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"bear grylls" ..is trying for salvation?


Active member
survivorman gives advice that many of us would actually use if lost in the wild. when surviving you want to minimize the risk of injury as much as possible, or else you could find yourself injured, and that could lead to a quick death.

man vs wild just caters to the lazy ass fuck who will never leave his couch and is looking for cheap, quick entertainment. his skills, and information given on his show can hardly be applied to actually surviving in the wild.

but as nokuy has already said the only true wilderness survivor out there is dick proenneke, which some of you already know is my hero.


Active member
survivorman gives advice that many of us would actually use if lost in the wild. when surviving you want to minimize the risk of injury as much as possible, or else you could find yourself injured, and that could lead to a quick death.

man vs wild just caters to the lazy ass fuck who will never leave his couch and is looking for cheap, quick entertainment. his skills, and information given on his show can hardly be applied to actually surviving in the wild.

but as nokuy has already said the only true wilderness survivor out there is dick proenneke, which some of you already know is my hero.

rudolf...great to see ya bro!...he's def my hero too!



You guys crack me up.

First, I don't give two shits about either show. TV is worthless. I don't give a shit which show you think is better. IT'S TV!!!!

How about reading something about their real lives?

Hmmm.. let's see...

At age 23, Bear reached the summit of Everest.
Les had just finished music school, was employed by a Canadian Music TELEVISION SHOW, and wrote songs for his band.

Bear served in the armed forces as a SURVIVAL INSTRUCTOR.
Les was a survival instructor for special needs aboriginal kids. lol

The bottom line is Bear was risking his life doing crazy shit from the beginning, with military training and background, not to mention he was a survival instructor for the military...

Where as Les Stroud is a musician by trade and education and has had a hard on for being a TV star since right out of MUSIC SCHOOL.

One went to music school and instructed retards... the other went to bootcamp, military training, became an instructor for the fittest of the fittest, and he was already climbing Everest and peaks in Antarctica for FUN before he even thought about filming one fuggin' scene.

They can both hold their own in the wilderness but when it comes down to it, Grylls is exponentially more knowledgeable than Les when it comes to survival... and Les is nothing but a gimmick... he wants to shock and awe you with his production skills.

Look at it this way... Les quit after 3 seasons because he was getting tired.... Bear has been doing this shit his whole life and he's still going.

There is no comparison and if you can somehow rationalize in your own mind that Les' survival experience somehow even compares to Bear's you sirs are smoking way too much pot lol, which is okay, but I feel you need a heavy dose of reality every now and then.

When Les climbs Everest or Ama Dablam or does this: Three years later, he led a team of five, including his childhood friend and Mount Everest climbing partner Mick Crosthwaite, on the first unassisted crossing of the north Atlantic Arctic Ocean, in an open rigid inflatable boat.

...get back to me.


New member
i like man v wild but i find it highly unnecessary when he kills animals for food like he did once with a lizard bashing it against a tree... I personally like survivor man better just cuz he is always by himself with no crew


Active member
fuck man vs wild. bitch dont know nothin

bear knows his shit,,,im NOT his biggest fan, but id be glad to be stranded w/ him.

he is trained w/ british special forces.

he doesnt do a good job putting together survival scenarious ...not as good as les anyways...but he tries.

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