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NO PIPE OR PAPER ghetto mcgyver tek thread



You know my oldest trick is cigarette foil.

You roll the cigarette foil with an ink pen or something and fold it. The crease where you fold it is what keeps you from sucking ashes.

I have eaten a couple these when approached in some very dangerous situations. It saved me ass from some kind of hassle.


HAHA, i found some bamboo in someones front yard out by the curb that they were throwing away so i took some and made myself a bamboo bong with it. I used a roor downstem and bowl though.. haha! but same basic design. Only problem was, once the bamboo dried out, it would split. I left mine in my car for a night and the next morning came out and the heat had split the bamboo in half! oh well. temp bongs work for me.

Banana leaf...all the rage in the caribbean back in the late '60s early '70s...

As was "Apple Coring" which is COOOOL to the throat.

We would make bongs from bamboo growing wild on the north side of St. Thomas in Estate Dorothea... cut a section, drill a hole, use a small thin section as a stem into the side and there it was. Fine tuning included making sure the water level was lower than the intake hole on the side of the bong, and making sure the stem was sealed into the hole with a masking tape gasket. The crowning touch would be a limpet shell glued to the top of the stem for a beautiful bowl with pre-made (by Mother Nature) hole. If no limpets, a barnacle will do nicely :)

My bank manager caught me once chopping some bamboo and wondered why...when I told her she asked me to please make one for her family. So I did.

Hmmmm.... I need to make a bong. First, where is some bamboo in NoCal?


My little pony.. my little pony
If they didnt want you to use bibles then why is it printed on rolling papers?



this works in a pinch...

this works in a pinch...

aluminum foil with some small holes poked in it over the end of a toilet paper roll


Active member
I used to work in a juice bar and I made countless pipes outa carrots.

we had cut carrots that were small, they couldn'tve been more than 2 1/2 inches or so. basically a carrot chillum haha.

get a small bore screwdriver and basically just push it through, slow and spiraling helps to prevent splitting the carrot, then at the bowl end I use the tip of the screwdriver to hollow it out, makin it hold the herb perfectly for a couple hits out back on my break :joint:

literally 1 minute to make it, totally disposable. it worked.


apples, carrots, anything really that can be carved out and is plant based will work.

my friends and i made pretty nice gravity using a strawberry carved out to make a cone.

stuck it, pointy end down, into the top of a 2 litre with a hole at the bottom, let all the water out, and viola!

(i think its called a "waterfall")


i would honestly go for an apple if one is around. if not, then i'm pretty much fucked and gonna say fuck it. i hate tin foil bowls and i don't have anything else to make a bowl out of. but i have heard good things about knife hits.


haha, it worked just fine, and i did eat it after... if anyone knows what im talking about, it was one of those huge muffins you get from costco. haha