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I have hit a plateau. 150grams per grow

heya pete, ever think about hanging those bulbs vertical? i run a v-scrog cab, with 8 plants around a 400w cmh. it looks very good as of day 21(yesterday), with the head room you have in the tent you could have a huge canopy. my tops are about 3-4 inches from the bulb and have about 40 pre98 bubba tops and 20 skush tops. the bubbas are kicking some skush ass right now. that bubba is a frosty lil girl already.

if you wanna see some pics i could take them with my phone but i don't have a digi.


New member
No problem. That's what this thread is all about. trying to achieve 1oz per plant. anyways to answer your questions

ph is consistently between 5.9-6.2. my tap water comes in at 6.3 and an ec of.10

my feeding formula is gh micro/flower at 6ml/9ml per gallon. I mix 4gallons at a time and bubble it. ec is at 1.2 which is roughly 900ppm
For the young ones I use 1/3 of that formula so basically 2/3mls per gallon along with 1.5mls of cal/mag ec of this is around .40= 300ppms

As far as the seedlings go I have to treat them like soil, because i started them in seedling soil and wasnt able to get all the soil off before I transplanted to coco. Once they finally root the cups I will then start watering on a daily basis

My plants in the flower cab do get watered daily with about 10% run-off

As far as the bulbs go my veg room uses a 400wt cmh bulb. Flower room is a dual spectrum on 2 bulbs a 400wt agrosun gold which is a mh bulb with enhanced red spectrum and and the other is a 400 watt eye hortilux hps with enhanced blue spectrum.

I could definitely use some help with these seedlings. To me it looks like over watering, with a possible nitro deficiency

ok .... first of all your ec being .10 for just tap water is BAD. I had HUGE problems with my tapwater. My plants were going yellowish and sickly and I couldnt understand why..... I read read and read some more. Eventually I figured out it was the tap water so I started buying spring water. HUGE difference. That was the problem. The water was full of shit. Anyhow, I have ordered an RO (reverse osmosis) system. Expensive but it will pay itself off as I was paying $4 a day on spring water not to mention the days I would flush! I would spend $12 or more.
Also ph should be 5.5-5.7.
And a final note....you grow room looks dirty (floor). You must keep it clean like a surgeons room. You will get all kinds of nasties if you dont.
Good luck.


Active member
ok .... first of all your ec being .10 for just tap water is BAD. I had HUGE problems with my tapwater. My plants were going yellowish and sickly and I couldnt understand why..... I read read and read some more. Eventually I figured out it was the tap water so I started buying spring water. HUGE difference. That was the problem. The water was full of shit. Anyhow, I have ordered an RO (reverse osmosis) system. Expensive but it will pay itself off as I was paying $4 a day on spring water not to mention the days I would flush! I would spend $12 or more.
Also ph should be 5.5-5.7.
And a final note....you grow room looks dirty (floor). You must keep it clean like a surgeons room. You will get all kinds of nasties if you dont.
Good luck.

Thanks for the info, but I have rectified the seedling issue since I made that post. The issue was that I started those seeds in coco that I had used on the previous grow without flushing it first. Ppms were about 2500. I know start seedlings in seedling starter sole mixed with about 30% worm castings. I dont use coco till I transplant into the 1 gl buckets which are their final pots.


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Wickedpete goes scrog

Wickedpete goes scrog

In a never ending battle to try and increase the efficiency of my garden. I have decided to try scrog style. My last grow yielded about 1.5oz per plant once all was said an done. So my new goal is to try and aim for 2 oz's per plant.

What I have going here is some Serious Heavy Duty Fruity from seed. I ended up with 4 females and decided my best bet for a decent yield would be scrog style. The screen is about 37"x37" and each square is about 4". The screen sits about 16" above the pots. the plants were vegged for about 35 days till they were about 17". They have been in flower for about a week and were about 24" when I built the screen.I should be able to fill the screen since most of the indica's that I have grown usually top out at 4-5' once stretch is done.



Active member
Its been 3days since the last pics and as you can see the screen is filling in nicely. I had earlier stated that the seeds were serious seeds, but in fact this is TH Seeds Heavy Duty Fruity

lookin nice there Pete!
are you going to trim up that under growth?
IME they are felt in the dark during late flower and undesirable, energy that can be used for top cola growth. i trim anything not on the business side of the screen. helps airflow too.

like dis here


Active member
Ya I started trimming most of the leaves underneath the screen. Some of the shoots start underneath but end up on top of the screen. I was a bit late making the screen, but hopefully I still have enough growth to fill it out.


Active member
Some update pictures of my heavy duty fruity scrog. They are at day 26 of flower and the screen is pretty full. I probably could have done a better job of filling it out some more, but this run was from seed and by the time they were sexed the plants were about 20" in height so bending them under wasnt the easiest.

I also started a vertical grow in my other flower cab. I have 4 speed queen in there at a couple days of 12/12. I was pretty ispired by Super Conductor's vertical grow. I pretty much used his design except that I hung the "cage" from the ceiling. that way i could take it off when i need to adjust the height of the light. it also leaves a 2' space below which allows me to water the back plants.



Active member
I think i am going to scrap the vertical idea for the summer. I am having a hard time keeping the temps down. With the air cooled hood I was about 3* above ambient now without it the temps are about 10* above. The weather here for the next couple of weeks is going to be in the mid to upper 80's. Even with ac the room will be about 76* so that means the cab will be minimum 86-88* and without the hood i have no way of stopping the ac from being exhausted outside.

The scgrog cab has a 1000watts in it and temps are 5* above ambient. So i think i am going to order another 1000wt hps and use the hood and try vertical come Oct.


Active member
Scrogging has provided me with the best yield so far. This last grow of
th seeds heavy duty fruity yielded about 5lbs wet. which i figure will end up about 12oz's when dry. This is off of 6 plants.



Active member
my current grow. Plants were almost 3.5' when put into flower. I literally ran out of space. I had a fingerprint smudge on the lens when taken



wicked did you completely scrap the vert? how about trying a DIY cooltube. should work just as good as the air cooled hood :2cents: great job increasing your efficiency though and nice plants!!


Active member
wicked did you completely scrap the vert? how about trying a DIY cooltube. should work just as good as the air cooled hood :2cents: great job increasing your efficiency though and nice plants!!

I just put the vert aside for the summer. I will try again sometime in Oct when the cab is free again.