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rippers are wayy worse than the Cops, and who's to say that some of those said RIPPERS!! are in fact actual Cops that have spotted your crop from a chopper, then when he got off on a day or two and made a bee-line to your patch with some of his civilian friends, and ripped your patch!!! huh???....We never know do we??? Holla
rippers are wayy worse than the Cops, and who's to say that some of those said RIPPERS!! are in fact actual Cops that have spotted your crop from a chopper, then when he got off on a day or two and made a bee-line to your patch with some of his civilian friends, and ripped your patch!!! huh???....We never know do we??? Holla

sorry playboy id rather get ripped off than spend time behind bars with 1/3 of the african american population


These signs are clearly posted on my property, and I have motion detectors, video surveilance, 12ga shot guns, and German Shepard guard dogs.

Just too many people in my general area to trust all my hard work to a ripper!!!

Laidback farmer for sure ....:smile:


"sorry playboy id rather get ripped off than spend time behind bars with 1/3 of the african american population"
Racist asshole! Not cool.


Active member
I came home when some rippers were trying to up root my plants. Stupid idiots didn't even get one plant, and when I pulled up in my truck I saw them jumping back over the fence running away. I chased one and caught up to him. I tripped his feet while he was running and he fell straight on his face. He hit his chin and was all messed up, bleeding all over his shirt. I got on top of the ripper and faked like I was going to punch him, but when I saw how bad he had already hurt his chin I held back. I told him I know who he is and if him or his friends came back that I wouldn't hesitate to grab my shot gun. I asked him if any of my plants were missing and he said no, so I let him go. When I went back into my back yard one of my plants was turned on it's side and looked like they tried to rip its roots from the pot. So that one plant had an early harvest, but nothing else was lost. Now if I could only intimidate caterpillars the same way. They eat 1/3 of my crops every year, little bastards.


Active member
Jiu Jitsu: I'm not calling you a racist or even your comments intentionally racist. but it definitely carries racist connotations. At the very least, it was racially insensitive. If that wasn't your intention, I respect your clarification.

When I first read it, I was like 'ew... what's up with that?' But I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt. Who hasn't said something before that didn't mean exactly what you wanted to say and instead was offensive. I haven't done it in a racial sense, but I do it in other ways all the time.


I think this is an important example of racism that shouldn't be tolerated on this site or anywhere else that is public.

Every person deserves to be treated as an individual. Saying you don't want to spend time with people who descended from Africa is racist because you are treating an entire population as a whole instead of each person as a individual. There is no other way to interpret your statement "sorry playboy id rather get ripped off than spend time behind bars with 1/3 of the african american population".
Saying you aren't a racist doesn't mean that you can say things bad things about people and just get away with it. It makes you a racist who doesn't even consciously realize they are racist. You are a racist Jiu Jitsu deal with it!
Saying "More african americans are in jail than in college" is another example of you making a negative statement about a group of people instead of judging each person as an individual. Every person has a story.
I went to college and I'm not in jail. But, if I would have grown up in different circumstances who knows?

Amstel Light

I think this is an important example of racism that shouldn't be tolerated on this site or anywhere else that is public.

Every person deserves to be treated as an individual. Saying you don't want to spend time with people who descended from Africa is racist because you are treating an entire population as a whole instead of each person as a individual. There is no other way to interpret your statement "sorry playboy id rather get ripped off than spend time behind bars with 1/3 of the african american population".
Saying you aren't a racist doesn't mean that you can say things bad things about people and just get away with it. It makes you a racist who doesn't even consciously realize they are racist. You are a racist Jiu Jitsu deal with it!
Saying "More african americans are in jail than in college" is another example of you making a negative statement about a group of people instead of judging each person as an individual. Every person has a story.
I went to college and I'm not in jail. But, if I would have grown up in different circumstances who knows?

NOT DEFENDING WHAT HE SAID ....BUT ARE YOU NOT GUILTY OF WHAT YOU DESCRIBED ABOVE By calling him a racist? i thought a racist was one that beleived thier race was better than any other race? how do you know he is not afican american? where i grew up black friends i had would not step foot in certain parts of east new orleans.....if you know the region you know what im talking about.Does that make them racist?


Active member
oh please. not even close, amstel. nothing even resembling logic went into that question. sorry. i call bullshit. not that i agree that somebody is a racist for saying something... ill-considered.

Amstel Light

What? he is pre judging playa with out even knowing what race he is? Yhats my point makes him a bigot as well right?


Active member
there is such thing as a "safe assumption", but ok... that's some kind of logic. my bad.

i'm opting out of this. its going no place good.

Amstel Light

assuming he's white right...? so the generalization of a "racist" is all whites are rasist. he could be of asian decent? arab? latino? WTF?


Active member
Racists posts are not acceptable here on icmag.

I've noticed this has become a "hot button" issue on Internet forums lately (even b4 the Gates arrest).

I've also noticed a lot of racists finding their way here and making their racism all too obvious. And I see many more ppl confronting this racism head-on.

It's far better as Randude said to stick together and focus on what we have in common if we are to change attitudes towards marijuana.

It's highlighting our superficial differences that gets us nowhere, creating divisions between people who otherwise have a lot to share with each other. That is a typical COINTELPRO tactic, to infiltrate and divide groups seeking to change the status quo.

Those who call a racist a racist are doing everyone a service. Everyone pays a price when they encourage or ignore racism in our midst. But let's not belabor the point, ok? He's apologized, so now it's time to move on, as Obama would say.


:noway:Well Guys I started the post for the sole purpose of WANRING RIPPERS :moon:on the What waits for them "In the fields":yoinks: When their RIPPIN ASSES are RUNNIN FOR THEIR LIVES :laughing:Not to hash out RACE Why & Why not... :dueling:Its too heavy LETS UNITE AT LEAST ON 1 THING...FIGHT THE POWER....:yeahthats lets focus on the SHITHEADS:mad: that are waiting for YOUR GIRLS to get BIG Before they come and RIP..THE SHIT OUT OF THEM...:wallbash: "WE" ARE NOT THE ENEMY.... LOVE,PEACE & SOUL...:abduct: P.S. I DON"T CARE IF YOUR A WOOKIE...I"LL SMOKE WITH YA!!!!!


Active member
could you vomit a couple of more emoticons into your next post, slider? i don't think there were enough in that last one to give me a seizure from looking at it. ;)