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Moving to Netherlands ?


Green Mujaheed
Greetings & Love everyone !

I had not visited the Netherlands since November 2004, until yesterday when I went to Tilburg with a friend of mine. Gosh, I had forgotten about this wondefull atmosphere one can find and enjoy in Dutch cities. The calm and quietness, smiley & helpfull people, this little something in the air which takes you as soon as you're out of the car/bus/train. I'm quite aware that Netherlands have their own problems too, but the country I live in is getting more sick & sickening each and every day, and I feel a deep need & strong urge to simply move away :abduct:, up North. That would be Belgium or Netherlands. Netherlands being more interesting for my work of course.

I've started to browse the web for informations & rents and all I could find was in-town rents, relatively expensive ones. Are there some websites which specialises with more country side locations ?

In some rent descriptions is written "G pets", what does it mean ? pets allowed or not allowed ? As I have three kitties, it's of some importance.

Actually if anyone could provide me any link or important information which might be of some help to me I would be greatfull !
I think some of ICmagers have done the move themselves, any tips ?

Irie !


Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
hey hey Mirko...good to see you back around...cant help ya on the Dutch question but Im running a few of your wild Mazars...and alls lookin good...I got a thread somewhere but I'll let ya know how they do....good luk on the home hunting...stay kewl man


Hi mriko,

I don't know about countryside rentals, but I would hazard a guess that "G pets" means "Geen pets", i.e. "No pets".

Good luck!

My wife and i plan to move to Holland in around a year, so i have recently started looking at places as well to get an idea of whats available. My friend in Utrecht mentioned these sites, although the first 2 require a fee to see full details.


Most of the places i have seen are quite expensive, but i haven't used the pay sites, and haven't spent too much time looking.

Good luck mate!

Karma Genetics

he he funny i am moving out. Because of the change's happening. For growing i say go spain ore portugal.


Green Mujaheed
but I would hazard a guess that "G pets" means "Geen pets", i.e. "No pets".

that's what I thought, thanks BB !

Most of the places i have seen are quite expensive

Indeed they are, few years ago it was possible to rent way cheaply than nowadays (hmm, I remember about a nice little house in Haarlem with a monthly rent at less than 700 euros, I doubt such a nice deal is available today !). thanks for the links neil !

he he funny i am moving out. Because of the change's happening. For growing i say go spain ore portugal.

eheh, neighbour's lawn is always greener ! no way to move South for me, since Yarkhun faeries have fried my brain in 2004, high temps and strong sun are no good for me. I do enjoy freezing temps and rainy days !

Irie !


Heres a link you might find useful.

Heres a link you might find useful.

Hey mriko heres a link for people who are planning on moving to amsterdam,i to would like to move to Europe. Ive looked at Amsterdam and Spain so far. Spain has cheaper propertie & free SUN so i think ill move there and maybe holiday in Amsterdam! Anyway er heres the link:

It talks about pretty much every aspect of relocating in Amsterdam e.g Official matters,Housing,Schools etc


Green Mujaheed
Hey red eye, thanks for the very interesting link ! A'dam is indeed quite expensive, rates have been going up like crazy in the past years. I remember about 5 years ago I was browsing for rents in A'dam & Haarlem and it was far better. Like a small house with small garden for less than 700 euros, but nothing of that range nowadays...

Irie !


Glad i could help mriko. Cant you move there with somebody and maybe share the rent? A problem shared is a problem halved and all that lol! Good luck in your search,if you do move over there drop me a private message and let me know whether it lives upto your expectations.


I hope this is not off-topic too much... It sounds like you can move and live rather freely in Europe, is that true? No visas and stuff to live there? I suppose the thing that most countried worry about is a foreigner taking a local job.

yeah, if your european one can travel,work etc.


yeah europe is quite great in my opinion.
A big ups to our American friends who face jail time for cultivation.
I'd be a nervous wreck.
Why not move to Denmark??


Green Mujaheed
Good luck in your search,if you do move over there drop me a private message and let me know whether it lives upto your expectations.

I sure will ! But no hurry, I have a whole load of things to clear here in France before I can move. I don't see myself moving before next year actually. But moving there with someone, well, I'm kinda lonely bear and although I do enjoy meeting and sharing time with people, there are limits...

if your european one can travel,work etc

There's European & European...
Depends from where in Europe you're from. People from Eastern Europe countries face lots of difficulties in western Europe where they sometimes are put into real slavery, and many governments prefer them to stay home. French gov actually pays Roumanian migrants to back home.
Gypsies are European citizens but they're treated like shit all over Europe.

one can certainly face jail time in europe too

In France, law says up to 1 year jail for using, to 20 years for growing, and up to life if for commercial purpose. Never enforced to that point though.

Irie !


Green Mujaheed
I'm just curious, do you mean you've had a severe sun-stroke?
That's what it felt like indeed. horrible stuff, took me a week to recover. So I have to be carefull with sun & heat. in my last stay in Peshawar there've been a heat wave who got me out of control, I downed +5 liters of ice-cold water within a single afternoon. The following morning found me in a pretty bad state haha ! Gosh...

Irie !

Irie !


Active member
yeah france and italy have crazy laws , germany too.

Only holland , spain and belgium seem to be more relaxed , i dont know bout scandinavia


crazy laws in scandianavia too i'm afraid :\
theoretical you can get upto 21 years, for commercial cannabis related crimes.

there was some cases last year with comercial grows, of around 300+ plants, were the growers got between 4 and 6 years.. :\

the other day, 4 policemen with a snifferdog and a warrant to search the premisis, came to a b-celeb's house(she had admited to smoking cannabis everyday, on a radio show).
the day after, 4 policemen, a dog and a warrant to arrest her and confiscate her 0.8 gram! of hasish..

so yeah, it's crazy everywhere. i'd even go as far as call the reactions of our governments for phobic.


Spain for me peeps-im sure you can grow a kilo for yourself and you can carry just short of a 2 oz 4 percy! My kind of country! There quite liberal and they also like to protect the rights of what citizens get up to on and in there own homes and out buildings! If your english and your reading my comments....well check this...our goverment too is meant to live and rule by the same standards-its all in THE HUMAN RIGHTS ACT. So read it and by all means feel angry when you see how many of the bullet points on the HRA the police,judges and goverment when it comes to you smoking,growing or selling marijuana. I think youll be surprised i know i was. Not only are they breaking your Human Rights there not applying THE MIS-USE OF DRUGS ACT properly....ok alcohol and tobacco both drugs yes? Ok so how can the courts send me to jail for growing pot which has 0 deaths annually but they dont apply the same laws to beer & baccy which has hundreds of thousands of deaths annually-no one goes to jail over either do they? So my point is the gov are using the laws in an unfair and unjust manner. Check it out for yourselfs it disgusting!



Active member
I need someone from NL to send me some Javaanse Jongens Tembaco, can anyone help ?

I have no input for this thread except that I know what you mean in your sig man, I'm just finishing up a pouch of this stuff from my trip last year and I love it


lives on planet 4:20
Well, I am moving to the Netherlands in the nearest future! Was there for the
2009 Ic Mag Cup, and decided that this is where I want to live for the next
ten years. After that I want to move to Spain and semi-retire, and grow my
stuff outside in my backyard, like Nole from Willie Wortels


check out his blog, some awesome pics and content written by him about
his life in Spain