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Jamaican Strain Identification?



i think you got those dialled in rather well ,,,awesome buds

I second that hazy as I saw the plants in the flesh and dialled in is spot on, really well grown! BTW, that's the OG cut you gave me originally, no PM on it still!

Here's a couple of pics of some of the outdoor grown KC, really good smoke, earthy and spicy.



Compare to my indoor OG Kush:




When I held these two buds side-by-side the KC looked furry with resin, the OG is frosty as hell but the KC is even more so!

The KC cut I put into flower has finally stopped stretching and is about to start flowering, she is 5 long, thin, lanky stems and I trimmed all the lower branches to make clones. I've got half a dozen rooted cuts of her in my veg box, gonna run this one a few times I reckon and make some crosses to beef up the yield.





Elevator Man

Active member
Ah, there she is! Instantly recognisable those leaves, especially from underneath - they always have those deep veins protruding. And the forward-pointing lower blades, and the relatively few serrations per leaflet - very unique in my experience. One other unique experience is smoking OG Kush and Kentish Creme together as a cocktail spliff - now that is tasty! Which gets me thinking...:chin:

HazyFontazy - thanks for the kind comments mate, and glad I could do this one justice as a small appreciation for the joint efforts in getting it here. Hopefully the Kentish Creme can be re-exported stateside sometime in some form to return the favour...!

Oh, and the 'J-Lo' seedlings (Kentish Creme X Flo) are growing strong and healthy, with faintly purple stems already. Once they're repotted and moving properly, I'll get some pics up - I'm very interested in seeing how the leaf-shapes develop in F1.


Yeah, she has a few unique traits, considerign the amount of pruning she had, I expected more of a bush than the skeletal guirl she has beocme. I trimmed the bottom fluff off as with a 250 it would just be crap that went into the hash pile. Hopefully grown this way she will put all her energy into forming 5 nice colas.

Interesting to cross the KC and OG, currently we have two options - a Purple Afghan x OG Kush male that leans to the OG Kush side, cross that to the KC cut. Having some PA in there will add some yield no doubt. The other is to cross a KC leaning male J-lo to the OG cut. A third option might arise when I pop the remining Jamaican seeds, if I find a good male that is similar to the KC we could cross him to the OG cut.

Glad to hear the J-los are doing well. I am noticing the same purple stem thing with two of my four Trainwreck a Mexicans, two are short, stocky with purple stems, two are tall, lanky with green stems. I'm very interested to watch the F1s too, see how the KC genes combine and get some idea of how well it will breed.

Elevator Man

Active member
The silver bullet...

The silver bullet...

Here's another bud of the Kentish Creme, this time grown organically by the guy who brought the original seeds back. Note that the resin is so thick, that it resembles some kind of preserved fruit or something. It's not sticky, but hard and crunchy, and makes a 'clonk' when dropped on a tabletop...:)



Damn that looks tasty! It does remind me of them preserved fruit sugar coated sweets. Is that a bud from one of the untopped clones?

Elevator Man

Active member
Here's J-Lo at last - Kentish Creme X Flo.

They look very good so far, with no sign of any leaf twist, although the purple Flo male was fairly free of that. In leaf-shape and color, they look very Flo-like so far, but it's early days. A new legend in the making...? :chin:



Fingers crossed we see some exceptional phenos out of this cross. I have high hopes of course as both parental lines are among the best weed I've smoked in the last few years.

I put all 6 of the remaining Jamaican beans into paper towels tonight, fingers crossed I get at least one male.

Elevator Man

Active member
The progeny are off...

The progeny are off...

I just started a new thread in the Test Grows section, on the Kentish Creme X Flo hybrid 'JLo' that I've made - this will be ongoing as it develops:


In the meantime, I'll be putting a Kentish Creme into flower in a couople of weeks, so will post updates in here - first time in my new cabinet, and looking forward to another expression of this chameleon-like plant...:)

Elevator Man

Active member


Here's a pic of some Kentish Creme bubblehash my friend just made -this was from the trim and small buds of the weird alien-like plants he grew a few months back. This piece was five grams, and incredibly sticky, though that's BHO remnants in the box! It was superb material - tasty and incredibly potent, not surprisingly!

I put my KC into flower in a couple of days, so check the Grow Diary thread for updates on that...


did someone say jamaican? this was the second batch i recieved.. each spear i received appeared to be a little different.. found 5 seeds in this batch and 5 in the first batch i was brought..



those were fresh from the plantation... picked them up on vacation, while in negril.. room delivery, with phone calls every couple days to make sure i was still stocked.. not my typical dealings so it was nice to have someone checking to make sure your ok so many times.. :D

Elevator Man

Active member
Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got...

Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got...

She's back, at last. JLo Mk 2.

I only had five seeds left, I think, after the aborted, but very promising attempt last year. This time, I pollenated the Kentish Creme with the MoFlo grandson of the original Flo male used, as it's two years since the first go. This male line has got more resiny since generation 1, so there should be some very interesting outcomes this time around, given the resin production of the KC already, and there's a few more seeds than the original 17 too...:)

The friend I originally got this from has recently been growing out some more Jamaican bagseeds, some similar, some not, and he goes on his annual visit again soon. I'm hoping these seeds will be ready by the time he goes, and he can return a few to the guy he got the original bud from - that would be a nice feeling...:)


Well-known member
I was just gifted two Jamaican strains from a friend and was wondering if anyone had heard of them and could give some info on them . The first is jamaican Sugarbush and the second is Jamaican Redhair x NL both were grown by a cat named Rasta Animal .

Elevator Man

Active member
It's often tricky with Jamaican, as they can often be confusingly-named. My friend who brought the KC seed back brought some more the next year called 'Hazel Skunk' - I may have pictured one earlier in the thread. It looks like a cross between SAGE and Flo, with some phenos looking even more chubby and indica. Anyways, turns out 'Hazel' is just the name of the guy who grows it, and even he doesn't know what it really is! Smokes great though, but not as strong as the Kentish Creme, which rules supreme...:)

Elevator Man

Active member
It's been a while since I updated this thread, and much water has passed under the bridge, not much of it newsworthy as such. However, the Jamaican plant (now named Kentish Creme for newcomers) has finally been passed on to a couple of others for safety - only two of us holding it in the entire world (as far as I know) was making me nervous for its future!

No more info on lineage, except to mention that I definitely reckon there is some weird mix of Kush/Blueberry/extreme indica in there, coupled with a more regular Jamaican female - which is pure speculation of course. My other KC friend recently had the first-ever case of mild hermaphproditism - mild enough to not even see any male flowers, and only about 30 S1 seeds between us, but they might prove useful one day...:)

JLo V2, my second attempt at crossing the KC with Flo is underway, though the plants have had to be moved to a friend's, as space was an issue. I'll be keeping a close eye on those.

And I finally managed to have a large KC clone ready when the outdoor season started, so I've put it outdoors to see what it can do in a guerilla grow - it will finish in the UK, so the only question remains is - how large can it get in the time remaining? It's very much like Flo structurally, so needs some pinching to get it bushy, though I don't want to hold it back too much, as time is tight, and the bracken is tall. More on this one soon.



Active member
It's been a while since I updated this thread, and much water has passed under the bridge, not much of it newsworthy as such. However, the Jamaican plant (now named Kentish Creme for newcomers) has finally been passed on to a couple of others for safety - only two of us holding it in the entire world (as far as I know) was making me nervous for its future!

No more info on lineage, except to mention that I definitely reckon there is some weird mix of Kush/Blueberry/extreme indica in there, coupled with a more regular Jamaican female - which is pure speculation of course. My other KC friend recently had the first-ever case of mild hermaphproditism - mild enough to not even see any male flowers, and only about 30 S1 seeds between us, but they might prove useful one day...:)

JLo V2, my second attempt at crossing the KC with Flo is underway, though the plants have had to be moved to a friend's, as space was an issue. I'll be keeping a close eye on those.

And I finally managed to have a large KC clone ready when the outdoor season started, so I've put it outdoors to see what it can do in a guerilla grow - it will finish in the UK, so the only question remains is - how large can it get in the time remaining? It's very much like Flo structurally, so needs some pinching to get it bushy, though I don't want to hold it back too much, as time is tight, and the bracken is tall. More on this one soon.

How come in never seen this thread?!


What a great thread...
I got a nice lil' collection of jamaican seeds. The good brother that gave them to me grow a few of them. One was really crazy lil plant with black leaf and red frozty nuggets. During veg this plant had forzt on her leaves very amazing plant. I also have some lambs bread, they have been pass to my friend by Coco Tea! Coco say it's lambs bread! My friend told me it was some crazy smoke...He collected seeds from is jamaican trip, all the herb he smoked was top notch! he work a lot with artiste and he have some strong connection...I going to read this thread to catch back the line...Will be replying...I will post pics of some jamaica buds if u don't mind.


Elevator Man

Active member
Not at all - post away. The other interesting one we tried was this 'Hazel Skunk', which my friend is growing again outdoors this year - I hope to go see them soon. That also finishes in the UK (strange eh?), and was somewhere between Flo and SAGE in smell and appearance first time, though the latest batches have looked much more indica overall.

I doubt many of these 'strains' are stable to be honest, but there's some very interesting genes in there, that's for sure...:)