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how would bruce lee fare in UFC?

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Active member
Now now, ddrew. Don't make me beat you up.

This thread is a bit of fun and pure speculation. Nobody knows how well Bruce Lee would have fared in the UFC. No need to get so serious.

Kizz and everyone else I'm sorry, I have been having fun up till now, but this guy jumped my shit cause he didn't agree with my opinion of Bruce, and then he starts with all this gun shit, I lost my temper, he called me out.
Sorry to others on the other side of the Bruce argument, I really have enjoyed debating it, and have tried to stay respectful to everyone throughout.


Active member
Stc, go ahead and put your pics up if you like, you sound like you do have a lot of heart if nothing else, also, if I saw you in person I would not start attacking you, and I hope the same would be true of you to me, it's just a thread, you got me, It's hard to really rile me and you did it.
I put my pics up just to show that I am what I say I am, nothing more.
No disrepect to the Rangers, hard working, tough guys that all us Americans owe a lot to.

Can we bury it, and get back to talking about how Bad Bruce would get his ass kicked and not either one of us?


Yeah its buried I wasn't really attacking you just having a little fun I don't go to RIP which will get me in the Rangers for 3 months but the pics still coming disregard my message posted with my pics. You beat me on physique but I planned on putting on another 20 before I get there my body is just more wiry by nature can't seem to get really big but everything I posted about my speed and hops is true and weight minus 6 pounds. I come from a long line of athletes and both my uncles were Rangers as far as shooting you you get a pass I don't enjoy killing but somebody has to do it.


Well-known member
this thread is still goin

no debate bruce would dominate easily

look at royce gracie 6'1 176


Active member
Yeah its buried I wasn't really attacking you just having a little fun I don't go to RIP which will get me in the Rangers for 3 months but the pics still coming disregard my message posted with my pics. You beat me on physique but I planned on putting on another 20 before I get there my body is just more wiry by nature can't seem to get really big but everything I posted about my speed and hops is true and weight minus 6 pounds. I come from a long line of athletes and both my uncles were Rangers as far as shooting you you get a pass I don't enjoy killing but somebody has to do it.


It takes time to gain weight, I wrestled 128 first year in Highschool, and was over 200 by the time I got out of college.
I would like to know myself what they teach at Ranger school, it's supposed to be some pretty wicked shit, playing for keeps like you said.


As promised

As promised

Here are the pics:
Sorry its taking to long will upload to a photosite and then to here.


Active member
Dude your so small that I can't even see you, kidding, I don't think they attached.


As promised

As promised

Here are the pics:

Anyway I own a few shorties a .380 and a .45. One of my uncles owns a gatling gun like from the 1950 movies if you don't know what I mean fun as hell to shoot.


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Active member
Jesus Christ! I guess you do have some guns, nice!

Respect to you for putting up your pics Bro.


Active member
If you'd ever had a one inch punch performed on you, you'd realise that it's very powerful and far from a push. I had it performed on me by a Wing Chun practitioner using chest protection and it sent me straight into the wall a few feet behind me. It hurt, but not like a standard punch. The pain was more inside my chest and back.

It's all to do with technique, rather than strength.

Ok, back to Bruce
Not that I would want it done to me but I guess I would have to put a pad on and have someone do it to me to truely appreciate its power(or lack there of)
It just doesn't look like that big of a deal in the tape.

And for whoever said about Royce G at 176, I agree, he was the shit and showed that power doesn't mean everything.
On a side note it was Matt Hughs(wrestler:D) that finally beat him


Ok, back to Bruce
Not that I would want it done to me but I guess I would have to put a pad on and have someone do it to me to truely appreciate its power(or lack there of)
It just doesn't look like that big of a deal in the tape.
I know what you mean. The power that a properly performed one inch punch can produce is immense though. Not that it's at all practical, but it's a fantastic demonstration of the power that proper technique can produce.

It's quite literally a deadly move. I wouldn't let someone hit me in the chest performing it again, even with protection. As someone said before, the damage is mainly internal.


Active member
And I guess that kind of illustrates one of my points in my belief that Bruce would have trouble with some of the modern day guys.

No one trained would stand still and exposed long enough to get that kind of shot off on them effectively(imo)
Working within the rules of the UFC/Pride type organizations, which was the original question of this thread, I think he would have problems outside of his weight class, and would need a bit of time to mature his style within his weight class.

Now Bruce meets some of these guys one on one in an ally fight to the death with no rules? That's a whole different question then the original thread one about him in the UFC, what would happen in the ally? I don't know, depends who he's facing, but in that scenario I will fall more to the side of you Pro-Bruce guys and say that his chances would be much much better.


Active member
His technique gives him power correct? It's how fast you can activate all muscle fibers in sync at once from a rest position.

I can really do the one-inch punch and knock almost anyone over with it..but I don't have a one-inch space...I hold my fist right on them.

1)Extend your fingers to the striking surface. punch it while not taking a "wind-up."
2)First you learn to curl your fingers fast enough to deliver the punch with power. You can sense your power everytime you hit based on the biofeedback the board gave you...in turn indirectly learning more efficient ways of contracting muscles to extract what youre trying to do.
3)practice it.

I guarantee, if you practice everyday to the point of exhaustion or three times a day lightly that in one month you will be able to do a respectable one-inch punch. Another thing I was doing was very slow silking reeling.


Some interesting comments about Lee that are worth considering:

Hayward Nishioka - "Bruce had this trademark "One Inch Punch". He could send individuals (Some of whom outweighed him by over 100lbs) flying through the air where they'd crash to the ground 15 feet away. I remember getting knocked up against the wall by that punch. I didn't think it was possible that he could generate so much power in his punch, especially when he was just laying his hand against my chest, he just twitched a bit and Wham!!!, I went flying backward and bounced off a wall. I took him very seriously after that."

Jesse Glover - "The power that Lee was capable of instantly generating was absolutely frightening to his fellow martial artists, especially his sparring partners, and his speed was equally intimidating. We timed him with an electric timer once, and Bruce's quickest movements were around five hundredths of a second, his slowest were around eight hundredths. This was punching from a relaxed position with his hands down at his sides from a distance between 18-24 inches. Not only was he amazingly quick, but he could read you too. He could pick up on small subtle things that you were getting ready to do and then he'd just shut you down."

Gene Lebell - "I remember one time he kicked me really hard. I remember thinking it was a good thing he only wore a size 6 shoe instead of a 14 like me, otherwise that kick would have sent me to China! He was strong for his size, lemme tell ya."

Jim Kelly - "Bruce, well I can basically say this. I have been around a lot of great martial arts fighters. Worked out with them. Fought them in tournaments. In my opinion Bruce Lee was the greatest martial artist who ever lived. To me that's my opinion. I think Bruce Lee is the greatest martial artist ever. I don't think anybody is in his class."

Joe Lewis - "Bruce was incredibly strong for his size. He could take a 75lb barbell and from a standing position with the barbell held flush against his chest, he could slowly stick his arms out, lock them and hold the barbell there for 20 seconds, that's pretty damn tough for a guy who at the time only weighed 138lbs. I know 200lb weight lifters who can't do that.

I never stood in front of another human who was as quick as him. He not only had the quickness but he had the inner confidence to muster the conviction to do so. I've seen others who had the speed but lack conviction or vice versa. He was like Ali, he had both. I stood before both of these men, so I know.

If Bruce Lee wasn't the greatest martial artist of all time, then certainly he is the number one candidate."

Herb Jackson - "The biggest problem in designing equipment for Bruce was that he'd go through it so damn fast. I had to reinforce his wooden dummy with automobile parts so he could train on it without breaking it.

The reason for the machine was simply because no one could stand up to his full force punches and kicks, Bruce's strength and skill had evolved to point where he had to fight machines. Bruce was very interested in strength training, you could say that he was obsessed with it."

Chuck Norris - "Lee, pound for pound, might well have been one of the strongest men in the world, and certainly one of the quickest."


Active member
Joe Lewis - "Bruce was incredibly strong for his size. He could take a 75lb barbell and from a standing position with the barbell held flush against his chest, he could slowly stick his arms out, lock them and hold the barbell there for 20 seconds, that's pretty damn tough for a guy who at the time only weighed 138lbs. I know 200lb weight lifters who can't do that.



I'm going to try this one at the gym tomorrow, I'll tape it with my phone if I can pull it off


In search of Genetics
MMA/UFC has done more to advance martial arts and grappling in the last 15 years then was done in the 800 years before it,

800 years!!!!! the only thing that has advanced are science and weapons. The body has not changed and your wrong, more fighting techniques have been lost over the centuries, that only the last several decades could have ever even dreamed of. While your UFC age is sitting around watching computer animated deadliest punches, to find the best techniques, they where finding the techniques through hands on training.
UFC is a bunch of gym junkies buying into all the newest fads, back in the days there was no media bullshit there was only the right way.

You guys realize Bruce couldn't even walk down a public street without having to prove himself to thousands and thousands of people.
Every bad ass in the world, and guess who always won!

Like someone said earlier put him in his weight class and you don't have anyone that could match him. He proved everything he ever had to prove while he was alive. He also proved himself against men 3 times his size !

But anyways this is a never ending battle of pointless information and useless facts.


I'm going to try this one at the gym tomorrow, I'll tape it with my phone if I can pull it off

Let us know how it goes. I gave it a go a few years back when I was about 16, and I didn't have much luck. Lol. I was only about 120lbs though.

For a guy that trained for power, rather than raw strength, I'd say it's not too bad at all. Some people claim that he could perform that demonstration with up to 125lbs, but I'm not sure of the authenticity of those claims. Joe Lewis is pretty reputable though.


Unlike yourself I'm not one of the little bitchs that hides behind there PC making big claims.

Here's my pics Jr, with a note saying hi to you little man.
I'm 43 now and this is what I look like 185, very lean, very strong, in my prime I was almost twice this size.

So now Jr, it's time for you to back your claims and post some pics or shut your fucking candyass kiddy mouth and get the fuck off this thread.
You called me out in the in the thread, it will be settled in the thread, not PM's bitch, so I'm waiting for pics of you that you will never post cause your a joke like I said, JR
I think you would smash that 20 year old remember dude he has 23 more years of exp than you, respect..


Active member
Let us know how it goes. I gave it a go a few years back when I was about 16, and I didn't have much luck. Lol. I was only about 120lbs though.

For a guy that trained for power, rather than raw strength, I'd say it's not too bad at all. Some people claim that he could perform that demonstration with up to 125lbs, but I'm not sure of the authenticity of those claims. Joe Lewis is pretty reputable though.

I just want to see what it feels like, then I'll know how impressive it is or isn't.
The stuff that I don't debate about him for one second is his conditioning, work ethic in training, commitment to his art, in that stuff he was second to none, it showed in merely looking at him, that level of conditioning is insane.
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