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Michael Vick Being Interviewed Right Now On 60 Minutes


Denial N Error

Maybe before people start hating on "dog fights" you should look at history. Dog fighting has been around since the domestication of dogs.

Dog fighting was actually promoted and SANCTIONED in the USA at one time, all the way into the late 19th century. So you cant blame Vick for everything.. sorry its just not going to fly.

At least make a point before you argue.. these comments "this piece of trash worthless scumball!" "omg he doesnt deserve to live!" are just flames and retarded, with zero thought process involved.

At least try to make a valid point.

I am getting an eagles Vick Jersey.. Just fyi. I mean seriously if you are so upset that you're in a rage over Vick being back in the NFL you should probably seek some help.

Cookie monster

So was slavery, marital rape, and homosexuality being a crime and a whole lot of other nasty shit doesn't mean it's right.

A bit like growing being illegal except it's the flip side of the coin.

And you can blame Vick...don't tell me he did not think he was doing anything wrong or was there another reason why his dog fighting was underground so to speak..

He knew well what he was doing as did his cohorts

Denial N Error

No one ever said it was right.

I am pointing the fact out that it's been going on all over the world and in the USA for hundreds if not thousands of years. Other people get arrested for the same thing and dont even face jail time, and there is no public story on it.

You people need better things to do with your time.



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
this thread will be closed soon.. There is noone in here going to see eye to eye on this subject. Threre are people that know what and where vick came from, then there are people that only have driven by where vick has come from. And that my friends makes for two different worlds.. So try and take the rose colored glasses of and view it for what it really is.. Life is not all tree huggin and peace and love that era is over and even then shit like this was still happening.. I will watch vick on sundays if he is on TV and hope he does well. Just try and remember people make mistakes and hopefully learn from them, I am 100% sure we all here have fucked up bigtime and well, look we are still here. Noone wished u dead when you fucked up.. Put yer energy and time into yer garden or yer family or maybe that project you have been putting off cos yer here bitching about vick instead.. Lets just get along weed is supposed to be teh gateway to peace and happiness bringing people together.. instead look people are mad and hating not good!!!! imho.. Ok i think i have said my peace. lets see if my so called friend gives me more neg rep.. lmao.. Like Mrs Babba says in her sig BE GOOD HUMANS!!! peace.

edit: I think if people would worry about themselves and noone else. And they kept there noses outta others business the world would be a better place.. So much energy wasted on a person who could careless if we watch him or not..

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i believe in second chances.. but you have to EARN them.
sitting in prison for 18 months and going bankrupt isn't earning a second chance.. Its the consequences of supporting dog fighting. Not just knowing about it But actually given the orders to have dogs electrocuted, hung, tore to shreds, and probably 100 other things we didn't find out about. Only reason he even got the 18 months is because he kept lie in to the judge while in court.. Should be no place for people like this in the NFL or in society.


Claiming to treasure life so much that your benevolence extends even to the poor, mistreated animals of the world, all the while spouting hate, discord and evil wishes towards another human.

Denying this man another chance to make a living at the career he's dedicated most of his life to serves no good for anyone, save those consumed with malice and the sick pleasure they get from watching others suffer and fail. For all anyone knows, he could take those millions and do wondrous things for local animal shelters and rescue organizations. Not saying he will, but at least we have the opportunity to find out now.

But don't let me deter you from spouting your 'feel-good hate', God knows it's always an orgy when somebody brings Vick up.
Oh excuse me,holy one. I can think and say whatever I want to. I'm sure you NEVER get angry at anybody...............


Active member
Should be no place for people like this in the NFL or in society.

well if there would be no place for him in society, we would have to execute him or make him live in another place apart from..

but I gotta agree that there should be no place for people like this in the nfl

Lt. Herb

You sound like a dog-fighting advocate, am I wrong ?

Yes, you are definitely wrong. My dogs sleep in bed with me and the wife every night. Two were rescued from the local shelter, one taken from a friend to keep it from heading to the shelter. The closest things my dogs have seen to abuse since I got 'em is when I smear peanutbutter on the roof of their mouths and watch 'em lick it off with a goofy grin. I do not advocate, endorse or support any sort of animal fighting.

Marywanna said:
Oh excuse me,holy one. I can think and say whatever I want to. I'm sure you NEVER get angry at anybody...............

I never claimed or intended to come across as holy. I get angry at people, animals, plants, inanimate objects and random figments of my imagination all the time. The difference between me and those spouting crap in this thread is that I tend to keep it to myself and I don't hate one thing based on the pretense of caring for another. Reminds me of the saying 'Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity', the whole concept doesn't make sense.

And, yes, you can say whatever you like, as I did when I pointed out the hypocrisy and ignorance running rampant in this thread.


Maybe before people start hating on "dog fights" you should look at history. Dog fighting has been around since the domestication of dogs.

Dog fighting was actually promoted and SANCTIONED in the USA at one time, all the way into the late 19th century. So you cant blame Vick for everything.. sorry its just not going to fly.

At least make a point before you argue.. these comments "this piece of trash worthless scumball!" "omg he doesnt deserve to live!" are just flames and retarded, with zero thought process involved.

At least try to make a valid point.

I am getting an eagles Vick Jersey.. Just fyi. I mean seriously if you are so upset that you're in a rage over Vick being back in the NFL you should probably seek some help.
even if it WAS legal, is it MORAL? hell f*cking no


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
No one ever said it was right.

I am pointing the fact out that it's been going on all over the world and in the USA for hundreds if not thousands of years. Other people get arrested for the same thing and dont even face jail time, and there is no public story on it.

You people need better things to do with your time.


very few people involved in dog fighting have the clout, fame, money, notoriety (especially now), natural talents, etc of Vick....... you understanding now the outrage in the Den? I know you're not suggesting that Donald Trump type motherfuckers do this all the time, because if Trump were caught doing this I think it would be just as big of a deal actually even more so wouldn't it? ................

goddamn big difference between some lowlife motherfucker doing it on a regular basis and Vick. It's 100X's as bad when a superstar pulls shit like this and it's gonna make the media all around. btw Vick didn't do this for himself as you know, no that cruel motherfucker did it to entertain his lowlife leeching family and friends probably so he wouldn't have to give their degenerate, embarrassing, inbred, lowlife, broke asses free game tickets.......



Smokes, lets go
Maybe before people start hating on "dog fights" you should look at history. Dog fighting has been around since the domestication of dogs.

Dog fighting was actually promoted and SANCTIONED in the USA at one time, all the way into the late 19th century. So you cant blame Vick for everything.. sorry its just not going to fly.

At least make a point before you argue.. these comments "this piece of trash worthless scumball!" "omg he doesnt deserve to live!" are just flames and retarded, with zero thought process involved.

At least try to make a valid point.

I am getting an eagles Vick Jersey.. Just fyi. I mean seriously if you are so upset that you're in a rage over Vick being back in the NFL you should probably seek some help.

Dogs fighting is one thing, killing dogs with car batteries and pools of water mass burials,hangings, live burials, and torturing dogs... basiclly concentration camp for dogs is another thing...

How would you like to be thrown in a ring with tito oritz chuck liddell and rampage jackson and if they kick your ass and when you loose then you get thrown in a swimming pool with a power line suspended in the water and electrocuted/drowned to death....thrown in a wood chipper, etc

i would rather see oj simpson playing foot ball than mike vick at least he was AQUITTED mike vick is GUILTY AS SIN


New member
I have one question. If you were a good dog breeder, I mean a good one with quality pups that you cared for(not the puppy mills). Would you sell one of your puppies to Michael Vick? No need to answer here, just ask yourself and then defend what you think is right.


Active member
Dogs fighting is one thing, killing dogs with car batteries and pools of water mass burials,hangings, live burials, and torturing dogs... basiclly concentration camp for dogs is another thing...

How would you like to be thrown in a ring with tito oritz chuck liddell and rampage jackson and if they kick your ass and when you loose then you get thrown in a swimming pool with a power line suspended in the water and electrocuted/drowned to death....thrown in a wood chipper, etc
Yeah, that really puts it in perspective for me. I was thinking today how "cold blooded" he and his friends are/were. The idea they were even using other dogs from the neighborhood as training fodder for their fighting dogs is new to me. That part is beyond belief.

But still, he paid a great price and so it goes. He's back in. I would just like to know what's really in his heart, if he actually believes he did something wrong.

washed up

These Athletes get paid mega bucks to do what they love for several reasons. just one reason these stars get paid so well is to be a good role model. He should be banned, as he is a TERRIBLE role model for our children. the NFL is a terrible role model too for allowing him to play for RATINGS... Was he not making enough working for the NFL that he chose a second career moonlighting as a Dog fighting promotor???? There was no new talent to offer the NFL to give someone with morals and brains the chance to earn some loot and respect what he has, and understands that playing football for big money is a dream come true and have enough pride to be decent and thankful for what he has? I think there are plenty of young new talent dying for that chance. You really only get one shot at the big time, don't ya? Why does Vick get 2?

Lt. Herb

goddamn big difference between some lowlife motherfucker doing it on a regular basis and Vick.

Seriously? The truth slowly seeps out, as now it's not about the animals and what was done, but who has done it. But wait there's more...

It's 100X's as bad when a superstar pulls shit like this and it's gonna make the media all around.

Is it really 100 times worse because Vick did it? Wouldn't it be just as cruel if Santa Claus did it? Wouldn't the dogs be just as dead?
Or is it 100 times worse because the media spread the story all around? What about all the horrible things that happen elsewhere in the world, do they matter less because the media ignores them?

I won't even bother to quote the rest of your bigoted remarks, they just serve to reinforce your ignorance, which is something you need no help with.


It is un-acceptable if the POPE was doing it. Show me the "bigoted" remark. WHO he is... is more important than what COLOR he is.