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How do you build Cardio while smoking bong hits everyday!??!


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At least once or twice a year you hear of some sedentary fat dude who goes out to shovel his snowy drive way and bites the big one. That's what happens when you take a muscles that is used to years of doing nothing and then all of a sudden shock it by asking it to do a labor intensive task.
Deer season in PA. EVERY year.
Armchair warriors headed out to play "Let's Kill us some dinner"



Active member
wanna know the secret?

there is much for me to say being in cross country and running 10 miles at a time a few times, but I will leave it up to the joes.

two rules:
1) do cardio (cardio is basically sustained beats per minute for 20 minutes). Depending on your health its 220-(2*age). Trying to run a mile and running for 5 minutes and "breathing hard" won't cut it, there are other cardio things you can do though instead of saying "fuck...a mile..."
2) do it hard, many of you will just give up and say your lungs will die. I personally feel that when running 10 miles...it takes me about a mile for my breathing to get out of control where I feel like death....then I just keep running no matter if I have a sideache or not.

Reiterating it:
1)You must do cardio, not a sprint and catch your breath. The first rule has to do with what cardio is itself.

2)Will power. Make yourself feel like your dying or even being waterboarded, you have a slim chance of dying and your body really can go past what you think its limits are. From girls who dont want to breath hard or be sweaty, to guys who really wanted to do better...I trained them.

I was in football, wrestling, track and cross country.

Wrestling was the hardest, with practices ending in puking.
Cross Country second....5-7miles each day with a lap warm up and a two lap cool off.

For being a sissy sport, I, in fact gained respect from football players. They would call me crazy and would always ask me how far I had run so far. Also being man enough to ignore the pain in my side that felt like a spear was coming through. Mustve looked like a war hero with that mug.


Active member
Lots of good info here, but, when you wanted to learn how to grow weed better did you go to a runners forum to ask for help? No, so with that thought in mind where do you think you might find the most well rounded, up to date training methods and advice on running?
Hmmm? A growers forum? Or a runners forum?
Seriously go join one and post what your trying to do, they love to help newbs and you won't have to waste time trying to tell good advice from bad as there is a mix here.


Active member
^haha true true, but im too lazy to go register at another forum. also, my main question was how other smokers cope with working out. because i know all sorts of regular non smokers who run 5 miles a day, however i dont know too many daily smokers who run. i wanted to see how smokers got down with the cardio workout and if there was any major effects from smoking.


Active member
got my mile down to 7:00 tonight...yeehaww! the secret is to turn my "walking breaks" into jogging breaks so that im constantly moving. if i can run the whole mile in one fluid go i can easily see a 5:30-6 in my future.

but until then, its gonna be about 7 minutes with 3 walking breaks within the mile run itself..


Active member

As a 4:20 Miler myself at the age 33 (coulda ran faster but no wabbit)

Just keep trying to build a base...then do a sprint run after warming up.

That one mile sprint will feel very easy and you'll be suprised how it turns out when you have a half hour base per day jog-run.


Active member
got my mile down to 7:00 tonight...yeehaww! the secret is to turn my "walking breaks" into jogging breaks so that im constantly moving. if i can run the whole mile in one fluid go i can easily see a 5:30-6 in my future.

but until then, its gonna be about 7 minutes with 3 walking breaks within the mile run itself..

AWESOME! See? Just need to take it slow and work up ;D You should be proud of yourself :D


I bounce my legs up and down whilst sucking down a big bonghit for fitness sake

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
That's a myth that's been dispelled. The fuel your body burns all depends on the intensity at which you exercise. A good majority of people don't push themselves hard enough to even become remotely worried about glycogen depletion.(unless you're diabetic) Seing as how everyone is different the old addage of "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" doesn't work with this. Meaning just because something works well for one person doesn't mean it will work well for others. I do 10-15 minutes of interval training on the treadmill before each workout. I don't consider it cardio but it is VERY beneficial. It get's your heart rate up, brings blood into the muscles, and warms up the joints. Most importantly it fires up the neurological system. All of these make your workout more effecient and reduce chance of injury. ANYONE can achieve these benefits with some form of warm up before a workout, it doesn't have to be a treadmill. It can be cardio equipment, skipping, callisthetics, etc... Just get the heart pumping and muscles warmed up. NO stretching either. Save that for AFTER your workout.


I lift heavy....for more than an hour, which causes serious glycogen depletion. I understand warming up before lifting, but doing intense cardio before lifting IS backwards.


I lift heavy....for more than an hour, which causes serious glycogen depletion. I understand warming up before lifting, but doing intense cardio before lifting IS backwards.

Not trying to be funny Miss Blunted but what do you consider heavy ( just want to know from a woman's perspective)?


Active member
Heavy is obviously relative, and whatever 'heavy' is for Miss Blunted her statement is still completely accurate. For several reasons (few of which I can speak science for and sound fancy), any type of intense (again relative) or even moderately heavy cardio work prior to lifting is counterproductive.

I just started heavy lifting again for first time in about a year and I forgot how good it feels. Truly one of my favorite drugs. Think runner's high may beat lifter's rush though.

edit: reread my post and realized it maybe sounded like I was coming at you harsh stc9357. wasn't trying to, think you're question was just for the sake of curiosity...just wanted to get across that heavy is always relative, so what's heavy for one person has ZERO bearing on discussions of intensity.


Heavy is obviously relative, and whatever 'heavy' is for Miss Blunted her statement is still completely accurate. For several reasons (few of which I can speak science for and sound fancy), any type of intense (again relative) or even moderately heavy cardio work prior to lifting is counterproductive.

I just started heavy lifting again for first time in about a year and I forgot how good it feels. Truly one of my favorite drugs. Think runner's high may beat lifter's rush though.

edit: reread my post and realized it maybe sounded like I was coming at you harsh stc9357. wasn't trying to, think you're question was just for the sake of curiosity...just wanted to get across that heavy is always relative, so what's heavy for one person has ZERO bearing on discussions of intensity.

iits all adrenaline, omfg so good! Adrenaline is the BEST natural high! nothing can compete!

miss blunted is 100% correct you should never to cardio before lifting! Lift then do cadio for 30mins. After that you are just hurting yourself!


All is cool my post was purely out of curiosity just wanted to see what Miss Blunted was talking about or was she talking a dutch as heavy lifting.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
All is cool my post was purely out of curiosity just wanted to see what Miss Blunted was talking about or was she talking a dutch as heavy lifting.

Bikini Hobby thread...that will give you an idea of what I lifted. I lift heavy for a woman...usually to failure. I'm built hard dude.


Active member
iits all adrenaline, omfg so good! Adrenaline is the BEST natural high! nothing can compete!

its a "healthly" high too.

like last night, i wanted to pound a couple forties and sit around.

so i decided to go running before pounding said forties.

however, after i got back from my run, i totally lost any urge to get wasted.

so last night i just re-hydrated with water, ate a fat dinner and smoked a few ridiculous purple trainwreck joints.
I lift heavy....for more than an hour, which causes serious glycogen depletion. I understand warming up before lifting, but doing intense cardio before lifting IS backwards.

Well I'm sorry you feel that way but I'd say you need to up the carbs. I train heavy as well for 1.5 to 2hrs at a time depending how hot it is in the gym and i have yet to experience "glycogen depletion". Maybe if you're dieting down for a show or something I can see it happening then. But under normal circumstances for you to experience REAL glycogen depletion and not just your normal drop in blood sugar due to a workout, you'd have to have a low daily carb intake.

Your body has plenty of glycogen stores to get you through a workout without them being fully depleted. As far as intense cardio before your workout goes. It comes down to preference plain and simple. If you can't do some serious cardio followed by a good workout then don't. it's as simple as that. To say that it IS backwards with such conviction is wrong in itself. I know many people who do this, not to mention there is no scientific proof to say that one MUST solely be done before the other so please do more research before making false statements.

I've personally never had that problem but I do see how the avg person can experience what you're reffering to if they push the cardio too hard before hand. Most people don't eat properly or get adequate rest either so thats a big mistake to begin with. The problem with fitness is theres 90% bullshit out there and most of it is contradictory. Alot of people tend to believe these old "wives tales" if you would, they then try god knows how many different exercises and diets not knowing how the diet works in conjunction with exercises theyre doing, then they end up getting frustrated and giving up on their goals before ever attaining them. Best of luck with your training.

EDIT: Hope I didn't come off sounding brash, I had no intentions of doing so.


Denial N Error

I am 5"11 and useto be 220lbs.. with about 19% body fat..

I started P90X about 160 days ago, im on my second run of it. I also have been running on average 15 miles per week, and biking 30-40 miles per week.

I am now down to 179lbs and finally down to just 7.8% body fat, and probably in the prime shape of my life. I have been eating alot of chicken and rice! I have been slacking on the biking part but still running atleast 10 miles per week. Right now I feel like I am in the best shape I have ever been in.

If anybody is skeptical on P90X i'll just say its the most intense workout you can find. It has put me to the point of puking many times, and thats if you can even finish the workout!

If you really want to get in shape I suggest it! :joint:

My cardio is tip-top right now.. :D


Active member
its a "healthly" high too.

like last night, i wanted to pound a couple forties and sit around.

so i decided to go running before pounding said forties.

however, after i got back from my run, i totally lost any urge to get wasted.

so last night i just re-hydrated with water, ate a fat dinner and smoked a few ridiculous purple trainwreck joints.

soo true man. made that post bout how good the 'high' felt after getting back from an intense (for me) jog. was planning on having dinner with the lady and a few beers and bowls after the jog. when I got home, felt like I had just smoked a gram of good opium and taken a few painkillers. ZERO urge to drink and didn't smoke til few hours later right before I passed out. just sat on my couch feeling like a very happy mound of jello.

I truly do think it may be the best 'high' available, as it comes from chemicals YOU produce that are meant to provide such feelings...my philosophy of life says people shouldn't be able to find a better drug than the ones they produce naturally. plus, as you say, it's also the healthiest high one can experience.

it's not all adrenaline...dopamine, endorphins, epinephrine and other good chemicals are getting pushed around too.


Active member
congrats Denial. going from out of shape/unhealthy to in shape/healthy is one of life's great pleasures.