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First Hydro Grow Ever

thanks for the info, lurker and per usual, et as well. one final question before i put the ladies in today...do i HAVE to buy water? can i just use my tap water and adjust nutrients as needed?


thanks for the info, lurker and per usual, et as well. one final question before i put the ladies in today...do i HAVE to buy water? can i just use my tap water and adjust nutrients as needed?

Much depends on your actual tap water TDS. If you're over around 250ppm, you need RO water. But if less then that, you may be able to get by. GH Flora series has hard water micro available (less calcium).
Good luck,
well, the nutrients that i bought from the famous hydro store in the valley (their own mix) says its to be used with tap water. my tap water came in at 320 ppm...the other local hydro store guy said to just use tap water too...so confusing...and am so nervous. just picked up my 6 baby bubbas today too, so i GOTTA get this thing going...
Ok, so I am VERY nervous, but felt I had to do something since I already got my babies today.

Here is a view of bubba kush babies.


My set up is a 4x4x6-7 tent and 400 HPS light. 3x3 tray and 40 gallon reservoir (although only filling it with 30 gallons). I am using xtra edge nutrients from Foothill Hydroponics, a store in the valley since 1961. I just used half the strength of the nutrients, 2.5 teaspoons of the macro nutes and 1.25 tsp of the micro nutes. I also had to use a teaspoon of ph down as my ph was at about 7.5. My ppm is around 330.

I also had to transplant my clones into 6x6 rockwool cubes and I hope I did right by sort of curling them similar to the way they came out of the smaller cubes?

I also have an extra pump to aerate the water. How long or often do I need to keep that thing on?

Right now, I am just not flooding, but hand watering from the pump. One minute per plant/day per a suggestion of the local hydro guy.

Here are some more pics...




PS: How do i just make the pictures appear on the thread instead of the link?


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im also thinking i can throw two more on there?

Yes, there's plenty of room there, but imagine how large you want them. Might get crowded later. Depends on how long you veg them.

On the air pump, some people run them continuously...or you can turn it on half-hour before watering if you're doing everything manually.

When are you going to stick a timer on the water pump?
Thanks for the input regarding the air pump. i'll measure the purple kush i have outdoors flowering and plan accordingly. they wouldn't get any fatter indoors than outdoors, right?

also, any insight to the hand watering once a day through a 1/2'' hose from the pump? and regarding lowering my ph?
The pk outdoor are just in 5 gallon pots on a porch, and aren't that big. Also, I think my light should probably be a bit lower? Will post pics of od purp tomorrow.

Et: probably soon. I mean, If I have the time to hand water these babies once a day by hand on top, why not? It is completely set up for ebb and flow, but thinking about changing to a top feed system for rockwool. Feeding/watering once per day for one minute per plant through a half inch tube from the reservoir.

The clones were on a 24 cycle and switch to 18/6 tomorrow.

Sorry for short hand, on phone, not computer now.


Just caught that final post...

They're pretty small to be switching to flower. Aren't you going to veg them at all?
oh. no, no, no, im not switching to flower now. gonna wait maybe two weeks? i have some outdoor on my patio that is flowering now, purple kush (2). also just put a headband and hindu skunk outside as well a week or so ago.

that what i was talking about flowering.

im just worried my ph is too high right now, but can't really test it until tomorrow i guess. is the ppm too high based on the height of the clones, which are bubba, not purple kush. ;)


Hi CJ,
Hey that was my mistake...I misread your post about turning lights down. You were going down to 18/6 not 12/12. They'll probably double in height during flower, so use that as a guideline when vegging.

And back to your question about hand feeding. As long as you're there tending the plants daily...nothing wrong with hand feeding. It's just that most people go to hydro to get away from that.

The dissolved solids in your water are mostly CA++. That raises ph so it's your water that's causing your need to correct ph so much. This is what I'd suggest. Since you're hand watering, there's not that much waste...why don't you go to the store and buy some distilled water. Then mix that with tap water which will reduce your TDS.

If you're at half strength nutes...that should be fine for the clones. The thing about clones is that they are fully mature plants even when small. They have the same maturity as the Mother plant they came off of. So they don't need the same sort of babying that seedlings do. If you see any yellowing at all, bump those nutes up.

And remember that when you're looking at TDS in your res...you need to mentally subtract the water TDS which then leaves the actual TDS of the nutrients. That's another problem with hard water. It doesn't leave enough "room" for the nutrients. Understand what I'm saying here?

Plants look good. Nice and green and perky...
Thank you, as usual, ET! Your insight and information are very much appreciated! I will heed your advice with the RO water, since I have to fucking REFILL my reservoir. I apparently had a stoner moment and though I unplugged the wrong pump and filled the bottom of my tent with probably 5 gallons of water that I soaked up with towel and re-pumped back into the reservoir. Still about an 1/8'' of standing water at bottom of tent, but I can't do anything about it till tomorrow when I can buy a wet/dry vac! FUCK!!!
soak up the water with towels and throw em in the wash

i used every towel and spare shirt i had to soak what i could up...im gonna have to dump the reservoir in the morning...vacuum up the remaining water first thing in the morning, dry it out with fans and the light, go to the beach, then re-set everything up upon returning...


Active member
I was an outdoor grower for years. My first indoor grow was a rockwool Ebb and Flow. Switched to a single bucket DWC and couldn't be happier.

I know you don't want to hear this, nobody does but, do some homework. Go through every indoor thread. Twice. Bookmark those that interest you. Go through those until you're down to one. There's your method. STEAL IT! Rip it off, swipe it wholesale. The OP will be flattered as hell.

Heres some links to help you get started.

Freezers Primer Links


A Library of Links

Beyond that, I can only suggest KISS and LitFA. Keep It Simple, Stupid and Leave it the Fuck Alone. Start simple, a Micro formula, Bloom formula, pH down and STOP! See where that gets you before adding Liquid Craptastic™ or SuperSlime™ or EasyRot™.

Although I'd recommend E&F with Hydroton if you live in an area that gets hot.
Keep things super simple.... get one bottle of General Hydroponics FloraNova Bloom. It's the only nutrient you're going to need for the first year. Everything your plants need is in that bottle.
Lucas Formula is another to look up. FNB is basically Lucas formula in a bottle. :D Super simple with awesome results.

I second the not running multiple genetics because this is your first grow. You'll be learning how the plant grows and matures and it's best to learn that with a single strain. Personally, I run multiple strains with the same Lucas Formula from the same reservoir and everything looks gorgeous. :D`
thanks for the info hydro-soil!

day three:

emptied and rinsed out the res and tray this morning and let everything dry up with the lamp on after shop-vacing the tent. it really wasn't that bad.

i do have a concern though, as it really fucked up the light cycle. will that hurt anything? also, the leaves seem a bit droopy? too much water? when i feed/water them, the tray probably also stays full for about 10 minutes...

put in 25 gallons and 2-1/4 tsps of macro and 1-1/8 tsp of micro. also, 2 tsps of ph down. will report back on ph and ppm...

ps: sorry for using this as my journal, but now that i've started it, i feel i need to keep track.