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Teerull strikes back!



I was away for a few days but the plants did fairly well!

I must admit that cloning seems to be the biggest mission at this point... I had no luck with straight-to-soil and peat-puck cloning and all of those clones are chucked away. However after coming back a nice surprise waited for me in the bubbler, I decided to pot 2 of them up now! the last one has the first nubs showing but still needs a few days i guess. :joint:

The Bonsai Has also grown quite a few shoots... I could probably take 4-5 clones from her if I had the room...

The big NL that went under 12/12 has STRETCHED!! She's officially filling half the growroom now. She's a monster! (Not as mad as Cozy's Jack Herer though! :kos:) I did some serious supercropping on her today! Hope the growth rate fades in a few days though...She's getting too big....

And of course you can't forget about the Powerplants!

the smaller one looks really scary! I hope it'll turn out nice though! The bigger one is showing nothing out of the ordinary and looks really good actually! The scary one looks more sativa though...

The Pineapple punches are doing so-so... I'm not happy with the germ rates at all... So far 2/5 have made it through the soil and 1 of them is a complete runt :frown:
The other one looks really nice so far though (sry, forgot to take a pic of it)

Sorry that some of the pictures don't look that nice... I'm dealing with a screenless camera as you know... :wallbash:
Also the write-up may be a bit odd...I sampled some of my previous harvest before typing and english isn't really my first language... :abduct:



It's been a while since I've found the time to come and visit you guys, sorry!

Things are going smoothly though! Temps are sitting nicely at 26-28'C, the big NL has stopped stretching, clones are going well etc etc.

We're now at day 16 of 12/12, so that's just over 2 weeks. This is where things are starting to get appealing for the visitor!

first of all, let me present you the NL. LOADS of brances soon to be buds (hopefully most of them will be nice and compact as well). I can't even imagine what she might yield.. any guesses? :smoker:

The Powerplants are also doing good! The one that had that scary growth has shown his sex! I think I'm on a luck streak with these "weird" looking plants since they've always ended up male. I'm keeping him though...Need to make some seeds to spread around my country... Someone has to play the Santa, you know :rolleyes:

The second one hasn't shown sex yet though... Hopefully it'll be a she..I want some new smoke already :joint:

(sorry for the some-what blurry pictures...my cameras screen is STILL broken...:badday:)

The Flying Dutchmens Pineapple punches are doing semi-ok. Growth is slow for the nice one and the runt is going incredibly slowly... I think I might just get rid of it... Any thoughts on that? should I keep it? will it ever grow into a nice plant?

And to finish things off for this week, here's the full cab pic!

comments are more than welcome!
keep safe,


Grow like nobody is watching
Me personally I would ditch the runt. You have some great plants there so it wouldn't make sense to me to perservere with a non performer for 2+ months.

Not sure if you'll have the room for it either! :D Looks great in there, man.


True that... I'm gonna get rid of it just now. Thanks for stoppin' by man!

That makes my official Pineapple punch count 1/5. Well lets hope that it's gonna be a female at least! I'm kinda dissapointed in the Flying Dutchmen... oh well.. maybe it is a bad pack or something... you never know :joint:

and a small little update: the other powerplant is a female! :woohoo:

can't wait to see her bloom already!!



Thanks for stoppin' by guys! Really appreciate!

update with lots of yummy pics will follow shortly!


ok, so I haven't had much time to update on how things are going lately.. I hope some of you are still interested, because we have some great news and pictures to show!! (by the way, the pictures were taken with another camera I'm not really familiar with yet...a few pics are slightly overexposured because of that :eek::)

First of all, I would like to start of with one of the powerplants. Now he's doing good. I removed him from the cab like 6 days ago since the first pollen sacks opened and open pollination is not what I wanted. Anyways, he is looking really good (none of those scary looking leaves anymore!) The phenotype however looks a bit more indica-ish than the female. He's been dropping a nice amount of pollen already and will continue to do so for a while from what it's looking. He is kinda small since he was started pretty much 12/12 from seed. oh, and he is now about a month old!
Here is some male bud porn for you!

Next up we have the female powerplant! Now she's looking really sativa-ish. The most sativa looking plant I've grown for sure. Now she was also started in 12/12 and is relatively small as well... I'm actually kinda scared to start new seeds in 12/12 now... But perhaps the real stretch hasn't started yet...Time will tell. Anyway, she is looking really healthy and smells like COFFEE. I'm having a hard time describing the sweet scent of the NL but this one is just so obvious. It's so amazing how the same species can have so different smells :canabis:
She is now about a month old and received some LSTing about 8-9days ago. I will pollinate her in a week or two to get some F2 powerplant seeds.

next up we have the Pineapple Punch!
She seems to be a very special plant! Good vigour and really nice root growth! Ever since I released her from the peat puck (growers note: don't place seeds into peat pucks, the young roots aren't strong enough to penetrate the outer lining). And notice i've called it a she? yep, she revealed herself 2 days ago :joint: She is now ~20days old. also started 12/12 from seed. I think I'm also gonna pollinate some of her sidebuds to get a variety of seeds!

Coming up next we have the PC with the bonsai and the clones! I took a very small clone off of DPPP#1, hopefully she'll root. But she's o-so-tiny so I'm not giving her good odds... I also took 2 more clones from the special NL lady...And to fill the fourth spot...... Do you remember the runt TFDPP? Well apparently it also had a VERY small root system, So i chucked it into the bubbler some time ago! The result? well it has started to develop some nice roots...it is losing color as well though...Will repot it soon in hope of some proper growth? is that a bit too much to expect?

You can't forget about the small NL clones! number #1, #2 & #3. 1&2 were planted into soil on 10.08 so that makes them ~20 days old now. #3 only came in 8days later. #1 is now officially pregnant!! A lot of the hairs on the budsites that I pollinated have turned brown and I think we'll have some nice beans soon! Hopefully that cross will be mindblowing! my special NL lady x a nice smelly DPPP male. mmm. :joint:

I supercropped the smallest one just yesterday so she hasn't recovered fully yet. This is also starting to remind me of the legendary Dr.Bud method of growing...Soda bottles, tightly packed clones, buds from really close to the soil....We'll see what they're capable of producing! Experimentation is what makes growing so much fun anyway!

the order of the pictures: #2, #1, #1 pregnant, #3

And of course you've been waiting for this one the whole time! The big hairy sticky yummy looking monster NL. It's beginning to resemble her mother and now I know yet again why she is SO special. the smell is just mindblowingly sweet and the buds are covered in resin. She has been in 12/12 for about a month now... Still has like 2-3 weeks left to go but makes me drool already. Truly mouthwatering.

As you can see from the pictures, she is only ~45cm high after a long reveg/veg and ~40cm wide (she has the whole cabs width...) Enjoy the pics!

Sorry for the long break between the updates...I've been kinda busy lately.. Hopefully this long one will make up for some of it!

oh, and i almost forgot...The full cab look! All packed in nice and tight!



Looking sweet there bro. Nice variety of plants your running. Gotta love the NL. Keep up the good work. Peace


Thanks Virago! Stay tuned, coz soon we're gonna add some Skunk#1 to the mix as well...And ofcourse some NLxDPPP that is in the making at this very moment! I will get some pics of the seeded buds with my next update tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!

and you're right, that NL I have is really mind-blowing - structure, yield, taste&smell and flowering time wise! Although I must admit, the new Pineapple punch has some really great vigour in it and is really lush! some competition for the NL! the smell is still quite hard to describe besides a very broad sour-fruity.

I don't particularly fancy the coffee-ish smell of the powerplant though...But I'm sure it will change a bit when it gets covered in resin(hopefully), they all seem to do that a bit.


Hey teerull is that powerplant the Nirvana PPP? Just curious because thats what I got for my freebie on my last order. Peace


Hey cheesebuds! Thanks for the compliments! I'm proud of it :)

Virago, Nope, that isn't the PPP by Nirvana. It's the Powerplant by Dutch passion. From what I've heard the PPP is supposed to be more indica-ish than the regular powerplants. thanks for stoppin' by!

Kodman, thanks!! O you should see the seeded buds! I've never seen one before but I'm sure anyone is able to recognize them from a mile away! fat, fat, fat calyxes!

I don't have time for an update with pictures today, maybe tomorrow!



They're doing superb, Strangely! There's no need to boo now, loads of pics in this post :)

ok, lets start with the pc! Things are going wild in there again! That bonsai needs a trim! And some superb news as well!! The DPPP2 clone showed roots in only 9 days!!! 9!!! that is pretty damn fast I must say!:woohoo:
I'll give her a few more days to get those roots bigger and then it's planting time!

next up let us have the NL clones. They've showed some nice growth and the seeded one is looking superb! Can anyone give me a rough estimate how many seeds she'll yield? Oh...and when it comes to playing with pollen, it's not that easy. It does get to almost everywhere. I've found a few possible seeds in the big NL and the NL#2 as well. the NL#3 has recovered nicely from the supercropping as well.

so from left to right we have: NL#1, NL#1 seeded buds, some more NL#1 seeded buds, NL#1 can you say buds at soil level? :laughing:, NL#2 random seed in one of the buds, NL#2 full view, NL#2 trich development, NL#3

Next up we have the miracle child Pineapple punch! She's going really strong! I would've loved to have her with a little veg time (2weeks or so)...Got to get me some $$ for the new part of the cab. Nevertheless she is the upcoming superstar in my cab, I can just feel it! I've also added some root porn for the pervs :wave:

We can't forget about the dutch passion powerplant now, can we? She is missing some vigour in her growth but it seems like she'll have a nice fat main cola by the end of her flowering cycle. First trichs are just starting to develop. I also added some pollen to the lower buds to get some F2 powerplant seeds. I still have 3 F1-s left as well.

And now to the one you've all waited for.... the big NL. She's doing mighty fine besides the few probable seeds that I've found in 2 of the buds... yep, having pollen around can cause a lot of havoc. Luckily It's not really a problem for me since 99% of the bud is still sinsemilia and there's no way I can smoke all of that by myself anyway...Till the new herb finishes at least. : ) I think she still has like 2½ weeks to go..I'm gonna let her go a bit more than the previous run...Should fill out nicely by then! I will probably start flushing by the end of next week! A 2 week flush is planned.

enjoy the pics!

More updates to come soon!
have a nice day,


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hey teerull great healthy looking plants there bro, nice mix of strains too. pulling up a chair to watch the rest of the show. Happy Gardening.


b00m, Thanks for stoppin' by! grab some popcorn and a joint as well, things are going to get interesting!

Harvest time is nearing and hence I've already started flushing the big NL. I don't have pictures at this very moment but I will try to get some by the end of the day or tomorrow! She's really packing on weight as the calyxes are swelling big time! The planned chop date is next friday or saturday. Hopefully by then I'll have a scale to show you how much she weighed! there's really a lot of popcorn material there though... Still hoping for 20g+trim. Should last me a while... besides I have the powerplant that is not that far away either!

Also the very small powerplant clone has been repotted now and is starting to reveg...that's the stupid thing with not having a veg chamber... you have to take cuttings in the first weeks of flowering... Also one of the NL clones showed roots @ day 14. the bubbler seems to be working quite well!

I have an idea though... I'm thinking of flowering out the bonsai mom and making a new one, a tad bit smaller this time... Is this a good idea? will the "new" mom still be as vigorous and healthy or will they age as time goes by etcetc? I've seen people keeping moms for years and even decades if lucky but do they actually keep the same plant or use it's clones or something?



People cut clones and veg them into moms all the time. Since the clone is an exact copy of the mother there will be no difference at all.

Just make sure you take the healthiest of the clones to keep as mom.


thanks for confirming my thoughts, Cloudnine!

I know I promised my update a while ago, SORRY!

So the harvest is done. I had a nice 3½hours of trimming and I'm really happy with the results so far! Since I have my scale now, I can also give you the accurate weights! I was quite picky with the buds so I had lots of popcorn buds and trim, totalling 60g wet!! I'm gonna make a load of cookies with that stuff! yummy :tongue:

I didn't get the wet weight of the buds just to keep the excitement up! how much do you think I will get?

Here's some nice shots of the plant preharvest and then some drying buds as well! It's been 24+h since they were hung up. I must admit, it's frostier than it's other sister was!

You can see from the pics that my flush wasn't really long enough. Already took notes to start flushing 4-5 days eariler next time!






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