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growMEDS' first grow! CFL veg cab // 150 hps flo cab


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i cant see any male flowers on there mate, can see a seeded calyx in the bottom pic.

"the seeds will be female"
thats a big question to answer, they may be female but if the pollination is due to hermaphrodite tendencies rather than the intentional reversing of a true female them the herm trait may be passed to the seeds


I did more inspecting. I didnt find anything on #3 that was the suspect
I found pollen sacks on #1 and 2 :(
About 4 or 5 sets on #1 and 2 sets on #2.
I did my last feeding of all 3 FF nutes
Day 42 of 12/12







Grow like nobody is watching
They look so yummy dude! Don't sweat too much about herms this late in the grow, unless you've cloned them or something. They don't exactly look packed with seed anyway. Will be great smoke with you flushing it.


Thanks Scrub!
I'm not too worried - all of the sacks I found were in the lower two sets of buds so none of the good stuff up top should be harmed at all.
but damn those lil sacks were hidden and it was tough to find um all

I'm thinking the seeds on #3 should be a legit cross ?
hey growMEDS

just read through your log and wanted to make a comment: if those seeds came from dank bag seed, then chances are, they are hermie seeds, since rarely do indoor ops accidentally leave males. if that is the case and the seeds were created with a natural hermie (like verdantgreen already mentioned), then you are going to have more hermie tendencies for your plants. This is also probably why you got all females from those random seeds.

either way, if you are on top of the bananas and watching things closely, hopefully you will be ok. when you get a chance to get a more stabalized females clone or order seeds, then maybe you will choose to discontinue a line that has hermaphrodite tendencies. just my :2cents:

other than that, things look great! in all the pics i've seen i couldn't see any bananas so you might not even have a problem.

stay safe and good work,


Thanks for stopping by osecretgardeno :smile:

I searched and found/removed all the lil bananas I could. They were dropping pollen all over my hands. They were all low on the plants though so thats a good thing.


I finally got some real genetics :)


Purp bagseed


Another purp bagseed - very strange, I wish I took more pics - the seed shell was stuck for days. I losened it a lil - still stuck - then the next day I cut it off - accidently cut off a lil green - now its grown out a lil I can see that I cut off a 3rd codelyon (sp?) anybody seen something like this before?



Grow like nobody is watching
Yeah I've had one of those before. Apparently they usually revert back to two leaves per set. Mine did. My friend has had a few and reckons they usually turn out to be "mongy" plants but keep growing it.


@ growMEDS

now its grown out a lil I can see that I cut off a 3rd codelyon (sp?) anybody seen something like this before?

From the MANDALASEEDS.com FAQ ( BTW a wealth of information ):

here is the original link


A very small percentage of plants turn out to be triploids (ie. have three sets of leaves) among thousands of specimens. This does not impair plant health and is a feature unique to cannabis as a plant species (ie. not restricted to our genetics). For more info on triploids please see our FAQ. Also very rare, but not a reason for concern, are twins. These appear when there are two embryos in one seed. If both seedlings are the same size you should separate them quickly before roots get entangled and then you have two plants for the price of one! If one seedling appears inferior just remove it. If a seedling has fused cotyledon leaves or a young plant has fused leaf tips on a leaf this is nothing to worry about and it has absolutely no impact on growth or flowering. Nature is always trying out new combinations and that cannot be prevented in selective breeding.

Hope this helps

peace bro
that's a trifoliate. read up on cannabis genetics and you'll see that it's not THAT uncommon. They tend to eat and drink more, just a heads up if you bring her to flower. I found that she reverted back to the normal bifoliate so i only ended up having one.

keep up the good work,

EDIT: didnt see socbutter. RIGHT ON :D