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Stupid #####!!!!


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
its not even about training a girl or guy. Its about focking compromising bottom line.. It works for me and my wife.. she does the dishes i do the laundry wats so focking hard about that.. If the thread started would not have been so focking lazy maybe all this wouldnt have happened.. I see it day after day here @ IC in chat dudes will be like oh fuck wife/gurl is home i gotta go poof they are gone.. Why? cos they have sat around all day doing nothing and now shit is about to hit the fan.. lmao.. JUST DO YOUR JOB or part of what was agreed. my two rusty coins.. peace..



Pleasantly dissociated
it comes down to if ya can handle putting up with your mates bad habbits, find out what those are first, if ya can do that, the rest is all down hill,


Active member
I do my fucking dishes and you do your fucking dishes and you don't go and dirty more dishes you wash your fucking dirty dishes before you go taking more dishes out of the fucking dishrack, and you do your own fucking laundry and I do my own fucking laundry. Seriously guys this shit aint complicated, if you don't wash your dishes you deserve to have your balls cut off.

:laughing::yeahthats some of you people are so lazy...


oh ffs...you and cancerpatient1 should write a freakin book about what women not to hook up with! talk about parallel lives.

i can't relate to the drama, i guess...thank god....i have a faaaakin dishwasher...maybe you should too.


The Hopeful Protagonist
I'm wondering where some you folks MEET these crazy broads......:1help:

An occasional, bad-luck meeting perhaps....but if your developing "strategy" for the next one ???!!??!!??

You might want to have a look inside and ask yourself why you're seeking out those types....:joint:


The Hopeful Protagonist
Igro, I was married 23 years, got the mid life crazies and went out looking for unlimited sex. I found it.

Yeah, that I can relate to....I meant some of these younger folks who seem to have the same story to tell, only the names change...nah meen ?

It would seem there is some connection between what you think you want, and what you actually get.


Are there ever any break ups that end with a..."It was nice hangin' with ya for a while, but I gotta move along now" with a hand shake and a smile he puts his boots on and with a tip of his hat he is gone. Wouldn't that be nice?!
haha nice posts every1 and 2 lilwayne fuck u i ain't no bitch homie!!!! thats y the stupid beezy is constantly at my door sayin she 4got sumthin beggin me 2 let her stay. n i ain't lazy either i work 6 days a week 10-12 hours a day loading trucks wit veggies in a freezing cold ice box n come home 2 shitty cooking thats y this fight started cuz she cooked i hated it she made a mess tryin 2 cook told me 2 wash the dishes i was like fuck that so they stayed there 4 a few days i got tired of seein em there so when i got home i was gonna wash em but after checkin on my plants n found out she trashed my stuff i took the bleach 2 her clothes then got rid of all the evidence and the whole time she was hittin me n scratching me i wanted 2 jus smack her 1 good time but it would of been over 4 me. so i jus kept cool n disposed of the evidence cuz i hav done time 9 months and im not goin back. the cops came over again and asked 2 search but i said u got a warrant n they was like no so i said get 1. damn this bitch fucked me hard but at least im not in jail n she has no clothes hahahahaha lmfao.learned a major lesson but i did hav 2 give her some money 2 shut the fuck up 800 bucks 4 her shitty wal mart clothes an expensive mistake not 2 mention the 1500 4 my growroom and the little over a qp she fucked up. ima dumbass hahaha


Active member
learned a major lesson but i did hav 2 give her some money 2 shut the fuck up 800 bucks 4 her shitty wal mart clothes an expensive mistake not 2 mention the 1500 4 my growroom and the little over a qp she fucked up. ima dumbass hahaha

What??? Bro you went ahead and gave her $800 after all this? WTF?
Did she give you money for your stuff she trashed?
Why would you give her money?
It's not like she can knark off your grow, she trashed it remember?
Until you learn to handle your shit, people will walk all over you and take advantage of you time and time again.
I can't believe you gave her money after that.


Why don't all you poor abused men start your own "He-Man Woman Haters Club." You already have your own woman bashing club. Try to meet women in a good place,not at 2:30am outside the bar.Some people are just plain BAD.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Why don't all you poor abused men start your own "He-Man Woman Haters Club." You already have your own woman bashing club. Try to meet women in a good place,not at 2:30am outside the bar.Some people are just plain BAD.

Sing it with me Mary.....

"Lookin' fer love in all the wrong places...."


A couple more of my country favorites...

"Thank God and Greyhound she's gone"

"I gave her a ring....and she gave me the finger"



I think my jaw hit the floor, He paid for her clothes? After she wrecked a light and a q? I'd be in jail....oh how I'd be in jail....

cravin morehead

Active member
seriously guys... did you know that in la and orange counties last year, there were over 500,000 cases of battered women. and to think, i've been eating them plain this whole time!!! J/K!!! its just a joke to maybe ease some tensions here. or maybe it'll make you madder, oh well.

really though, at a point in my life, while still living at home with mom and bro and sister. my mom married some huge jackass. while me and my bro were out partying there was a prblem at home. we got home and found out this husband had shoved my mom into a wall while hitting my sister. needless to say, he ended up in the hospital for a week. all his shit was in the local landfill and we called his boss at work to let him know what kind of person he was employing. he was let go the day he returned to work...
he f'ed with the wrong people... we are a martial arts family, and he never tried to press charges or anything... the cops that showed up were high fiving us.(about the only good exp. with leo i've ever had) just thought id add this story to the discussion.


Moldy Dreads

Active member
i do the laundry

Oh dude, she got you by the balls!

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