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richirich_99's micro cab

Thanks AP Kush, i finally feel like im starting to know what im doing lol. Its taken me quite a few failed attempts before i finally got something that really works going. Now i just have to work on getting my SOG dialed in, and start pullin some big yeilds like some of the pros get out of these small cabs.

During the next 2 months temps will be my biggest struggle, because of the summer heat, and my crappy ac. But when fall gets here, this thing should be rolling!!!
I think i may have a group shot from the other day, that i forgot to put up. If not, i'll take one next time I water. I just watered tonight. Temps have been hot, so they all got a small drink of just water yesterday, and a full feeding tonight. Clones in the bubbler seem to have a much harder time rooting in warmer temps, i may try finding a way to cool the water more, or go back to trying to clone in light warrior with rootone. I have one skunk clone in LW right now, that is trying to shoot out some small roots, so hope that one takes off soon.

Also transplanted a small fire clone i had in a small plastic cup. put her into a one liter cut off at the top of the label. so im going to let her get to about 6-7" before i flower, she's about 4 inches now, and i thought they would shoot up a lil more with some more room for roots.
here a group shot, but its not all of the girls in flower in it. I'll get a full group shot in the next few days. This was taken a few days ago.


Thanks Tleom! I really like the Earth Juice im feeding them. Good luck with your micro grow, read and learn as much as possible, anything you could ever need to know about micro growing is around here.
Just wanted to let everyone know that I went and bought a drip system starter kit, a pump 50-80 GPH pond pump, and a few buckets from HD. Im planning on setting up this drip system for all of my girls flowering while im gone for a few days, I may even go buy another one, or just expand this one to also water my girls in veg.

Playing around putting this together tonight got me interested in reading more on coco and drip systems, and even soil drip systems. It would make watering much easier on a SOG grow with lots of small plants.
Anyways, im off to go eat and watch family guy, and smoke a bowl, then go and finish the drip. I'll take some pics on next watering, with the drip setup. This has eased all my worried about leaving my girlsfor a few days, but now im pretty confident this will be the answer to my worries.

Stay high, and safe!

Cozy Amnesia

Niiiiiiiiiiiccccccccce! :smile::yes:

What kind of GPW are you getting?
cozy, thanks! Im not too sure what my GPW is, but i know its not much. I have figured out that i need to veg the plants a lil taller before i put them in flower.
So i got some good new!!! I just recieved my seeds! Along with the speed queen i got some PPP as a freebie. Correct me if im wrong, but isnt PPP Pure Power Plant? If so, it should be fun to try growing. Im going to be saving some of the seeds for fall and winter when temps wont hamper growth. Right now everything is too hot, and cant cool it down even with the ac running on high.(got a shitty ac).

Anyone got any tips for cloning in very warm areas? Im about to try taking a few cuttings and dipping them into rootone powder and put them in to some LW or perlite. I think my bubble is just to warm for the cuttings to root very well.
my temps are a around 85-90, at times. Would adding more airstones to the bubbler help with the high temps to make the water more oxygenated? I have used the perlite before, and also LW both with a heating mat and without. I got roots, but sometimes it took forever. But thats better than no roots.
its been a few days since i've posted and thought i would let everyone know im taking more pics tonight and should have them up tomorrow or tonight. Also, i have to say i am please with how stealth my cab is, yesterday night my girlfriends parents stopped by unannouced for the first time since she moved in. We showed them the apartment, and opened the bedroom door and she looked right at the cabinet and didnt think anything of it!!! LOL that was like a moment of victory when they left lol.

however on a bad note, i just found out that thursday my good friend who was also growing got busted! But he was also dealing and opened his mouth way too much about what he was doing. All i can do is hope that he gets off easy on a first offense.

anyways, thats all for now, more later tonight, or tomorrow with pics of all the girls, and will have a full group shot up too!
I just wanted to let everyone know that i just got back from my weekend trip. I hooked my plants up to a drip system with a 50-80 gph pump in a 5gal bucket full of water. I turned it on for 10min every day while i was gone just to be safe that they didnt dry out. I know i have to get pics up, its been busy and thought i had lost my camera, but found it. Hope to have some pics tomorrow or in the next few days.

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