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Mini Fridge Grow


Hi there Melkor .. Well as far as the Blue LED Fan I dont know .. Ive herd of people putting regular old 60wtt incandescents in the flower chambers to put more of the red spectrum to there flowering plants.. So from that i would say why not ? ... But you also gotta ask yourself is it the right kind of blue ? .. I would stick to the basic growing spectrum tho between 2700Kelvin and 6500kelvin .. If that Blue LED is between the basic spectrum for growing what could it hurt . If it were me id stick it in there for a little light show to see what if .. Just my 2 cents .. Luck to you Friend


Certified: Thank you very much bro, continue watching for updates!:joint:

Old Timer: Thank you for you input, You will see what I decide when I go there... probably a week or so.:abduct:


Grow like nobody is watching
I'm gonna be a wet rag and say don't use the leds. If you're anything like me, you may decide at some point in flower to run those fans at lights off (maybe for mold or humidity problems) and I almost guarantee you won't even think about the leds being on. It's happened to me. It's an accident waiting to happen with pretty limited gain if it does even work.

If I let my mind run for a sec, I would think about snipping them off carefully (the ones I've seen are like a band around the fan) and wire them up to a seperate power convertor which is hooked to the main lighting timer. Then you'd have neat bands you could attach as side lighting or wherever is optimal.

Whichever way you go, best of luck. I love fridge/freezer grows and this is a great job.


Interesting. I'll be keeping an eye on this.

I'm nearly finished building my fridge grow at the moment. Mine looks slightly smaller than yours. I ripped out all of the plastic and foam from the inside to create as much space as possible, and somehow managed to jam a 125w bulb in there. I'm planning on doing soil though, so that's one major difference between our boxes.

I have to say though, old fridges make fantastic grow boxes. Good luck. It will be interesting comparing results.


Not a wet rag there ScrubNinja.. Very good thinking and going beyond just what it will do now kudos friend .. You wouldnt believe the things i would forget and it would most likely be a Blue LED Fan i would forget when i flipped my lights back haha .. Melkor if you havent ordered your fan .. I wouldnt get the one with blue led's in it unless you just want a light show and as Scrubninja stated take out the LED's if your gonna flower with Fan on all the time .. And also I dont know how steatlthy you are but if you went ScrubNinja's route you would have a transparent fan that would let more light through .. But you might already have no light makeing it all the way to your fan .. luck to you friend


ScrubNinja: Wet rag? I c no wet rag. Thank you very much for your post. I was going to order those fans today. But now I will just go with the black ones with no lights. I've been so excited that roots have started, that i didn't even think about mold! It's amazing sometimes what you don't think about when you are building.

Kizzattack: Dirt was always a major player for me, but Aerohead has shown me the way of the Bubbleponix. If this works out good, I don't know that I'll ever turn back, except for outdoor. Something special about what nature does, you know. Good luck with your cab. Let me know when you have pictures up.

Old Timer: Thank you for the confirmation, The only reason why I joined this forum is because I need the people with more experience. You guys always seem to point out what is needed or excessive in such a kind and guiding way.

Once again guys, thank you, and keep looking for updates.:laughing:


Your welcome there Melkor .. I dont think i ever mentioned it but my ole my those little ladies in that Fridge look wonderful .. Also i got a qustion for you the reflector around your light how much is it restricting your cooling ..From your pictures it seems as if the reflector is blocking in your fan i know heat rises but just maken sure your getting the best out of your Fridge .. Unless your temps are where you want them dont worry about the question :)..


So I am going to change the lighting system in the Mini Fridge. I am still going to have 5 24w PL-L lights running on the top, but now I am adding 2-4 more on the sides. 7 lights is 168w, and 9 is 216w. I am going for max penetration for the longest thickest budsicles possible.

My only problem is cooling. How much cooling would I need to cool that many watts in my space. I have room to add 4 120mm fans more on the back of her, and I could possibly put some on the sides.

Please don't be shy to help me with this ponder.

Freezerboy... any words of advice?


OLD timers: That is a pizza pan with holes drilled in it. The fan is flushmounted in the back and the air is being drawn through holes you can't see in the internal pics. You can see them if you look at the external rear pics. The light is also temporary, as I just mentioned a detailed PL-L strategy.

The NL ladies do look grand don't they...

Thank you again, and keep me posted on your valued thoughts!


Active member
nice work representing for the mini fridge stealth growers out there.

check out mine, it's gutted and has a plexiglass heat shield w/ a 150 hps :)



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  • one of the clawing leaves.
    one of the clawing leaves.
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
My only problem is cooling. How much cooling would I need to cool that many watts in my space.

I imagine this was made with HIDs in mind rather than tubes but, it's a place to start ...

Formula for those that like math

fan-intake calculator

Good general reading

Ventilation 101

Cooling is easy. It's noise and scrubbing that task you. No fan is silent but, that's OK, fridges are supposed to make noise. Scrubbing can be tricky with axial fans as they've little to no ability to handle back pressure. With low odor grows, an odorsock type filter may work but, I'd recommend something between an odorsock and a canister. This will take some DIY but, that doesn't seem to frighten you. Let me do some searching ... name SugarBear springs to mind...

On a purely personal note: I realize you contacted me through my visitors page because you're not "old" enough for PMs. That's absolutely cool, anytime. Repeat, anytime! But, try to remember to leave a link. :wave: FB


I am actually going to do tube style PL-Ls like in Aerohead's PC case, but Thank you for the chart... I have always been good at math, and I can calculate it perfectly now.
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I still need help with the cooling solution for 7 lights.

Freezerboy, the chart was helpful, but I don't know the math of the fans power to airflow. I just need a little help, cmon guys!


Hi there friend .. With me every cab i build i shove the lights in there and start from there to see what my temps are and start adding fans to where they need to be .. but thats also me having access to any kinda of fans i need for free .. But in your case your wanting to do on top and sides for lighting from my thinking your gonna need some good exhaust fan to suck alot of cold air in and also blowing it out .. Unless your gonna have 2 fans .. I cant give to much advice cause i have no idea what kinda heat they put our and how there put in there ect. ... The new cab i got has a piece of plexy glass shielding it from the grow area and i have one 65cfm pc fan cooling the light and one 65 cfm pc fan cooling the grow area .. idk if this is any help but i figure youd at least read it luck to you friend


Fridge grows are cool. Quess you got rid of that led fan-thing. It probably wouldn't had added any light at useable amount. Hanging around for updates.


Thank you again Freezerboy, OldTimers and UnThing!

It's all starting to come togeather in theory. I am going to put 7 of these pl-ls in here and adding an input fan as well as adding passive intake dimentions! Check it out... coming soon. As well as some new root porn that is also coming soon!


Expert, thank you for your continued support of my project. I have added a 5th plant, an OGkush/ WhiteWidow cross. It is just in a pot with another one, there was no adapting to the fridge made. The roots are starting to pop everywhere, but they are tiny... so in a couple days when they are bigger... I will upload some more pics for everybody to see. Plus pretty soon will be the new lighting and ventilation pics.

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