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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


New member
is the turkish hard to obtain ?,
i know turkey has strict laws,i'm planning on a trip there next week ,but if theres no hash about i might not go ,i dont fancy taking my own into Midnight express territory ,
any suggestions ?

it is very difficult to get something good if you don't know reliable people. you have to be very careful! It is definitely not like morocco nor Spain.:noway:


it is very difficult to get something good if you don't know reliable people. you have to be very careful! It is definitely not like morocco nor Spain.:noway:

i cancelled the idea ,probably going morrocco or bulgaria instead ,anywhere its not the euro ,

any hash in bulgaria ?


as far as i know hash is not too common in bulgaria. but also have been told there is an internal production of weed, although not of high quality. IF you find any it should be very cheap.


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
No hash in Bulgaria, unless you brought it yourself or it's import (VERY rare). The closest to hash I've seen was leaves and branches compressed together into a brown block, but that ain't hash.

The info that I have is different from Bonecarver ( :wave: ). As the mafia has taken over, much of the genetics being grown now come from the NL. This has improved quality, but also pumped up the price, and changed the dinamics of "scoring".

Weed friendly and outside the Eurozone? Try Christiania!



my my info is definetly out of date.. havent seen my bulgarian mates in a while.. good people.. trust worthy and secretive.

they tolod me about the dangers in general in bulgaria.. scoring from the mafia must not be too chilled....



Life is one big grow........
s2 still here Mr. H:laughing:





Buddah - nice pics of the S2 ;)

Pollie - I think the pics do it justice enough, it looks great :D High grade all the way!!



Active member
@Pollepot looks damm tasty

No hash in Bulgaria, unless you brought it yourself or it's import (VERY rare). The closest to hash I've seen was leaves and branches compressed together into a brown block, but that ain't hash.

I was 3 years ago in sunny beach with my mom and there i was offered hash when i wanted to buy rolling paper, it looked like semi.

Side not you see alot off wild growing ganj, in and around sunny beach
Wich was a pleasent surprise :yeahthats

But i woulden recomend sunny beach unless you are invited by you mother !!


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Hey Polle Pot, very nice stuff, had been a while since nice eye-candy like that was posted :canabis: Did you get that a Cshop, or directly from the supplier? How's the smell?

DKGrower, that's interesting to read, it might be that at the more touristic sites the ganja scene is different than at Sofia. Whatcha mean with "it looked like semi?"

Greets and long live good hash! :D

Polle Pot

Hi Browser. It's scored from my neigbourhood in Copenhagen. Price is 33 euro for 2 grams, so iguess its actually over Cshop price?

It has a nice light smell. When i opened it and took the pictures i could smell it clearly, at cam distance. At room temp its very soft, and you can shape the chunk, just like you want to. Smells kind of like some good danish weed, i dont really know how to desribe it..

For chillum and joint its not very optimal. Ive tried burning it using a glass as dome, then siping the smoke with a long pipe, then it fucks me up pretty nicely, and your left with a strong headbuss for 20 mins, standing up made me feel dizzy just had to ride it off in the sofa for a while, lol.


Life is one big grow........
nice deal Polle pot for sure...if its bubbel it was real nice deal.......her in german 1 g of good bubbel(fmb) we pay 20-25€€ and for rare killer FullMeltBubbel about 35€-45€ some pay 60€ some!!!!
and in Chops u pay normally more 25€ up to 60€ for ice
nice deal Polle pot for sure...if its bubbel it was real nice deal.......her in german 1 g of good bubbel(fmb) we pay 20-25€€ and for rare killer FullMeltBubbel about 35€-45€ some pay 60€ some!!!!
and in Chops u pay normally more 25€ up to 60€ for ice

and that´s even good in south-germany you rarely find any ice-hash :fsu:( unless you make your own).
But we get some really nice maroccon hashes :joint:
Hope my cam gets fixed so i can post some pix.


Life is one big grow........
south-germany yehhhh me, too...........u have to know the right ones...but def. not easy
they import it straight from a seedbank in a-DAM....

here some assholes sell real good marko hash and called it maroken ice for 25€..carzy

normal guys pay about 8-10€ for dirty hash( i rather smoke nothing) and 9€-15€ for mostly birxWeed..........

getting crazy the last year over here.......befor i grew my own, i looked for top notch...now u have to look for weed without briX...if u not growing


nice pix dudes!

here in north-germany I've yet never came across some ice or bubble.
I know an old hippie-dude who sells different types of imported hash. he's got a kinda "semi-coffeeshop". nice though.
wasn't been there for last 3 months but last time he had some real chunky nepal charras, some afghan, moroccan eggs (50g eggs. the biggest assshit I've ever seen. lol. wonder what guys are able to transport "inside"), some jamaican brickweed (bad shit, I hate it for it's almost no effects, but my mate always buys a bunch lol), some different pollen and commercial hashes (mostly morrocan).

I asked him if he's got access to dutch hashes, like jelly or ice - but he even never heard about that. lol. looked at me as if I came from mars :abduct: .

I had some grams of his eggs and of that nepal. that was by far the best hash I've ever bought inside germany. paid 12,50€ /gram for that charras and the eggmarocc. too bad he didn't allow me to take pictures of his box (in which he carried 12 different types of hash...way more than I've ever came across in a dutch border-coffieshop)
south-germany yehhhh me, too...........u have to know the right ones...but def. not easy
I know the right people and i get some of the best maroccon hashes, but i dont get any ice-hash

they import it straight from a seedbank in a-DAM....
you lucky one

here some assholes sell real good marko hash and called it maroken ice for 25€..carzy

normal guys pay about 8-10€ for dirty hash( i rather smoke nothing) and 9€-15€ for mostly birxWeed..........

I never pay more then 18€ for some of the best marok-dry sieved

getting crazy the last year over here.......befor i grew my own, i looked for top notch...now u have to look for weed without briX...if u not growing

I never bought Weed again since BriX is around,only hash from my trusted supplier.
he gets its straight outta Marocco, so i dont have worry about any shit in my hash.:smoker:

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