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well i use RR and the lil dome thing well thats what i got so far out of about 25-30 cuttings ive only had one push roots out theyve been in the RR for goin on 3 weeks theyre totally alive real firm and erect its 90% humidity in thew dome and like 80 degrees i dont know what im doing wrong but one thing i noticed thats different from mine than alot of other people is i had alot more water in the tray on the bottom than anyone else i have since emptied the resevoir and used a lil less than 8 oz of water and poured this over each plug and ideas are welcome
let them start drying out, and take the dome off for like an hour each day....increase time with it off by a few minutes each time, if they are alive and healthy after 21 days they will root


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while back i purchased a 50 site RR starter tray few bags of plugs and ended up buying 2 types of domes for the tray. i never had alot of luck usen the RR plugs so i started reading up on clone bubblers clone wick systems and other methods of cloning. the conclusion i drew was the clones water bubbler gave me 99-100% sucess everytime, i tried the RR plugs tried right into soil tried into coco. nothing worked as great as the water clone bubbler i made my 1st water clone bubbler in 06 and havent looked back since. heres a link to a DYI water clone bubbler 15 site for approx 20$
thx Thundurkel for given me props and haven this tutorial placed in the ICMag DYI link o rama.

currently the air pump i use is a 2 port 60 gal tank air pump its cost is approx 28-29$ i run both air hoses to the T i dont block one port off anymore. only reason why i did in past was because the 10 gal tank air pump has 1 outlet. 60 gal has 2 my designe is still the same i do have bacl duct tape across the bottom up onto sides tad then i placed tape along sides. the blk duct tape has worked perfect but after 2 month i'll get tad alge in it and clean the bubbler up again. changing the air stones every cleaning of the bubbler, i used to add a mixture of ferts but now just plain water. i'll admit if i could afford clone gel i would be usen Clonex gel :) but currently just take the cut and place into bubbler

rock n roll buddy i use no dome my RH averages 15-20% outside where i live for approx cost of 20$ you'll be pumping clones out like a mini factory


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i'm sure you know unrooted clones only need minumal lighting heres mine a single bulb fluro from walmart advertised as grow light

theres 3 single bulb fluros mounted on the peice of wood because theres seedlings 2 outside bulbs are on thier cool white 5000k color bulb in center is warm 2700k color. when no seedlings or establishing clones in soil under the fluros i only run 1 bulb against the wall. the distance of light to bubbler is good and all that is needed for clones to make roots


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Is your water tray well aerated? It's not a matter of too much water but, too little oxygen. The warmer the water the less oxygen it holds so you want lots of bubbles. I'd lower temps to 75º.


jiffy peat pucks.. 8-10 days i get roots every time. are you rooting leaves or branches? sometime people clone the wrong part of plants.? pics?


jiffy peat pucks.. 8-10 days i get roots every time.
Yup - my buddy netwerx and I were discussing this today.

We did 17 clones few weeks ago - he was surprised at how lo-tech and easy it was. Remarked that some people spend big $$$ on equipment, and seem to get nowhere, and here we are, ghetto growers, getting huge percentage rooting and making it.

Sometimes - ya gotta go back to basics. Simpler is better.

Rockwool - insert the clone, pack the rw to the stem. Put the rw onto layer of hydroton, and them pile hydroton around the rw. Keep damp - 10 days, rooted clones. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

Good luck...
thanx for all the advice and ya im very familiar with the bubble cloners my brother used them for a few years and he now uses the RR before id heard of the RR i was planning on making a bubble cloner and he suggested the RR they work great for starting seeds nothing better imo but so far ive just had very little success with the rooting i poured all the water out and let it sit like that for a few hours and when i came back to look at it everything was wilted so i poured more water on the actual RR's themselves spread out about 10 oz between all of them and this left a lil tiny bit of water in the tray and theyve stiffened back up im going to have to go with medicine farmer on this 21 days and theyre perfectally alive in fact it appears theyve even had some new growth ya theyre going to root after this run im going back to the bubble cloner and water its always given me 100% results just start using the RR's for cracking seeds i geuss well thanx for all the responses its really kinda given me a fresh feeling about this ive just never seen anything like it ive never seen a cutting staying alive that long without either roots or the stem rotting off but this plants so hearty tough lil bastards


Just Say Grow
don't put any water onto the rockwool after the initial ph adjusted 24 hour soak, and shake the majority of the water out of the cube you want the cube DAMP NOT WET, from there use a brand new razor blade and slice at a nice angle dip into cloning gel then straight into the RW, I usually poke the holes into the cube a little deeper to make for a more stable plant. when i clone i just put the dome somewhere in a low light environment, MIST THE LID OF THE DOME ONLY, I get roots in less than 1 week


Just Say Grow
i dont know if it makes a difference but i usually put a little clonex into the water i soak the cubes in..

......just realized rapid rooters, not rockwool. my bad never used the rapid rooters
thanx ive been keeping the resevoir tray with water in it the directions that came with the lil dome and what not said to cut ur clones pop em in the RR and add 16 ounces of water done it this way and it left a decent amount of water in the resevoir so i tried dumping the water out and letting them sit with no water other than what water was in the RR and all it did was wilt them so i poured more water back in and i pulled a few of the cuttings out of the RR's and all of em but one had the lil white bumps they get were theyre getting ready to push out roots hoping this is a good sign if i dont get these to root i got 4 seedlings that have been growing for bout 5-6 weeks so its not a total loss if i dont get anymore to root but id really like to keep this third dimension pheno i got i really want to try it out in a scrog just the way it grew by itself in the 7 gallon pot just real short and easily trained just seems like a good thing for a scrog so far ive only got one out of about 30 to root but heck all of them are nice and perky just no roots yet some it appears as if theyve even grown a lil i didnt use any of the cloning solutions because as i stated before every other time ive cloned its been with a bubble cloner and nothing but water and never had any problems my brothers the one who turned me onto the RR he uses em and in 7 days he has rooted clones does samething i do no cloning solution or gel just straight into RR


Punctuation. ? !!!

Punctuation. ? !!!

Hey fellas, look just to the left of the "M" key on your computer keyboard and just below the "L"

You'll see two keys with a "," and a "." ; a comma and a period, respectively.

These are to be strategically inserted into your typed drivel to make it comprehensible communication.

You may also note that there are two (2) "Shift" keys on either side. Pressing any letter while simultaneously pressing one of these will result in a capitol (big) letter such as "A".

These "upper case letters" are commonly used at the beginning of a sentence and after a space that follows a period "." which signifies the end of the previous sentence.

We'll save paragraphs and colons for another lesson. But in the meantime work on these concepts and you'll be properly communicating like an intelligible, reasonably smart human being in no time!


If you're using soil/soilless medium, the easiest product to use are the 'Jiffy 7' peat pucks. They are about .07 each ($70/case of 1000) and are very reliable; they quickly expand in a bucket of water. I like to take a clone with at least 3 nodes, slicing diagonally with a clean razor and simply dipping in water, and then Stim-Root #1. Cut off any especially long leaf-tips before putting in the dome; you can fit 30-40, per dome. Twice a day (every 12 hrs, or so), take off the lid (for about a minute to start, gradually increasing off-time to four-five minutes after about a week when roots should be showing on 95%+; longer with most kush varietes) and air-out and re-mist domes and clones (I mist the clones, too; two or three mists from a spray-bottle on both the clones and lids is adequate). If your rooting medium is cold to the touch while inside the dome, you need to utilize a heat-mat with a thermostat (on the lowest setting; 68-70 degrees, otherwise you'll cook things with the default mat temperature).
ty van city i dont know if that might be it but im hoping so seems ive checked and rechecked everything else and with it being so arid here it rarelly builds up condensation on the dome so ive started spraying the water on the inside of the dome as well to maybe help it create that damp enviroment needed
RR finally strating to prduce

RR finally strating to prduce

:dueling:finnally after what seems forever my clones are pushing out roots the water were i live is hella bad so i had to play with the ph and i still dont really think i ogt a good solid answer but i was geussing around the 6.0 ph is about right 73 degree water temp beings i live in such an arid climate here in vegas ive started spraying the inside of my RR dome and roots came outta no were still got some to go and lost a few more but mrh its lookung like im going to pull it off after all
well ive finished up my clonig for the most part got a few more that were showing the lil nubs were roots are pushing out so i am letting them go a few more days and i should have this clonig thign all wrapped up so the RR that didnt root couldnt i squeeze the excess water out of them and if nothing else use them to start seeds in if reusing them for clones is unapproproiate just curious

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