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Mist's Ebb&Gro with ST#3XBlack Russian grow diary


Just a quick Garden update and some pics. The past week has been crazy and I have hardly had time to look at the plants myself. Just check ph in the morning and roll on. Nice with this system being pretty much autopilot.

First be have the mothers which have turned into little bushes and are ready to be moved into bubbler tubs with just two plants per unit.

Next is the cutting that I took of the purple pheno. I don't know why the roots started coming out so high up since I didn't dip it in the clonex that deep, but I don't care as long as it roots well and veggs out into a mother.

These are just pics of the whole garden. I started with the light on, but the pictures just have too much red so I turned off the light and took some good ones.

Happy Growing!


It was 300 with tax and worth every penny. I love useing a tent and don't think I will ever grow in an open room again unless it is legal wherever I am. Just too nice having everything contained and it lets there be other things going on in the room at different stages with no worry about light leaks. Oh yea, I have had it for almost 3 months. This is it's maiden shakedown voyage and so far not a hitch.
The fan is 435cfm which changes out the air in the tent every 55 seconds. It really keeps the 600 watt light cool too. I can put my hand on the glass and leave it there as long as I want.
Mist, your grow looks immaculate...and your buds look delicious, best wishes on your harvest, what a treat you have there!

how long does this strain flower for?


Mist, your grow looks immaculate...and your buds look delicious, best wishes on your harvest, what a treat you have there!

how long does this strain flower for?

Well the flowering time is still up in the air on some of the pheno's. I have one that is ready for it's finishing flush for a week and will be done. Putting it right at 8 weeks.
But there are others in the system that need more time varying from a 10 days to 2-3 weeks. So I am probably going to let the ones that finish first go longer just so that it doesn't turn into a circus trying to flush one or two by themselves which would be hard to do it this system. They will all be from one pheno on the next grow and it won't be an issue.


Pardon me good sir, do you happen to have a towel handy? I just drooled all over your beautiful plants, wouldn't want to risk mold or mildew.


My apologies.


Ok, it is that time in a grow where it gets really boring to me so I am just messing around and taking pictures.
So don't feel like having to post. I am just keeping a log of the grow here because I don't keep any pictures on my computer.
So sit back and be bored with me, LOL!

A pack of cigarettes for scale

My raped mother plants and cuttings in for the next round

Time just seems to stop during the last couple weeks of a grow!!!~!~!


Frosty Time!!

Frosty Time!!

It is getting to that frosty time that I love. Only a couple more weeks and these girls will be done.
I am posting these for a friend to see how things are looking so please forgive the picture count, LoL!~

And the clones are already poking out roots after just a few days.

God I love growing. I just can't think of anything more satisfying for me.


Excellent looking grow Mist. Great pics of some healthy ladies. I never mind the pic count! Do other people actually complain about too many pics?


Excellent looking grow Mist. Great pics of some healthy ladies. I never mind the pic count! Do other people actually complain about too many pics?

No, but I kind of feel like a pompas ass saying "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!!" sometimes when I post a bunch of pics.
I have a friend and also my brother who are watching the progress and want to see how things are coming along.
My brother is very interested because he is about to set up a new grow and wants some cuttings of this strain from me.


Active member
Nice grow there - some good long buds for sure.
I hope you're checking for mold because those look pretty compact:)


I just got back from being out of town all week and was happy to see some beautiful plump girls waiting for me. It is so nice to go away for a while and when you come back there is some real change to see.
I am starting the flush tomorrow and 5 days after that they will all be down. There are some crazy bud extentions all over them too. Got to love that!

This one with the purple is just tooo sexy, LOL!

My clones got a little out of hand while I was gone too. But they are all nice and green, well rooted and ready to be replanted.



Hi Mist,
You have more nerve then me. I hate leaving my garden that long for fear of catastrophe. Have to say everything is looking fine. Great buddage. The purple one is nice but my fav is the second shot...sort of a sea of bud.

You must have provided some nutrients to your clones for them to go bonkers like that. I just let them use what they have stored in the leaf until I see roots. I may have to re-think that.


Hi Mist,
You have more nerve then me. I hate leaving my garden that long for fear of catastrophe. Have to say everything is looking fine. Great buddage. The purple one is nice but my fav is the second shot...sort of a sea of bud.

You must have provided some nutrients to your clones for them to go bonkers like that. I just let them use what they have stored in the leaf until I see roots. I may have to re-think that.

LoL, it isn't nerve that allows me to leave the plants for a week. It is my wonderful wife who has been growing with me for over 10 years and has actually done a few grows of her own while we were split up for a while. She only knows how to do things the way I taught her so there is no difference in the care of the plants with her in charge.

I DO provide my clones with nutrients. I use Clonex clone solution which is a complete clone nutrient. My wife actually turned me on to it, LOL! Before that I always used a couple cap fulls of Ionic bloom nutrient to 3 gallons of water for the clones. That kept them green without them trying to grow. But I think I like the Clonex better now. They really seem to thrive in it and they root like crazy too.


You're a lucky man Mist. You hang on to that one!

On the clones...I usually do just fine, but the last batch I cut were taken from some plants that I'd gotten behind the curve on. A little chlorotic and the clones were very pale looking, so I dug out a free sample of a N foliar spray and sprayed the clones with a 50/50 mix daily (penetrator was the product). Greened them right up and all of them made it. Got to improvise sometimes.


Well it is down to the last 2 days of flushing and then WHACK!CHOP!

I always have a hard time at this point in the grow. I am always wondering if I should let them go a little longer or if I should try to boost them a little bit more with KoolBloom while I flush etc.....
And with almost 100 grows under my belt you would think it would not be this way, LOL!

Oh well, they will end up however they are supposed to!


Hi Mist,
I had a terrible event relating to late addition of nutes. Ruined the whole crop tastewise. I think P was the culprit...even worse then too much N.

I've grown alot of White Widow and most growers will tell you, when you think they're done...wait a week. But that's a white strain. Nothing to be lost by waiting a bit but with no nutes. Let them use up even more of what they have stored. You can play it day-by-day keeping an eagle eye on the trichomes. Some people even do a two phase harvest. Take the top buds which finish first, and then let the lower stuff mature for another week.

I've grown for over thirty years and I still have trouble determining gender from pre-flowers...go figure. lol

Have fun with your harvest. The most exciting part of any grow.