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Who needs HPS's?

First off and foremost, I'd like to thank ya for stopping by my thread. I hope I can succeed in entertaining a few of you fellow ICMaggers! So pop your popcorn :lurk:, pull up a seat, spark that bong load and see what's growing in my closet this summer...

Secondly, I'll shoot out the specs of my grow.
I grow in a custom built wooden box, that is honestly a bit "cheap" to say the least :) I like to think that it shouldn't take much to grow something so great :) As you'll see in the pictures, it's a box without a front, about 3 1/2 feet tall, 2 feet across, and 1 1/2 feet deep. I use 8 CFL bulbs. They range from 28w - 32w CFL's. 6 are Hot White, and 2 are Cool White. I'm going to be getting all 32w Hot White's in there before it's over, but I've been lazy lately.
As for my roots, they reside in 2 hydro systems. My old mother plant is in a 3gallon white paint bucket, with a circular air stone at the bottom. The 4 plant system is the same, just with a bigger air pump circle at the bottom.
As for what they drink and eat, they like to munch on GH FloraNova one part bloom series; I use 1tbsp per gallon. RO water of course! I also like to add some Vitamin B1 (about 1/2 tbsp per gallon) from Home Depot, and added a good shot of 10-15-10 Shultz General Plant Food the second week of flower.

PHEW! Now, what's a good grow post without some good specimens to look forward too and look at?! I hear ya! So, without further ado, I'd like to point out the worth-whiles:

1. The old mother plant: Now, some background on 4/5 plants I'm growing. My friend was gifted "some dank" bagseeds, which were supposedly from a very heavy indica, narcotic bud. My friend popped these seeds, and got SD1, SD2, and SD3. 3 seeds, 3 females, 3 very different phenos. This is SD2; An obvious hybrid, I'd say it's leaning a little more on the sativa side. The stretch and the smell (a sweet, melon smell with an undertone of skunk/urine/acrid). She seems to be a pretty chunky sativa though, and is really packing on the frost! Can't wait to taste her :) She's 1 week ahead of the other plants, so as you'll see, she's a bit chunkier/frostier than the rest of the plants.

2. The SD2 clone: Well, I pretty much described her above. Same plant, same growth pattern (with slightly more stretch, but to be expected as I didn't top the clone 4-6 times like I did the mother). Looks like she yield nicely :) Only got one shot of her mid section though, to show how her mid section is. All of her stems are firm and strong, and look like they can support some massive nugs.

3. "The C Purps": Some "bomb purple herb" that my homie found a seed in. He germinated it - female. What more? My homie gives me a clone to bud in this setup and see what's up with it (as he's growing his out to be a mother, phew!). Well, to say the least. Wtf? Not the most vigurous plant, although that could have been attributed to a poor cutting. But what's important to point out about this strain, is it's shooting out purple calyx's straight out of the gate! Amazing :) First a quality looking, well yielding hybrd, and now a purple plant for some bag appeal and interesting genetics? Sweet. Once again, only 1 pic, as it was hard to get a quality pic without the lights on. More to come...

3. The INDICA: Well, with the hybrid SD2, came the nearly pure indica SD3. This strain is my pride and glory I'd say (guessing now anyways). I'm an indica lover, and this baby is about as indica as it gets! It grew just like how a true one should! Short, extremely stout, THICK stem, fat dark green leafs, and now it's pumping out rock hard, golf ball nugs covered in resin :) Looks like it should pack on the weight in the upper regions of the plant!

5. SD1 - The wanker plant basically. As for quality, we'll see. It smells kinda...piney+sweet. Almost like a perfect mix of SD2 and SD3. It got swallowed alive (like the purple plant) by the SD2, SD3, and SD2 mother. I didn't take pics, as it's hard to right now. I'll get some more as it develops and looks better, lol.

And to finish ya off, here's an over-view shot of the grow box. The 4 clones in the 4 clone DWC system are nearly 3 weeks into flower, with the mother being nearly 4 weeks. So I'm expecting amazing results this harvest :)

I'll also try to get around to taking pictures of my outdoor Sour Diesel plants, my outdoor bagseed, and my outdoor SD2 clones (which are taking off!)! Hope you all enjoy :)
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Super frosty, Herbatonist! CFLs seem to rock for stealth and low heat situations. I'll be watching to see how u grow with those.
CFL's and T5's for me!!:friends:
I would like to go HPS later...but CFL's do wonders!

Thanks for stopping by AchromicSkin311 :) I think an HPS would do quite nicely in your closet...

You could keep it to 2-4 females, and get a nice amount if you build a proper frame and box around the area. Hit me up if you'd like to hear my ideas :) Just...pack me a bowl first. Sativa preferably. Get my neurons firing and what not!

On a side note, the plants are looking beautiful :) I've been running lower on water than I like because of my losing a car (damn carburetor) and not being able to run to my friends RO machine, or the local RO machine down the street at Albertsons. Sheiza :\ I refuse to use tap water in this grow!! I've seen SUCH a huge difference!!

On another side note...this purple weed I'm smoking (Clinic had it labeled as God's Gift, but it tastes like some GDP I've had a few times as well...lolol) is some bomb :) I wish I had my camera atm:wallbash:
Sorry for lack of updates folk, been busy looking for a new job :\ Got terminated from mine for some BULLSHIT reason. But whatev... Time to move on.

I'll be taking pictures in the next day or two :\