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Any Vermont med mmj users?


A friend who does not use IC asked me to post for him asking if anybody has a doctor rec. that lives in VT? We live in the southern part of the state where it isn't as liberal as say...Burlington. He has chron's disease and also has several slipped disc's in his back. He is currently on a number of medications that turn him to a zombie which really hinders him at school (he is a political science major)

He talked to his Dr. about using marijuana to ease the pain is his back and the discomfort that goes along with chron's, and his Dr. said that if he was practicing in Burlington, he would recommend mmj for him in a heartbeat, but being the area we're in he's afraid of having his license taken. So getting to the point he wanted to know if any VT IC'ers have mmj rec's? especially outside of Burlington where it's very liberal...


One thing you may want to consider.... Vermonts medical law allows any of its bordering states physicians to sign off on the medical thing. In addition to that, they dont even have to recommend MJ, but simply sign the paper saying you have a debiliating medical condition, and you've tried conventional things for it.

Even with that said, my Nazi doctor won't sign it.

Good luck