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would like an experts advice on nutes, which ones to use?


Lifetime Member
ICMag Donor
Use the same nutes for your plants. I would date the bottles containing organics,they will go bad over time. By the time you get around to using them they might be bad (flora +,thrive alive etc.). As far as which nutes to use,pick one,they'll all do the job. The Recipe for Succes works,just follow the recipe. If you use the GH,I would chill on the additives at first,you can use just the Base nutes, Grow,Bloom and Micro. I haven't used FN before but I'm sure they work.
Go with the Technaflora products,it's fool proof. Just follow the directions. I've used the old recipe with very good results...mitsu


furthermore, there is a mechanical side of marijuana

you obviously don't understand this concept

if you don't take my recommendations, you are a stubborn fool


well I must have misread something somewhere, im sorry jwop. I didn't mean to even go there, im jus a lil frustrated from all of my failures. I do need some guidence, and good advice. again I am sorry for my words earlier, jwop. thank you to everyone who has given me some great info. thanks to all.


Active member
I am very disappointed in all of you, I ask a simple question, thought I would get a simple or atleast an answer from someone who knows what it is they're talkin about.
You are not asking a simple question of fact. You are asking for opinions. Big difference.
it sounds to me like eveveryone here thinks they know what they are doing, Could it possibly be there is more than one "right" way? but in reality, nobody has a damn clue as what to tell me. True -- but not for the reasons you think I've gotten more answers from trial and error, than from all of you together. Bingo!! if you guys wanna argue, then go make a post for that and have fun. otherwise I want expert advise, You wouldn't know expert advice if it bit you in the ass. not jus some joe blow, tellin me what they do, and has nothing to do with what my issue is at all. You don't have enough of a knowledge base to tell the difference between joe blow and the expert. THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO ARE TRYING TO HELP ME OUT. You probably won't believe me but i am.

The one thing that would help your progress on growing more than anything else is this: a fucking attitude adjustment. All the info you need and more is on this forum. Starting reading, keep reading and think for yourself. This will take time. In essence, that is what you trying to avoid -- devoting the time. This approach won't work for anything worthwhile and growing is included.
Since I'm no expert, my joe blow advice is start simple. Add what you think is needed along the way. When you get to be an expert, you will be back to simple that works for you. Then come back and read your original post --- you'll get a good laugh too.



wow, you people really take this forum shit seriously! I wasn't really tryin to offend anyone, im jus getn frustrated with all my failed attempts, now these ones are having problems sooner than ever before. im sorry to eveyone that I pissed off last night, but you have to understand, nobody seems willing to tell me what they would do if they were in my place. if they did then sorry again I must have missed it along the way. please everyone keep comin with advice, I do appreciate it and the time you spend tryin to tell me what's up.thanks everyone


I'm a little skeptical of all the claims that are made by the various manufacturers. I'm not sure it really matters what brand of nutrients you use as long as what you use contains everything a plant needs.

I would think what is more important is tailoring whatever you are using to the specific strain and stage of life of the plant. And there are only really three variables to play with.

Any fertilizer should list mass fraction of N-P-K on the bottle. With a little math you can calculate the ppm individually for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for any strength or mix of fertilizers when added to pure water. So the important thing would be to find ppm numbers that work for you, for your plants, for the various stages of the plant's life cycle. Then stick with those numbers regardless of what brand fertilizer you have on hand.


My one and only completed hydro grow was done by following the nutrient calculator (very handy) on GH's website. It's very handy, you can define your res size and other paramters. You can choose various levels of expertise and aggression levels. I used a very simple drip system made out of a Rubbermaid tufftote. I had 4 plants (Paradise WhiteBerry) and a 600 watt hps. Harvested 8 ounces in a 12 week grow. My results were nothing short of amazing. I'm sure other stuff works well but I have enough of this GH stuff for another 2 or 3 grows at least. Then I plan on trying House and Garden by Vande Zwaan (sp). I hope this helps.


would like an experts... 09-07-2009 07:41 PM Seismic Get a clue dude, if you don't agree with someones statements or attidudes, take the arguement to pm. don't drag the thread out with useless info.


the whole point of a public forum is to make it PUBLIC ... not tell someone in a PM

take your negative reputation, grab the KY, and shove it in your ass

where, in any thread, do you see me passing out "useless info"

get a clue dude


where, in any thread, do you see me passing out "useless info"

i would throw an equal amount of each bottle into your res until you have a PPM of ATLEAST 1 million


@deviant - In all seriousness, like I was saying, I think a lot of "experts" use lucas or some variation based upon lucas, if you have to ask this question, you are probably 'safest' using lucas, until you know enough about nutes and plant's NPK requirements to where you are able to mix your own coctails



@deviant - In all seriousness, like I was saying, I think a lot of "experts" use lucas or some variation based upon lucas,

how many people here do you think have a ppm meter that will register any where near 1 million ...


i can guarantee you no, none, zip, zada "experts" use lucas ... if they use lucas ... they are FAR from expert ... idiot


well jwop, I don't know why you take this so seriously. are you an expert, bc you sound like and expert jackass. if could please, leave my thread so real adults can have a decent convo. thanks to all who have been trying to help me. on top of all this crap, I have a new issue. I have that tan slime on my roots, jus at the tips of them, that's all that's touching the water, so that's what got slimed. how to fix this slime issue? any suggestions?


well jwop, I don't know why you take this so seriously. are you an expert, bc you sound like and expert jackass. if could please, leave my thread so real adults can have a decent convo. thanks to all who have been trying to help me.

my pleasure


Active member
i can guarantee you no, none, zip, zada "experts" use lucas ... if they use lucas ... they are FAR from expert ... idiot

Really? I'm guessing that most ICMag members would agree that Pirate would count as an "expert".

Pirate uses GH Micro and GH Bloom in a simple Lucas ratio.

Mind you, Pirate is wise enough that he would not make any pretensions of claiming to be an "expert", either (although he clearly is one).

There are doubtless many other examples here of "expert" growers who prefer to use a simple Lucas ratio.

Wise Man once said: "Keeps your words soft and sweet, in case you are forced to eat them".

one Q

More shaking- FloraNova Bloom. Lucas got more yeild with Grow in veg and 2weeks into 12s, then 8mlB/g all day.

Less shaking- CNS17 Not really cheaper because you have to use more of it. Like 25ml/g every other watering, with water between. Atleast untill you get it all mapped out on cannastats.

No Shaking- Flora Series- lucas style. 8/16 M/B and your done.

That being said, most ferts will work fine. Some are still using Dynagrow and bloom because theyre sooo cheap. But can be wastefull.

These are your best options as a new grower. I know what Im talking about, period. These 3 options will let you get dialed in the fastes, ime.


... I have a new issue. I have that tan slime on my roots, jus at the tips of them, that's all that's touching the water, so that's what got slimed. how to fix this slime issue? any suggestions?

Hello deviant1,

I don't claim to be an expert, I've only been growing for 65+years, so I'm still learning :). Abunch of years ago while having a root slime issue in a NFT system I came accross a product made by DutchMasters called "zone" and it worked for me, that plus better temp control of my resevior. I recently reccomended it to a friend using DWC who was having the slime issue also and it worked for him. You may want to look into it.

As to "best" nutrient brand to use, nowadays there are so many to choose from it is mind boggleing. I would suggest picking a premium brand (I currently use DM gold in my personal RW based grow and DM advance in a partnered container grow) and stay away from additives, remember "less is more" in most cases.

30 or so years ago when I first grew indoors the only liguid fertilizer available was MiricaleGrow, and it grew some excellent stuff. But things have come a long why since then, for better or worst.

Hope my :2cents: helps you, and good luck.


well it seems that my title made some people a lil upset, that was not what I had planned. I said I wanted some ''expert advice'', I jus meant that I wanted someone who has had the same problem im having, and has useful advice to give. I do want to thank those who have been givin me advice, I do appreciate it. so thanks a lot. I am sorry for using a word that means so much, in a wrong way. didn't mean to piss people off, I jus need a lot of help. I've been getn very frustrated lately.nothing I do seems to works.


hang in there bro keep your head up and read then make a move there obviously more than 1 or even 2-3 options look around the forums do searches on nute brands and such and make a move maybe start with less if things are complicating your progress and get the basics of your room down then as your understanding grows try different or new recipes or 2Part or more with additives.


Active member
well jwop, I don't know why you take this so seriously. are you an expert, bc you sound like and expert jackass. if could please, leave my thread so real adults can have a decent convo. thanks to all who have been trying to help me. on top of all this crap, I have a new issue. I have that tan slime on my roots, jus at the tips of them, that's all that's touching the water, so that's what got slimed. how to fix this slime issue? any suggestions?

Back to the same old shit -- spend some time and READ !!!!
Your question about "tan slime" is even a Sticky, but then that would require a little effort on your part --- God forbid.
Believe I'll join jwop. Not into spoon feeding.



well it seems that my title made some people a lil upset, that was not what I had planned. I said I wanted some ''expert advice'', I jus meant that I wanted someone who has had the same problem im having, and has useful advice to give. I do want to thank those who have been givin me advice, I do appreciate it. so thanks a lot. I am sorry for using a word that means so much, in a wrong way. didn't mean to piss people off, I jus need a lot of help. I've been getn very frustrated lately.nothing I do seems to works.

Hey deviant1, your title did not piss me off at all, just kept me from answering you right away. It is kinda egotistical to step up to a question by starting out saying I'm an expert...I'll help you.

I understand your frustrations, for the past year I've been involved in starting a grow with a partner. He's much younger then me but has 12+ years of growing experience indoor and out. I have a few more years but together we have had nothing but problems, from what I've started calling "the basement from hell". We were just talking about this last nite, neither of us can figure out why we struggle with everything and are not getting the production we deserve. We've had issues with extreme cold, extreme heat, high humidity, poor water, poor electricity etc etc.
:wallbash: that's what I feel like, but I know I can work thru it. You just got some good advice from BigForest. Hang in there, read some more and try to come up with a simple nutrient program. That's key, KISS, don't worry about additives, boosters and complicated formulas or schedules.

I have faith in you that you can work thru your problems and don't let the negative members here get to you. There are many here who will help you, but you also have to help yourself. Make up your mind that you can do this.