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what animal leaves these tracks?

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Paz Verde those pug marks look like big cat tracks.

Insure yourself with Smith and Wesson, just in case it is a chupacabra.

Bag one of those mysterious and deadly critters, and you will rake in some serious money for the specimen you bring home.
I can gurantee you these tracks are from some species of canine. If you don't have wolves or coyotes where your at. It's a large dog either wild or domestic.


New member
well depending on what part of the country your in, if north america, that looked like Canine, but heres the thing it looked too small to be a wolf, wolf prints are massive, like a bigger then a rottys prints, 2# it could be a coyote, looked like it to me with the webbing between the claws, Either way as long as you dont see it during that day your all right, and with that said, your plants should be too, a deer wont go there now, and most other small mammels wont either. if you see it during the day, its Rabbid, grad a bat or large stick and hold on for the ride of your life, cuz a rabbid k9 will attact humans and will try to win and eat you, rabbies swells the brain and causes the animal to want to bite at everything.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
well depending on what part of the country your in, if north america, that looked like Canine, but heres the thing it looked too small to be a wolf, wolf prints are massive, like a bigger then a rottys prints, 2# it could be a coyote, looked like it to me with the webbing between the claws, Either way as long as you dont see it during that day your all right, and with that said, your plants should be too, a deer wont go there now, and most other small mammels wont either. if you see it during the day, its Rabbid, grad a bat or large stick and hold on for the ride of your life, cuz a rabbid k9 will attact humans and will try to win and eat you, rabbies swells the brain and causes the animal to want to bite at everything.

hello all, thank you for the responses.

ok, it cannot be a coyote, because this is in the tropical andes.

in the area i was at, it is a national park, 2200 meters above sea level (approx. 6600 feet), some of the stuff that lives there are the following species:

Tremarctos ornatus (bear)

Odocoileus virginianus (deer)

Agouti paca (rodent)

Felis concolor (puma)

Panthera onca (panther/small tiger)


i hope they do not hunt humans

Speaking of which, has anybody heard from PazVR over the last few days .... ?


Active member
looks like a wolf possibly a mid sized cougar, hard to really tell how big the prints are with no size comparison, but thats what it looks like to me atleast

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