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Babba's '09



The Bear scared us! Wow.

The Bear scared us! Wow.

Like the Roar of the Lion, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!


LOL inthelight I came to that same conclusion especially since the damn weather here has hit triple digits!!!

h^2 O

Get well soon babbabudlings.
I hate using anything but water - it avoids setbacks like this, but you don't get as much flowers. Hopefully you'll get good rain and flush all that out


Active member
so...does a bear shit in the woods, or not??


sorry to hear about the plants, Babba...they will pull thru.

hi Mrs. B!!!

love to all the Babbas!!


Good luck Mr & Mrs B. It is sad when you are thinking you are doing something to help and you hurt. I don't know how bad they are, but I am hoping for you.

What is up with el olso in the yard? I know he is on your flag, but not in the garden!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hey Bud! Sorry to hear about your sick plant problems, but you may have saved me some grief in the future by it being this way. If it can happen to you, it can happen to any of us, and my wife is unrelenting sometimes in her expectations that everything is always just so easy to do.

WE ALL KNOW IT ISN'T. It's a bunch of hard work if you're trying to run any kind of numbers. One relaxed moment of not giving 100 percent attention and wham!--possible across the board problems. For me, it's easy to get discouraged! Thanks for encouraging me by showing that it can happen to even the best of them. Hopefully the wife sees that too.

You two take care and I am sure this is going to recover 100 percent in time for your harvest. Maybe the shotin-zenjin ARE protecting you from your friend in town. I hope you are still chanting about your tools! NEVER GIVE UP AND NEVER GIVE IN!

Deep respect,



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo

Nam myoho renge kyo

Hello hello !!
Hope everyone is doing well !! Thanks so much for all the great positive responses. Your good vibes seem to be helping. Just went out to the garden and it appears each plant has one good set of leaves with out many abnormalities on their top growth. So it looks like we are just about ready to start normal growth. Its been hard to take the slow down... we felt like we waited a bit this year as to not let our plants get too big .... but now we have lost the whole month of June. Lets hope they are all the way back on track and show us what they can do over the next month before they start flowering. The latest leaves on each plant all look pretty normal and it seems like they are starting to grow again.... so it is encouraging. Give us till the weekend and we will get some pics up. Amazing how after growing for so long the plants can still teach patience. Right about the time we think we know something we find out we dont really know much at all :) Forward day by day we go!!
Nam myoho renge kyo


I'm understanding a bit more all the time... nice site! I really like it! Thank you so much for getting me here!

Big D

Yeah Babba it is always a learning process. Its happened to me more than once. It is good to hear that they are back on track. Best wishes y'all!!!!

Nam myoho renge kyo


ICMag Donor
Hi fam! Hope everyone has a safe and high Fourth!

Looks like its going to be a warm one around here....the garden is doing well, growing more and more everyday, harvested some radishes already and lettuce is close...wont have tomatoes till the first part of Aug!

The plants are getting better, they will be smaller then we would have hoped at this point but there's still some time to get bigger.

Thanks for all the encouragement and great posts!

much love!!!



Looks like they're bouncin back just fine! Plenty of time for them to fill out and stretch Babbas......This plant never ceases to amaze me.....

Thanks for the update!

PS-gotta get me one of them gnomes!


what a luvely garden mrsB. i havent been around your threads before but i sure will from now on :D cant wait for it to become all lush

peace all the best


classy grass
I am truly jealous of your beautiful veggie garden! It's something that I was thinking about all spring, but sadly havn't gotten to yet. It shouldn't be too late to get some goodies in eh?


Hey Mrs.B, everything looks great. I have a ?
When did you plant your lettuce and What does it look like in terms of size? Mine looks like im growing a sparce lawn. I have it in a flat container similar to a cloning tray. Just wondering if it is inhibiting growth or if im where I should be.

I will try to get pics asap.


Active member
Sup babba's...!

I dont remember if you saw my Eureka backyard few years back, surf in and check out my new backyard hydro!


Greets Babbas!
Your garden looks outstanding -- those babies look like they're bouncing back pretty well!
I'm tuning into this for sure.
thanks for sharing -- stay safe!



ICMag Donor
Hey Mrs.B, everything looks great. I have a ?
When did you plant your lettuce and What does it look like in terms of size? Mine looks like im growing a sparce lawn. I have it in a flat container similar to a cloning tray. Just wondering if it is inhibiting growth or if im where I should be.

I will try to get pics asap.

I have planted lettuce at a few different intervals to spread it out over the summer...the first seeds I planted have done awful...something eats it as soon as it comes up..the ones in the garden are doing good and will harvest some this week...Ill take some pics and show you :)

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