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How do you view cops?



Met real nice ones,and others that are pricks. Just like in any profession. Actually in my book Drs. are the real assholes..........literally.


Active member
i have a pretty big hatred for cops because i really hate people who power trip. growing up i had a few good experiances with SFPD because instead of taking me to jail they would call my parents and settle it out of court. but i have seriously only met like 3 good cops, and maybe 50 dickhead asshole cops on power trips.

i especially hate small town redneck cops who wear their cowboy hats super stiff, smalltown cops are the worst.


Self Appointed guardians of the status quo.

It's possible I could have a little bit of respect for them if they would actually protect and serve the people, but it's not about that.

The Police protect "The code", or "The law", not your or me. Keep that in mind.


i hate cops. all they want to do is bother you with no respect and they lie. they dont care about anything but them self.


The Cops Up here in Maine, Or at least all the ones ive ever talked to are pretty chill people. They dont seem to harrass Me Nearly as much as they do when i lived in Vermont, I view Cops as people with a day Job, Who Some are assholes , Other Good Honest People, I suppose its all about who you meet...


If every person with a position of perceived authority on this planet suddenly vanished then nothing of value would be lost.


the idea that people need policing bothers me. i really do not like cops, and i have hardly had a good experience with one. the one i can remember that didnt piss me off was actually at rothbury.

if our police officers were serious ninjas ready to handle violent criminals or help in some other health-harming situation, but would leave the non violent citizens alone, then i would be happy to support law enforcement. but while cops still arrest people and thro them in jail for non-violent (and other such) crimes, i cant stand em.


haha nepalnt21, you a festival goer?

oh and my input on the thread is that i am glad that they are there for some places, but where i was raised, we don't call 911


rothbury was my first, but while i was there i was seriously considering hopping from festival to festival and just working them to get my income. but den i gots homesick'd!

whoops, off topic...



As people, they seem to give me the same kind of respect.
-----the mirror effect, psychologically speaking-----
I don't hassle them, and they rarely hassle me - even though
I wear FTW in large block on my wrist.
Peace - keep it
Because they are ALL such upright citizens right?

"My feeling is that a corrupt police officer who hid behind his badge to prey upon young girls has been convicted and will hopefully never be in a position to do this kind of thing again to anybody else," co-prosecutor Tim McCourt said.

Full article: http://www.ocala.com/article/20090717/articles/907179997&tc=yahoo

I love the part where the 15 year veteran of law enforcement tampers with evidence, that's "le piece des resistance" if you ask me. What happens to us when we toss that roach under the car during a traffic stop? Glad they actually recognized and pursued that charge.


Registered Non-Conformist
Cops up in my neck of the woods are NOT my friends....

There are more of them here, per capita, than any other County in the USA - according to stats. And there is a good reason for this.... But, I ain;t it.

They deal with A-Holes daily, in this Rural Outlaw Society, where there is no gainful employment... And become PRIME A-Holes, because they have to control every interaction.

Off-Duty, they usually act as if they were On-Duty. That is offensive, and Military.... Bugs me... We should be able to call 'em names while they are not working. Or pretty much treat them as anyone else gets treated.

I cannot arrest anyone for Dissing me.... In fact, if I make a big deal about anything, I will be meeting a boy-in-blue.

In this Social context, the Rural Grower mind-set, filled with blustering camo-wearin' punks, calling themselves hippies, while they count their weapons.... Beating their chests, in order to get attention, or worse... People are not that kind to each other.....

Cops are meaner in a situation like that, than in more 'civil,' normal places.... Tricky, they cannot be trusted, on any level.

Makes sense, but I am getting weary of the enviornment. Time to leave this rotten, selfish nation, before the poor people rise up, and the Cities go up in flames. Everything will go to sh*t, then. All the guns saved up will be employed. I want NOTHING to do with the economic downturn that has got to be at least 10 years in duration. To come. We have seen nothing yet.

Prepare, you guys...... Prices will escalate later in the year. Just the beginning.

Time to extricate oneself, and vamoose to a civilized simpler place, or a small island, with my guitar, some waves, healthy food, an internet connection, no drunks, good weather, smiling locals, and a place to safely grow a few plants. A place where people take care of each other a bit more..

We ARE heading toward "1984."

I do not want that chip in my passport....!!!!! My info everywhere... All the Dystopian Science-Fiction novels I read in my youth are either corrupting my brain, or coming true...... I believe maybe both, lol, but certainly the latter....!

And my present passport will expire next year....!


New member
For the most part I view them as undereducated racist pieces of shit but I have met a few that are pretty cool, and on of my best friends from my younger years (smoked for my first time with him) is currently trying to get a job as a cop in my home town and he is definitely cool and has said he will not bust people for possession. I just dont know what he will do when I come over and roast bowls in his garage.


How is this thread still going? We all fucking hate the cops, amirite or amirite?


man FUCK cops that think they can just do what they want. i almost was runover TWICE in a month by some asshole speeding cops (one was talking on his celly which is illegal in my state). no warning lights, no siren, just speeding and running red lights (at a crosswalk!)

how can some dickhead who cannot follow the laws he is enforcing expect us to follow the laws?


and people were surprised at the '92 la riots?? i shoulda been there with everyone fucking their shit UP!


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
I like cops here. There are 4 in town total, they rarely harass you unless you're actually endangering someone else. That being said, the one time I visited NYC, I HATED the cops there, I mean what the hell? Isn't it supposed to be "serve and protect" not "harass and fart loudly"?

Cops are like anything, some of them are great, some of them are awful. There are places I wouldn't hesitate to call them or talk to one and there are places where I'd rather eat a nice big crap sammich before giving one the time of day.