolate covered truffles with butter cream filling. make a bunch and refrigerate they last a long time. and they're easy to eat. Also if you have a homemade ice cream maker you could make bon bons, my favorite.

Hash man is right about using extracts to cook with you can sprinkle some keif into pretty much anything cook it in and there ya go. And if the hash is put through a good press and it gets heated enough to make the thc psychoactive you can just swallow the hash strait.


Active member
still.. a little "baking" involved but pretty easy to do even just a while before bed



1/2 cup Cocoa
1/2 cup Milk
1/2 cup Butter or Margarine
1 1/2 cups granulated Sugar
2 cups rolled oats
1/4 cup coconut
1/4 cup graham cracker crumbs

Coffee Variation- 1/4 coffee, 1/4 Milk

In a sauce pan mix first 4 ingredients. On Medium Heat let boil for 5 minutes. Take off heat. Add rolled oats and coconut. (If you don't have enough rolled oats, add more coconut or graham cracker crumbs.) If mix is too runny or too thick (crumbly) add more rolled oats or milk. Place in drops on cookie pan covered in wax paper or tin foil Freeze for 2 hours. Makes approximately 2-3 dozen.


stone fool
Next time just make green milk, unfreeze a shot whenever you need it, add sweetner, chug it and your smiling. Green milk is cool because it is easy to digest, and easier to make than butter.


Take little tsp sections and swallow them with a hot liquid. Just put the piece on your tongue and start swallowing.... dont chew it. The hot liquid helps it slide down the throat a bit easier.


another good idea! I KNEW ya'll would have the answers!


I want some canna budder ice cream.... that sounds good don't it!


New member
I've read somewhere on here that you can "purify" the butter by putting it back into a pot with more water and heating to a low boil for a little while then re-separating. You can do this several times if you want and it's supposed to take the green taste out of it.
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have you tried tincture? Alcohol tincture is pretty easy to make & quite effective. Oral ingestion without all the fat. I adore butter, but...

I've tried doing several "washes" with water when making butter. I tasted the water after the extraction - it was not good, but not as bad as I expected. Tasted the water after the first wash (the strained butter separated out, then heated & shaken with fresh water) - very little taste. Did one more wash, & I could barely detect any flavor in the water at all. I saved butter from each step, & there may have been a slight lightening of flavor after the first wash; the second wash produced no noticeable change.

I didn't think it was worthwhile.

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