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Big Bud Outdoors.

Thanks everyone. Hanuman good idea! I think i will build some kind of roof over them later on when the buds have grown bigger and the heavy rain starts to come, to prevent mold. Stay green.
UnknownProphet I had seedlings inside the house at a window for 5-7 days, then out in the cold hard earth. Next yeah i will wait over 14 days before transplanting out. They where a little to small to get out that early but they could handle the environment pressure fine.


Active member
Looks good man. Can't wait to see the final product here. I've always wanted to try big bud. Even though I am a sativa fan I love the look of those fat ass buds. I am also curious when those will finish outside. Keep us posted.


Active member
wow, really nice pics my friend .. plants look super healthy

and about the cat, i've also got a cat that really like the plants ..
i had one indoor, the cat eat it completely, only the main stem left :D

so watch out for the cat (=


New member
looking good man,Ive got 3 bb outdoor on the go myself and i have 1 girl that is just short of 6ft tall! i cant belive how fast it has grown compared to my 4 early skunk which are a bit over 3ft.Its been nice to watch your jungle grow keep up the good work.


Active member
Nice flower formation there:) Wouldn't be surprised to see it down by the end of september. I'm a little surprised to see it budding so early though:) The stuff I've got going outdoors is later than what you have.
22. August.

Today i made a pollination of one of the branch. I took pollen from the earliest finishing male and mark the branch whit a red string. I will pollinate 2 more branches, one whit the indica pheno male and another one whit the sativa pheno male, and put two other colored string on the two other branches, so when harvested i can divide the seeds so i got a larger differences in genes to next year.


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