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Am I doing this right? E&F Rockwool Cubes and PBP

Rocky, What's up? Good looking grow. I amabout to embark on my first dro gro and I'm going a similar
Route as you. Ebb and flow, pbp grow and bloom, two of the larger home depot mixing tubs with a 25gal rez.
I am going with net pots and hydrotone. Either clones put directly in the rocks or grown in rockwool first which
will then be placed in the net pot surrounded by hydrotone.
One newb question / advice...if I go the rockwool in the net pot with the hydrotone...how high to I flood the table?
I'm assuming that I flood to just below where the cube is bc I don't want it to be wet all the time therefor causing rot?
Thanks for the help. Great grow. Good luck with the rest. I will be watching this closely


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Hiya Stalldaworld

As I remember, according to Gro-Dan's site - they want the block flooded to 2/3 or 3/4 of the height of the block. Something about avoiding salts buildup.

Something I have learned about rockwool - it changes the flow if the blocks are setting on something porus that can help the water to flow out. Basically. I'm pretty confident that it alters the flood and drain schedual a little.

I lost 12 plants last night.


Healthy males - but males..

Got 2 that are almost identical - REALLY short and squat little bushes that smell kinda nasty --- I may move those outside

I'll do another inspection shortly - but by my last count,, 24 girlz.

That leaves a little room to start something continual.

Edit - Res change 7/28 still with veg nutes - added Liquid Karma and Botanicare Meta grow to Grow and cal-mag - TDS went thru the roof - from .7 up to 1.8 - plants seem to be loving it


Similar setup

Similar setup

I'm running something very similar, 30 gdp in 6inch cubes, and I do have the bottom of the tray all covered with hydroton.. I just put these in on the 2nd, and they're taking fine. I use Lucas formula and use LK and Sweet, and molasses in flower. I use a larger 35gal res(just a cheap wallyworld container)which I've never had problems in all my time with cracks or leaks, etc.. they're $8.. anyway, I use this larger res with about 30gals of water in it because I've found a good nute ratio and keeping the ph nice and stable around 5.8. I'm going to add some hydroguard when I find the energy to go over to the hydro store, I hear it's supposed to be nice. I've always either used beds of hydroton or netpots with hydroton in them surrounding my rr's or small rw cubes for cuts.. I've had algae problems in the past with rw but it was because of the water/light ratio, etc, creating it. Theres no standing water on top of anything now, so far, so good. I am going to veg these for an estimated 2 or 3 weeks until I get a nice rootmass on the bottom of these 6inch cubes, then I'll put these into larger netpots with rock and will run that route.. this is temporary for me while these cuts are of this smaller size. I have them in this one black 4' x 4' tray you can see in the pictures, but they'll all go into a 4' x 8' botanicare tray that is on standby. I'm using 2 stackers so my flood level is going up about 1/3 - 1/2 way up the cube. I have an odd shaped room, I do have a 6ft light mover up that is holding one of my 600s, and the other is just suspended on the farther end, when I have the 4x8 in and they're vegged to my liking I'll start the light mover covering 6ft of the tray and I'll have my stationary 600 on the farther end. I'm curious to see what difference there is, if it's really noticable or not. I've read mixed things and I really want to see side by side for myself, I figured this would be a good way to do it. I have 2 600w digi lumateks and I use hortilux bulbs. I have the room sealed and use a large portable a/c unit and dehumidifier. My temps are around 68 at night to 79 during the day, my RH stays around 35. I am just in love with this cut of gdp and this is all personal mmj stash.


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more of the pics

more of the pics

In the last photo, I'm showing a lower fan on the right side, and the new veg growth since last night, you can see the difference in greens, it's gettin that N for sure! I got these GDPs and they were so light with mixed yellowish color...gotta love LK and good ole N, hehe.


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Forgot to mention, I flood 15 mins solid every hour, in flower I flood once during the night cycle. I've always flooded on this schedule and get fantastic results. I've been watching the cubes, and I think with my controlled humidity, it is fine, I may cut it down to 15 minutes flood every 2 hours, this is still experimental for me using these cubes... but as of right now it seems as if everything drys fast enough between flooding, when I pickup a cube off of the tray, I'm not getting any water running off, so I'm *assuming* this is good, I was thinking water run off from the cube would be too much, any input? Thanks!


Hi Guys,
Hey Rocky, I wanted to ask you what you expect from the liquid karma. Is that a growth accelerator or what? Bunch of plant hormones but is it supposed to increase growth rate? I haven't used any additives. I've read alot by Lucas and he was opposed to their use, so I've sort-of followed his lead. But occasionally I wonder what I'm missing.

ICU, nice looking rockwool grow you have going. Grandaddy Purple? Heard good things. Is that a clone only elite? ...or were seeds available? I don't recall ever seeing and seeds for sale. Oh, and what brand light mover is that? I'm using a 3.5 Gualala. A think they're worth it. More pros then cons.

I have some yellowish plants that I'm doing a foliar thing on. I got a free sample of Penetrator. These plants are finicky and burn easily so I thought it a good opportunity to try the Penetrator.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Hiya icu- Nice job indeed!

We B growin!

Hey EvilT - I'm supplementing with Liquid Karma and Pureblend Original for veg and initial flower. Planing on changing over to flower nutes tonight. The plan there is drop Original and veg, start flower and Kool Bloom - keep Cal-Mag and prolly LK also.

Oh and hygrozime.

Main goal is just keep them healthy and make sure the new room is set up.
And refill the stash box - it's been dry fer awhile too long.

My friend has a much less intense light arrangement and I'm pretty sure I can utilize a little more balanced feeding reg.

LK and Original formula have a fair number of things that - in my mind - can't hurt - can't recall now, and it's night time in the garden anyway.

I started out with PBP because 3 bottles were all it takes -- but jus a lil mo can't hurt,,, right?

The Hydrozime was purchased to help recover my soil moms - it worked.
The Botanicare Original was a hydro store freebie - while it has worn castings and other goodies - it tended to have deficiencies when used without PBP veg formula. - I dunno - that's what I read here.

Anyway --

I'm amazed at the growth and health of the garden.

I'm hoping stretch is over because I can't raise the light any higher.

What I thought were Strawberry D spawn appear to be a few AK-47's a bunch of B-52 and a couple Diesel summtin's

Glad I have the Chem-DxBubba's in veg,
And LSD!
And Strawberry Diesel

Got to go make the buds.

I'll be back!


Yea I referred to Lucas formula for the whole 1 to 2 ratio of the micro and bloom from GH, I use some of the botanicare additives. Ya ya ya it's gh nutes.. too chemmy... but I get a great flavor and such high grade result using it...it also gets a nice long flush also... I've always used RO water, I gave up when I moved to my new place, checked my tap water and it's reading 98, the RO was about 70ish.... so really, no significant difference, I was coming from 1100 ppm tap water before, what a switch... I used all botanicare nutes on my last run of mixed strains, 2 phenos of og, nycd, dj short blueberry, and lemon kush... yes the end result was great, but honestly, my same phenos of og that I ran before with GH nutes and few additives at those times were similiar, if not better! I just started using molasses also in the past run, I think I'll stick to that as well.. I think botanicares sweet is alright, dont think its really necessary on most phenos that I like to run. i've seen, what people say are, granddaddy purp seeds, but I can't say whether or not they're the real deal... I always get these as clone only, and most good purp phenos from around here are always and have been clone only. The light mover is from hydrofarm, its just a 1speed, simple chain and gear design, I just have the chain unhooked from the pin on the hanger that attaches to the ballast right now so i could move it around as stationary in the meantime. It only takes about 10 seconds to hook it back on, hehe. Those things are like 100 bucks at most hydro stores or online, it's the 6ft mover that takes 20 minutes to go from one end to the other.. it gets the job done.. it's prolly worth it just to spend the extra buck and get the one that has the speed settings on it, that's one thing I'm wanting to see for myself.. I'm already thinking I may just want stationary lights, but if I can keep the wattage down, and still have great nug, man so be it. lol


Ya man and rockymountain, your girls are lookin great in the last pics, any new ones? :) I would love to see how all your strains are turning out! Any more info on how the rockwool cubes are holdin up? :)


Hi Guys,
Rocky, sounds like you have a good program going. Nothing wrong with using such stuff as cal-mag as preventative. I use to grow WW which is notorious for Mg deficiency and I started using mag-sulphate as a preventative. Once you have a full-blown deficiency, it's more of a hassle playing catch-up.

I had a grow buddy who was totally sold on every snake oil that AN put out and was always fighting res ph problems. I kept telling him he needed to simplify, but he felt he needed all that expensive stuff. Finally he just quit growing out of frustration.

ICU, 1100 tap water?! Holy shit. I thought mine was high at 350. RO is the only way to go in such a situation.

I use mostly non-organic nutes and have never had a taste issue. My thinking is that even with a totally organic program, the plant still selects out N, P, K, and whatever trace elements it needs. Same as a chem nutrient.

My Gualala is only a 1 speed unit. They sell two different motors which run at different speeds but at least in the 3.5 line...it's not switchable. I believe there's an efficiency factor to using movers. It may not be the 1.6 that Gualala claims, but you can sure keep the light closer and you get better light penetration. I'm remodeling my room and building a multi-pot E&F. My mover will be carrying a 600hps and a 400mh plus a stationary 600 to cover about 40 square feet. That's as high as I'd like my light bill to go!
Later Dudes...


sounds cool ;) yeah the old place that had 1100 ppm tap water was in "hell"LA, lol.. n cal tap water is incredible...


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Hello all!

I spent a few fun hours changing nutes last night - all the girls are on the flower formula. And at lights out - all is well.

23 different plants and about 8 different strains - everybody is on their own schedule and noooobody wants be the same - - but - they all look pretty impressive - healthy and happy.

Different sizes - different bud structures - different aromas - should be a smiley holiday season!

I can see figuring out the flush will be a challenge. That's one place where trays of clones will be so much beta.

I've had some issues over in the soil plants - soil and veg area under the 400 had serious issues. Things are looking better with a fresh bulb change and using PBP nute package.

Pix to follow - nuttin special just happy girlz - goin wild. hehehe

The Chem DXBubba seedlings in veg are putting out roots at a phenomenal rate.
For all the crap to grab a pack of seeds - I am hoping those babies better be worth the effort.

I'm behind with the chores now

behind in chores and the girlz are happy, I can live with that!

Hope ya-all have at least as good a day!
Cloning does make it all a lot simpler. Hydro systems generally run best with 1 strain per system. It also makes your yeilds better, since everyone is about the same size/height. Easier to get a nice full even canopy- one of the keys to hiegher yeilds.

Way to go!


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Hiya Citizen024 - indeed,

BUT when one has a new untested grow room and some oddball seeds, that I know will yeild good quiality bud - and it's the middle of summer here, so I see what the thermometer says - I need to see what the plants say.

On the bright side - - I'm hard pressed to pick the worst one.

Speaking of which - they sent a message and pictures.

Hi dad! the new spa is wunderful!


the girlz








They look nice :D Looks like a nice variety, you should try some molasses and really beef em up, 3rd, 5th, and 6th weeks, 5ml per gal, you can get unsulphured blackstrap molasses at most grocery stores even, its cheap and highly effective :D


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Variety - That's what I said! lol -- Careful what ya wish for! lol

As near as I can tell so far - I have a few B-52, some Diesel, ak-47, Hashplant and something - prolly skunk or POG - and a couple that I can't place.

I'm planing on chopping about middle to end of October some may be ready sooner - Getting the early ones flushed is bothering me right now. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Got some Molasses! Thanks for reminding me I need to thin some down.

Like it a lot better than Sweet.

PLUS it's about $100.00 cheaper than Sweet.

I'm working on getting the gene pool established - got some Apophis, Treisel and Yummy Bud from Anna C.
Kripps's ChemDXBubba, Rez's Strawberry D and Alpha D and as soon as that mess gets sorted - I should be pleasantly stoned.

Then G13xHashplant and C99,Diesels from Head DOUBLE YUM

Room took a chunk of change and about 9 months to get set, From re-wiring, bringing in 220 and mounting the AC.

And almost every day - I find something that could be improved

I'm kinda hog tied a little, flower room is kinda full. I fill in the access area with veg plants - they like the HPS and air movement -and all the girls get to socialize - but I suspect there are some hermis in there -- I found a seed in one of the pre-flowers on the stem. - it was fat and healthy. (the seed, the stem and the plant! lol)

I ******* hate hermis.

So I wana keep the better plants separate.
That's OK - I don't think I'll be able to put much of a dent on the first harvest, by the time the second is ready.

One day at a time!

I'm going to try to get some pixs of the tank and tray set-up


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
++Very nice job very nice. As far as running multiple strains I say as long as your giving them all good food thats balanced +let them EAT. lol I run multiple ALWAYS in my buckets and have found that the only real problem is lowering the ppm on some that might want more but did so to keep all them happy+ thats all. The PBP regime with Karma Cal Mag and Hydroplex somehow some way balances itself out in the long run.

As far as height bend that bitch over tie her down and as said let her eat she'll be ok some girls like it rough. I've had a 4 foot ecsd plant in one bucket and a WW that was 6 foot right next to it BUT at the top all were the same height and if you dought that my gallery has shots, I got bit by a Chem Dawg and am to hazy to find it myself right now.

Now one thing I will say is NEVER EVER feed you potted soil plants with the water from your rez that your feeding buckets with. Make a seperate batch for the pots and all will be well.

My Penny


I love supercropping ;) although some respond to it better than others for sure, scrog is also a great route..


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Hello Mr Wags! I'm liking the feeding regiment - a couple with weird leaves - but the vast majority are quite happy. I'm sure there is room for improvement and I will be doing more homework, but for the first run - If I'd known it was this easy - I'd have done it years ago!!! LOL

I pump all the old nutes out to the lawn. Soil plants get the same fresh mix I use for top watering the new blocks.

I bought a case of hugo cubes. I have lots of pratice ahead! LOL

Hiya icu!

I pinched. twisted and bent tops for about 3 weeks - being mean only made them mean and mad! LOL I gave up at the end - I needed to keep them out of the lights - and like I said - everything is new this run,, - hoods ballasts and bulbs - Ive used the mover before - but I don't know how close the plants can be with the new hoods - we started out at 30 inches - - with a little adjustment time - 12 isn't an issue anymore.

I've been overly cautious during this grow - Observe - take notes and double check EVERYTHING.

I made it a little harder than it needed to be, but school usualy is too, right?

While next time holds great promise - this time is shakin out quite nicely.

I'm starting to weed thru some better genes and get my ducks in a row now.
I seem to have some extra spare time.

It's so hard watching the children grow up - - as I sit here with my new glass pipe.

Shine on all!


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Greeting readers - quick update

I am 3-1/2 weeks into 12/12 - my room looks like an advertisement for Hiigh Times - Plants are all thick - healthy and mostly happy with the current diet. I have one that is yellowing more and quicker than the rest - out of 21 girlz.

I NEED to thin some lower branching out over the next few days - both for airflow and elimanate some of the lower production sites.

I originally planned to put a screen on each tray - - the screens didn't get done. The stems are HUGE and don't look like the will need help supporting the tops - I dunno - if they go nutz fattening,,,,,, - We shall see. That's a problem that I'd enjoy.

This is making me look really good - I wish I would have tried it sooner.

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