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You know the weed is good when......


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
when your posting at IC mag and instead you stare at at the blank page for a few seconds.. thinking it will do it all by itself.. peace.



...when you smoke and 20 minutes later are so freaked out that you swear you'll never smoke again (even though you've done it every day for 20 years).

...you sit on the couch with same cashed bowl in your hand for an hour before realizing that you're stoned enough.

...when you hear a word, it sounds strange and you can't imagine how it should be spelled or why it's pronounced that way and you start laughing at the word (heehheeeh....shark...SHARK....shark....SHHHHark....shAAAARK)


Active member
...when you smoke and 20 minutes later are so freaked out that you swear you'll never smoke again (even though you've done it every day for 20 years).

...you sit on the couch with same cashed bowl in your hand for an hour before realizing that you're stoned enough.

...when you hear a word, it sounds strange and you can't imagine how it should be spelled or why it's pronounced that way and you start laughing at the word (heehheeeh....shark...SHARK....shark....SHHHHark....shAAAARK)

I love when I'm so stoned that words start to sound funny. When I'm really high any word that ends in a ''Ou" sound cracks me up. Words like out,
doubt, about etc. I pronounce them like I'm canadian..
"What are you talking "aboot"


smoke some good weed and you:

can enjoy basically any type of music, but the best of course would be, if you listened to music that you ACTUALLY enjoy listening to, that is your favorite. also, you feel a definite sense of euphoria, sense of well-being, some more empathy (for me at least).

that is, if You smoke good weed while 101% paranoia free and all-else-buzz-killer-free. :p

h^2 O

you go to put away the snacks you broke out after midnight and you realize it was 2 slices of pizza, chips and tuna, milk, bit of pad thai and a crab rangoon
lol... some funny stuff here :p

u know u got good shit when people walkin by smell it and start ringin ur bell :D lol

but fo real...
you know the weed is good when you type something and think its writen right, then re-read it and it makes no sence.... and you try to fix it and only end up messing it up more. haha
I love when I'm so stoned that words start to sound funny. When I'm really high any word that ends in a ''Ou" sound cracks me up. Words like out,
doubt, about etc. I pronounce them like I'm canadian..
"What are you talking "aboot"

i been living in canada my entire life and have yet to hear anyone say aboot...
as far as i can tell, americans say it more tryin to make fun of us lol

so you cant escape Ou sounds here :p


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
You know the weed is good when..

You know the weed is good when..

You go to a fast food joint just for yourself and end up spending almost 20 bux..


i been living in canada my entire life and have yet to hear anyone say aboot...
as far as i can tell, americans say it more tryin to make fun of us lol

so you cant escape Ou sounds here :p

more like a-boat than a-boot, still sounds weird to us south of the border |-)


just do it
real story, my friend just left 10 minutes ago, did one hit off the vape,i watched him put it in his pocket, and called me 2 min ago to ask me if he left the weed here, then he says, oh never mind i found it, duh huh huh huh


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
You know the weed is good when...... >

You know the weed is good when...... >

you havent puffed in over 3 weeks and you still do shit like a stoner..


You know the weed is good when...

You know the weed is good when...

... you get confused playing Solitaire


Active member
Pay $130 a 1/4 :D

Can be blindfolded w/ dental floss....seriously - I've been there

Can smoke a regular joint 3 or 4 times (I AM A HEAD)/ Get 5 HEADS high with one jont

Can smell a single joint though out the restaraunt - The waitress said she wanted what I had :D - First time for everything

Wanna order THE MENU - :D

If you order Diminos


You know the weed was good when you wake up with two new leather chairs and neither you or the girl you were smoking with know where they came from.

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