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CA plant numbers confusion


Looking to keep this legit as far as plant numbers. I am planning two scrog screens each under a 600 watter. I am confused with the 6 mature OR 12 immature and have a few questions.

- Do mothers count as mature or immature? It has been 7+ years since I have grown, but I am assuming it is still not a good idea to take a clone of clone (ie clone while in veg, then next round clone the clone, again and again)? I plan on running two strains, so I would need two mothers.

- Are plans in veg considered mature or immature? I want to run 2 plants per screen. So I would have 4 plants in flower at a time. The screens will run 4 weeks apart and I will veg 2 plants on one screen in a separate room. The veg room will run in 4 week cycles.

- clones = immature plants once they root correct? (I know this one is so-so as in many LEO and DA's will count any clones as a plant).

If veg plants and mothers are immature, that would give me 4 mature plants, 8 immature (2 moms, 2 veg, and at least 4 cuttings). This does not sound like it would be legit. If I do not count the cuttings it gives me 4 and 4 would this be better? I could also most likely clone at a friends house who also has his 215.

Is there some kind of ratio of mature to immature you can have. If I do not run the full six mature plants, can i have some number of immature (ie. 4 mature and 4 immature)?

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
Once you have any plants under 12/12 theyre pretty much considered "mature". Showing any signs of flowering and you ARE mature. Once you have mature plants going, you are limited to 6 unless your specific county / city allows for more.



Once you have any plants under 12/12 theyre pretty much considered "mature". Showing any signs of flowering and you ARE mature. Once you have mature plants going, you are limited to 6 unless your specific county / city allows for more.


Good info. So if you have 2 flowering plants, they would consider all your other plants (mothers and veg) mature also?


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Did your doc only give you a 6 plant count?

I would assume the flowering are mature BUT I still would only do

6 veg
6 flower

if that is all your plant count allows for just in case.


No my doc did not give me a plant count. My county follows the 6 mature or 12 immature.

I am trying not to assume too much.

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
the whole "or" thing sucks donkey. and yes..if 2 are in flower....you're limited to 6 total
If you had another patient living with you you could have a "nursery" with 12 ladies / moms & a bloom space with your 6 flowering. When you're limited to 6 plants total, it gets real hard to keep mothers...much less take clones from them. If you are really trying to keep numbers down and still want to keep moms, i suggest you look into a cloning method called air-layering. Clones are made from portions of mother while they are still attached. This way you can get a baby rooted without upping your plant count. Downside to air-layering is that is tedious / time consuming.


Is there some resource for finding specific county guidelines? I'm particularly interested in Monterey(sp?) county if anyone knows their numbers.


I cough up honey oil
where i'm at its 12 plants total! either 6 flowering and 6 veg (including mothers) OR 12 veg (including mothers). Never more than 12. Thats how I understand it anyway. I've heard of 420 exemptions....but me no have one! peace

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
State guide lines are 6 OR 12...if you are under more lenient numbers it's because your city or county has declared it so


Quick google yielded this right here.

Guidelines adopted by Cities

City of Arcata
Ordinance: ID card system maintained by Chief of Police. 10 plants + 2 # dried.

City of Berkeley
Ordinance: up to 10 plants and 2.5 lbs per patient; collectives up to 50 plants and 12.5 lbs total at any given time.

Caregiver amounts calculated on the above numbers per patient served.

City of Oakland
Ordinance: Up to 72 plants with up to 32 square feet of canopy and 2.5 # dried. Caregiver amounts calculated on the above numbers per patient served.

Effective June 1, 2004: Collectives not to exceed three patient members. Only four licensed dispensaries to be allowed by the City. Dispensaries limited to 8 ounces and 6 mature plus 12 immature plants per patient member at any given time. No on-site consumption allowed.

Original policy: Outdoors - 30 mature plants (60 if less than 30 are flowering); Indoors - 48 mature plants (+ 96 immature non-flowering) and/or 1.5 # or 6 # (if patient grew).

City of San Diego
Still in development: Current version 9/17/03: Adult marijuana patients with the approval of a San Diego County doctor may keep up to 1 pound of marijuana and grow up to 24 plants. Under the measure, caregivers can keep up to 2 pounds of marijuana and grow up to 48 plants for as many as four patients.The ordinance must come back for a final vote, as a procedural matter, to be enacted.

City of San Jose
No quantity limits are established. Officers will not cite or arrest physicians, primary caregivers, or patients possessing or using marijuana for legitimate medicinal purposes in accordance with 11362.5 H&S. Standards of reasonableness in deciding enforcement issues are similar to those in needle or drug possession cases where a prescription is claimed or in a gun possession case where a permit is claimed. It should be kept in mind that mere oral approval by the physician is all that is necessary to comply with the law. Standards of probable cause for a vehicle search, person search, arrest, or a search warrant request should take into account known facts regarding the permitted uses of marijuana under Proposition 215.

City of Santa Cruz
No quantity guidelines; city ordinance regulates cannabis clubs, allows physician's diagnosis for recommendation.

City of Santa Rosa
Ordinance: Safe Access Guidelines, same as the County of Sonoma. For more information, contact Sonoma Alliance for Medical Marijuana.

City of Sebastopol
Ordinance: Safe Access Guidelines, same as the County of Sonoma. For more information, contact Sonoma Alliance for Medical Marijuana; letter to DA asks to protect patients with 4.5# and 150 square feet of garden canopy.

Guidelines Adopted in Various Counties

Alameda: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Alpine: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Amador: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Butte Co. Sheriff and DA jointly stipulate: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants and one pound of processed. (Formerly 6 plants at any stage)

Calaveras Co. Board of Supervisors ordinance: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants and 2#.

Colusa Co. No firm policy; case by case review; 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud OR 1.5 # processed. (Formerly 2 plants outdoors or 4 plants indoors)

Contra Costa: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Del Norte Co. County Resolution 2002-029, adopted April 2002. Up to 100 square feet with no more than 99 plants and up to 1# dried bud.

El Dorado: Outdoors: 20 plants March 1 through July 31; 10 plants through October (end of season) and 2 # bud from 9/1 to 2/28; 1 # from 3/1 to 8/31. Indoors: 10 vegetative plants, 1 mother plant, 10 flowering plants and1 # bud per patient. Formerly 6 plants and / or 2 pounds processed. Caregivers can take care of household plus three outside patients. Visit police webpage that explains the full policy

Fresno: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Glenn: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Humboldt: County Board of Supervisors as a PDF file (220k) approved taskforce proposal of three pounds of bud or conversion plus 100 square feet of garden canopy, no limit on plant numbers or lamp wattage. Caregiver amounts calculated per patient served.

Original DA policy: Up to 99 plants with up to 100 square feet of canopy and up to 3# of bud. Indoor gardens limited to 1500 watts total illumination.

Imperial: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Inyo: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Kern: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud.

Lake: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Lassen: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Los Angeles: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Madera: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Marin: No limit on amounts, county ID cards honored by all law enforcement.

Formerly: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud (lowest in the state and apparent basis for HS11362.77).

Mariposa: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Mendocino: Sheriff and DA policy based on Voter Proposition G: 25 plants with up to 100 square feet of canopy and 2# bud. In August, 2004, the DA announced that the county will no longer enforce plant limits, only square footage.

Merced: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Modoc: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Mono: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Monterey: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Napa: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Nevada: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud OR10 plants OR 2# bud.

Orange: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Placer: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Plumas: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Riverside: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Sacramento: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

San Benito: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

San Bernardino: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

San Diego: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

San Francisco: the number of marijuana plants that clubs, patients or their caregivers could grow will be restricted to 24, down from 99.
Ordinance: ID cards issued by county Health Department; no patient guidelines. Case by case consideration, generally contingent on police claims of indicia of illegal sales or diversion to non-medical market.

San Joaquin: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

San Luis Obispo: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

San Mateo: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Santa Barbara: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Santa Clara: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Santa Cruz: Board of Supervisors PDF file (188k) approved physician's taskforce proposal of three pounds of bud or conversion plus 100 square feet of garden canopy, no limit on plant numbers or lamp wattage.

Shasta: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud OR 1.33# processed. Formerly: Sheriff, DA and local police chiefs: 2 plants outdoors or 6 plants indoors (3 flowering/3 vegetative)

Sierra: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud OR quantity approved by physician Formerly: 3 plants outdoors OR 6 plants indoors .

Siskiyou: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Solano: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Sonoma: County policy: Up to 25 (formerly 99) plants with up to100 square feet of garden canopy and up to 3# of bud.

The guidelines were adopted by the Sonoma County Law Enforcement Chiefs Association, which includes the DA, Sheriff, and police chiefs from several towns and cities in the county. The guidelines were later ratified by the Santa Rosa and Sebastopol city councils. Protocol to review recommendations through Sonoma Medial Association. Caregiver amounts calculated per patient served. Physician's approval if more is needed. For more information contact Sonoma Alliance for Medical Marijuana.

Stanislaus: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Sutter: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Tehama: Sheriff policy (DA did not sign on): 18 immature plants OR 6 mature plants, and up to 3# processed.

Trinity: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Tulare: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Tuolumne: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud AND 8 ounces of bud. Formerly Up to three plants and 8 ounces. These are the guidelines that were rejected by the California Supreme Court in the Mower decision.

Ventura: Sheriff and DA policy: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud OR 1# dry bud or conversion. County Supervisors taking matter into review. Formerly 6 plants - 3 mature/ 3 immature

Yolo: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud

Yuba: Informal policy: 6 mature plants OR 12 immature plants AND 8 ounces of bud OR 1.5# processed marijuana. Formerly 5 plants.

State Guidelines Under SB 420 (Health & Safety Code 11362.7)
H&SC 11362.77(a). A qualified patient or primary caregiver may possess no more than eight ounces of dried marijuana per qualified patient. In addition, a qualified patient or primary caregiver may also maintain no more than sisx mature or 12 immature marijuana plants per qualified patient.

H &SC 11362.77 (b) If a qualified patient or primary caregiver has a doctor's recommendation that this quantity does not meed the qualified patient's medical needs, the qualified patient or primary caregiver may possess an amount of marijuana consistent with the patient's needs.

H&SC 11362.77 (c) Counties and cities may retian or enact medical marijuana guidelines allowing qualifieid patients or primary caregivers to exceed the state liits set forth in subdivision (a).

H&SC 11362.77 (d) Only the dried mature processed flowers of female cannabis plant or the plant conversion shall be considered when determining allowable quantities of marijuana under this section.


the whole "or" thing sucks donkey. and yes..if 2 are in flower....you're limited to 6 total
If you had another patient living with you you could have a "nursery" with 12 ladies / moms & a bloom space with your 6 flowering. When you're limited to 6 plants total, it gets real hard to keep mothers...much less take clones from them. If you are really trying to keep numbers down and still want to keep moms, i suggest you look into a cloning method called air-layering. Clones are made from portions of mother while they are still attached. This way you can get a baby rooted without upping your plant count. Downside to air-layering is that is tedious / time consuming.

Grow Tech - thank you for the info. :joint: You definitely sound like you know what you are talking about.

I could run one plant per screen. Two in flowering at all times, 2 mothers, and root 4-6 clones, keep the best two once they root and then choose the best of those two early in veg. With at least 4 weeks of vegging i should be able to fill a scrog table with one plant.


So I am going to go with once you have a plant in flower (mature), all plants will be considered mature. This will have me keep my total plant number to 6 (2 in flower, 2 mothers, and 1-2 in veg). I am still not sure what to do with the clone situation.

Any other opinions?


Active member
If you have 1 plant in flower....then you can only have 5 other plants, no matter what their cycle. Unless your city/county have higher limits.

Best bet is to have your Dr. authorize you to grow more.


Active member
yea some say no plant limit but are you really gonna risk it?

Well the third district court of appeals said that. ASA disagreed so now we have to wait for the California State Supreme Court.

If you are doing a collective grow then you can grow a lot more.


Patient Grower
I disagree with the above. the point of 6 or 12 is because plants from seed sex at a pretty consistent ratio of 50/50. Males show first. I could have 12 immature, and wake up one morning with the first showing male flowers with the rest still not sexed. I'd suddenly be out of compliance because I have a god damn male plant? Yeah, I cut it down as soon as I find it, but what if the man is at my door that morning before I look?

Regardless, the 6/12 thing is only a guideline that keeps you from being arrested. You'd still get the affirmative defense if a cop wants to be an asshole.

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
If you have 1 plant in flower....then you can only have 5 other plants, no matter what their cycle. Unless your city/county have higher limits.

Best bet is to have your Dr. authorize you to grow more.

I agree thats a good way to go. Unfortunately, a lot of the places like Medicann don't write exemptions.


Just Say Grow
how do you go about asking the doc to increase your limit? tell him you only eat cannabis, thus the need for more quantity?


Active member
how do you go about asking the doc to increase your limit? tell him you only eat cannabis, thus the need for more quantity?
Personally? I'm working on getting myself to the point I can pay for a 'Real' doctor that's cannabis compassionate. The limits are ridiculous for anyone that's serious about medicating.

So, you have your plants and you find out it's not the right strain for you. You order new seeds. What can you do? Spend the next YEAR adding a single plant per harvest to find out if it's ok for you or not??

Definitely too much legislation without proper representation. We need legislation put in place by people that actually understand what's going on.