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Friend Was Being Watched, Busted Leaving My House, What To Do?


New member
I am posting this story for a friend who is seeking some advice, long story short, a friend from the other side of town was apparently being watched. He comes to his house or whatever, and as he leaves he gets pulled over and searched about a half a block away. They find a QP and $10,000 in cash on him. Every since that has happened, He has noticed that there is someone now watching him. He doesn't have any traffic to his house, it just happens that the wrong friend came to visit at the wrong time. Should my friend be worried about a warrant issued if he doesn't make any moves and is pretty much one to stay at home? Should he "clean" up his house?

Thanks in advance, if you have any questions to give better advice, just post it and I will answer.
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I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
you kinda screwed up the title says your house the story says a friends house... hmmm well of course they are now watchin you they think yer the supplier from the "story" to many peeps gettin busted i know the economy is rough but slangin the puffages its bound to happen... good luck and quit sellin, talkin on the land line, cell aka two way radio.. they are goin to keep their eye on you for awhile now... its like tag and they want you to be it.. I watch TV... hehe.. Good Luck again.. peace.

you can never be TO SAFE <if he got caught a qp and 10 grand on him then hell yea I would CLEAN HOUSE for sure !!Just keep a little bit around not much enough that can be flushed or garbage disposaled real quick like!!And for sure slow his roll.


New member
Appreciate the prompt responses. Is his friend getting arrested enough for them to obtain a warrant for my friends crib? My friend does not sell though, only personal use.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Possibly, not likely. Depends a LOT on the judge and where you live. If they had enough for a search warrant you wouldn't be asking about it most likely.


Non Conformist
Appreciate the prompt responses. Is his friend getting arrested enough for them to obtain a warrant for my friends crib? My friend does not sell though, only personal use.

I wouldn't think so, unless he said he got it from that guy. But if he was wise he would tighten up anyway. Good luck to whom ever..... BC
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Appreciate the prompt responses. Is his friend getting arrested enough for them to obtain a warrant for my friends crib? My friend does not sell though, only personal use.

depends on who says what.

good luck


Hard to not assume there isn't more to the story, but I'll take it at face value. Even though he didn't get it from you you're still relying on him standing tall on your grow if he knows about it. Personally I'd definitely tear down especially given that you're under surveillance. Once they are looking at your house specifically there could be any number of clues that no one would ever notice normally which would combine to give them enough for a warrant or they could simply fabricate them. That said I'd consider very very carefully how to dispose of the plants, it seems quite possible in your situation that how you get the trash out could end up being the way they bust you.
Yo if you think they are not watchin heavy and lookin for a reason to come in then your bein foolish. If they are watchin you what more info do you really need? Clean house and live to grow another day. Police have many chances to make mistakes we only get one. What the fuck is your friend carryin 10Gz for anyway. I'd be more sick from them gettin my money than the qp charge! You should go with your instincts, people get busted when they ignore them. You already feel somethin aint right so that should be enough. And to me this is a legitimate case of paranoia. Wipe it down baby wipe it down.

Owl Mirror

Active member
What is missing in this story is if this is a legal medicinal grow covered under the local laws or if it's otherwise. Something tells me that $10,000 in cash has more to do with this story than mere pocket change. Only you know the true nature of the particulars.
What did happen to the QP & $10,000 in cash? Was your friend allowed to go on his way with his QP & cash ?
If so and, you are not a legal grower, I would begin by not allowing this friend around you in any manner as that sparks a big suspicion in my mind.


Move now. Get the heck out of dodge, break down, break your lease and move. Unless you like jail...personally I'm allergic.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
He's gonna get his door kicked in for sure, the money is what they're interested in ..$10k is the magic figure that all the anti racketeering/money laundering applies to ...

His phone will be tapped, legal or not.... have you phoned him?

For fucks sake don't text


Active member
The fact that they pulled him over leaving your house is big trouble IMO. Why did they pick that moment to bust him? They thought that he conducted business with you, they thought he was either buying or selling weed and he probably was.

That tells me that you're already a suspect. To continue any commercial activity seems foolish, maybe if I had a hobby grow of a few plants I'd risk it but something tells me you're doing a little more than that. I would consider his bust as a lucky tip-off and I'd cut everything down & clean up within 24 hours.


New member
The fact that they pulled him over leaving your house is big trouble IMO. Why did they pick that moment to bust him? They thought that he conducted business with you, they thought he was either buying or selling weed and he probably was.

That tells me that you're already a suspect. To continue any commercial activity seems foolish, maybe if I had a hobby grow of a few plants I'd risk it but something tells me you're doing a little more than that. I would consider his bust as a lucky tip-off and I'd cut everything down & clean up within 24 hours.

Basically what I he may do. My friend had no control on what his associate had in his car or whatever. Just look at it my friend being the hobbyist and his associate being the original person under the suspicion. I guess the associate was making rounds or what not.

You guys are real helpful though, I'm appreciating all feedback.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
What kind of question is that? Someone busted comming out of my house, now im being watch. Should I "clean" the house.
Really, greed destroys all. You know what your friend should do.


New member
@Muleskinner, also first grow, and wrong friend came to the wrong area at the wrong time. If I find out anymore details that may give a better explanation then I'll post them.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Appreciate the prompt responses. Is his friend getting arrested enough for them to obtain a warrant for my friends crib? My friend does not sell though, only personal use
Are you kidding me? That's exactly how they get warrants...all they have to do is convince the judge with the evidence, easy, but they will probably check your utilities first like light bill etc, then move in for the kill.

HEll YES I would remove my Cannabis plants for a good 6 months... Plant tomatoes and make them look like idiots once they break in LMAO!
Seriously, I would not gamble with shady cops..I've seen warrants and all they do is convince the judge with evidence/snitch and light bills..

Owl Mirror

Active member
@Muleskinner, also first grow, and wrong friend came to the wrong area at the wrong time. If I find out anymore details that may give a better explanation then I'll post them.

While this is a public forum and I wouldn't blame you for leaving out information. I believe you are not telling the whole story. Police don't say, oh the passenger is a drug dealer and they just happened to visit someone who is growing marijuana, left with a QP of marijuana and had $10,000 in pocket cash. We can leave the guy in the house growing alone.

This shouldn't even be a question. Honestly, your story sounds like a battered wife, claiming he's really a nice guy once you get to know him and when he's not punching me in the face.

Do what you wish, Bubba always is looking for a fresh hole to pluck !


To Have More ... Desire Less
EVERYONE of U katz iz going down..........too many loss endz.....BADSCENE.....
everyone should bail..............or get a good retainer put down on a MJ friendly attorny.......U guyz are gunna need it...............
too many loose .......endz...................:noway: