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Massive Outdoor DK 09 Corn Field Grow

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ICMag Donor
Inspirational stuff,I only registered today because of this thread,been following it for a while,Gunnar,just wondering,based on last years hash making have you a guesstimate as to weight you may possibly get if you manage to pull this off?And what hash-making-pollinator type machine do you reccomend?Thank you in advance :woohoo:

welcome to icm as a member then :)

well i have a guesstimate but i cant post if here for security reasons as if i got caught the cops would use it against me as evidence and probably just x the numbers with anywhere between 10 to 100 x

but the golden rule about getting 10% in weight from good pot isnt all bad in my experience from last year

you need a pollinator and i big one for larger harvest, i saw one guy doing a smart way of ice extraction in large numbers somewhere in here but personally i would recommend a big as pollinator of some sort
i used a 20 liter Top zeef last year
took quite some time as it only takes a max of 500 grams of plant material in each run
for this year harvest ill have to make a big ass one myself as the size i need costs a fucking fortune
the Top Zeef was ok but i would recommend one with top feed and need side slide opening like the top zeef
it tends to loosen the sides and the slide gets jammed with ice in the freezer
the original Pollinator should be good quality but also very pricey
ive heard that i can get others with same quality in a lot lower price
try searching for pollinators or look in the hash section
some companies makes the big ones also but they are very pricey so ill have to make my own


Thank you very much Gunnar,I completely understand what you mean regarding "Police exaggeration",I checked Mila's large pollinator,I will follow your crop with interest,its my inspiration for next years grow,each year gets bigger and better right :woohoo:


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was a busy day with some other things beside the grow but i managed to do some transplant anyway, although not the numbers i had hoped


started the grow routine with checking the cloner for roots
This Sour Diesel finally showed some nice roots and was put outside in a 0,5 liter pot


i prefer to mix my own soil mix
i use 50 liter cheap plant bag soil that is fertilized and mostly consists of peat moss
then i add 20 liter of perlite and 2 cups of lime
then add apr 20 liter of planting soil with a little more dense structure than from the plant bag soil


i made a table of filled pots and took some Early Danes to the party


the cheap seed trays i got on ebay
they have a hole in the button that just fits a little wooden dowel
this is was actually left overs from my barbecue last night as its a barbecue stick
just punch it in the button and the seedling pops out the top
cant be easier ( if soil isnt too wet)


puff, puff puff ( the magic dragon) and out they go


a wheel barrow full of plants ready for their new home in the green house


132 Early Danes adjusting to their new home
notice the plastic on the ground
my back wasnt up to going removing all that weed with a bend body so i just covered it with plastic
the weed will die and later the pots can then be set directly on the ground to get a little water from the soil also


well thats it for today

have fun
stay tuned, safe and green
its going to be a fabulous season and lots of fun


The game is afoot.............as Sherlock would say,enjoyable read,things are starting to take off,good luck Gunnar.


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ICMag Donor
tnx for all the positive vibes that follows the grow
may luck and good weather do the same
positive vibes helps when working hard and it also gives energy and strength to bring it even further and to the next level

ive had some talk with others about teaming up and combining efforts in order to have a complete indoor and outdoor line up ready for next season
anything from Danish/Nordic land races to indoor strains like white deep chunk, widow and various crosses with clones cuts etc

ill be focusing mostly on outdoor strains and crossing these with stable indoor strains and clone cuts
others will focus on breeding the indoor strains etc
all strains and crosses will have to meet our high standards in order to be labeled with the CLBA logo

as we prefer to do things a little different than most others this is the work print for the logo so far

combining forces, efforts and sharing seeds, clones and knowledge should provide a stable seed supply covering most areas of growing

as were all underground breeders we will work as such and offer the seeds to customers every where theres conditions that are satisfactory to our breeders and end customers

more later on that project in a separate thread


I would definitely buy some seeds for you.
There's almost no circulation of seeds here in Sweden.

Keep up the amazing work! I love it.


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ICMag Donor
tnx Bid D and Koi
yes having a complete line with anything from indoor to outdoor, hybrids and land races to offer and offering them at many places is better than working alone and only having a few strains to offer at limited places
we aim at selling to vendors also with worldwide delivery so all should have a chance to get them
thats how many smaller breeders started and later turned out good
ive heard Nirvana started that way also
they will be reasonably priced and earning goes to the association and the breeders in order to pay bills like property rent, electric bills , car expenses for guerrilla farming , investments in new genetics, grow gear and expand breeding capabilities etc

nothing is free in this world im a afraid and i and most others know from personal experiences that growing is often more expensive that many believes if you want to do it at a certain level and standard

tnx THC123
sounds really good
and regarding rippers
yes they dont deserve better
ive so far been spared for rippers and only lost a single crop to a farmer harvesting early ( and a few plants to either deer or rabbits)
but no big loss and
well i borrowed his lands so i have no problems with him and his misses are having an evening toke om joints made from my plants
and growing in corn reduces rippers to a minimal here as fields are really huge so even if i told someone in which field i had planted, they would have a hell finding the plants without know the exact location


Holy Shit! How in the name of God are you going to get away with growing 1000+ plants???
Top Job none the less.
Well Done.


hope all is going well gunnar, keep it up.

i like your breeding idea too. will be good to see it up and running.

peace keke :joint:


awesome thread and idea! that is a lot of maintenance. For all the work, I would consider cutting your number in half to 500 and just vegging longer indoors to get same yield off half as many plants

awesome grow though! looking forward for turn out!


Hey Gunnar, I've been watching this thread for a while now and it is really progressing along nicely. I will be staying tuned for sure! :D


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ICMag Donor
hey all and tnx for all the good wishes and positive vibes

i guess your right but for one reason i didnt have my greenhouse built until recently so i was unable to start them before i did
also the plants transplanted have to follow the natural grow of the corn and blend in so its not good to transplant 500 giant bushes out in middle June when corn is only 30-40 high ( if i remember correctly from last year)
but new experiences gained from each year so i might do some adjustments next year
i thought i was able to gain a trusted partner for this year but it turned out he said he didnt wanna get involved in my grow
instead he would do his own 4x 600 watt grow cause he said my grow was too small and not serious enough
i still laugh when i hear his words
cause he a noob and still has a lot to learn
he could have learned fro me but choose to turn it down and being a noob that dont know shit from grass and expect me to feed him with clones in order to get started i think he had some nerves
but even though his being an as i consider him a friend after all.
well im giving him 60 clones and let him think hes a wise guy and when they are all burned down because of pest and ph and other noob grower stuff ill let him have it alone, just like he did to me :)

i learned several times that trusted guys surely dont grow on trees and i also learned the hard way in my previous indoor project:
dont trust anyone
dont get partners or investors
grow you own to the max of your capabilities and you will harvest according to that
involve others and the chance of getting screwed or loose money is too big

until i meet a person that i can really trust and who's interested in doing one year of hard labour and dont get payed until after, then i work alone! ( many ppl growing pot have no love for the plant. they think money is falling from the sky as soon as started. they dont understand that you have to have passion for your work and work a long time with hard work before getting payed and that first payments mostly goes to cover expenses)
they dont understand they investments u have to make in order to make money later, if not busted, put in jail and loosing the entire investment

I think Gunnar's plans are as solid as any other plan I have seen. Not too much maintenance. Sounds like the biggest work is making the hash
well minimal maintenance regarding the large number of plants
but still one big work still and i dunno what i should have done if i have had a full time job also at this time
maintaining plants and watering
building greenhouse
re potting clones for outdoor
occasional work on my indoor room
mixing those massive amounts of soil and repotting all those plant is a big work
its a full time job but i love it!
i almost lost my relationship because of this but she finally accepted to have to share the precious time with the lovely green ladies also
she made it:
its her way or the highway, but had to accept the share me with the green ladies or loose me, and she chose wisely in the end after all :)

im glad you liked the show so far
stay tuned cause this is only the beginning
consider this so far as the first course in a 9 menu meal ;)


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ICMag Donor
when are u going to put them in the fields jason?
machete time...
thats mid june when its safe from pesticides and weed killers
until then their are pre grown in my new greenhouse in 1,5 liter pots
transplanting as we speak
i plan on having them about the same size as corn when transplanted
greenhouse is nice, humid and warm so i guess no problem having them in 30 cm or so by mid june
about same size as corn by then


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ICMag Donor
i was out to get more perlite for transplanting the remaining ones of the 1200 plants
the first 200 liter bag went all to fast :)

many of the corn fields closets to me from last year still had corn this year also
the corn is a preset 5-10 cm high and so the plants at home is perfectly following it in size

the best location from last year does unfortunately dont grow corn this year
too bad as it had perfect access conditions

still have to find 5 suited fields but that should be no problem
i just have to take another route next time im out scouting

my goal is to transplant in mid June when corn is safe from weedkiller and pesticides
but it should also be at least 30 but preferably 40 cm high so i have some cover from passing cars
if its better late june for that reason ill adjust to that

safety above all!


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Yup:) Getting busy with 1kg is always better than getting busted with 10;p
Same reason I'm planting out late (Well part of the reason is that I'm lazy and busy) - I like to have some cover vegetation up for stealth in my forest spots. Just started germing 100+ seeds yesterday, will germ more soon.
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