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thanks for chiming in gypsy. why doesnt everybody just calm down and have some milk



Most of my glass, well all the stuff that will fit in here anyway.




Would be great if I could leave these out on display but stealth is mandatory

Is there any way to tell if my 5mm icemaster is German or US? It doesn't change shit for me but that doesn't stop me wondering.

Still can't get em to show by dragging pics into the post or copying the link from when the pic shows in your album, aaahhhhh
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That ashcatcher is...

... average at best. It's Roor or EHLE unless I want some cheap glass I cant put boiling water in. That's what I get for living in the UK

Looking strongly at the EHLE 18mm bottle for my straight unless anyone can tell me where to get a plain ish tree perc ashcatcher online.

Come on Torro, get some shit online for us over the pond.

JonnyATL posted this link in another thread:
Check out the large ground joint and removable perced stems in illys new ashcatcher - simply stunning design and a dream to clean too.

RooR better step up it's game with the new shit, or maybe i'm just not seeing the new shit?



Are they creating a market through low numbers or have enough business in the US? I don't get it but that might be the erb

Mr. Tony

Active member
pretty sure it's because they want retailers to easily be able to sell them and not have to compete with minimal overhead online retailers.


LOOK UP GRUNGE OFF SUPER SOAKER! BEST CLEANER EVER! no shake necessary... just pour, soak, and reuse... yes! REUSE! its bomb shit... totally worth it!


Oxy plus be the cleaning shit for me. 1/2 a scoop, hot water and 30 seconds while I make a brew, the diff and precooler get cleaned automatically and the bowl can soak for another 30 seconds in the crap you pour out.

I found a place that has a 500g pot for a quid! Quick, clean and so so cheap.

I have read it ain't good for gilding like gold, silver and platinum. Does this mean it may fudge up any fumed finishes?
Oxy plus be the cleaning shit for me. 1/2 a scoop, hot water and 30 seconds while I make a brew, the diff and precooler get cleaned automatically and the bowl can soak for another 30 seconds in the crap you pour out.

I found a place that has a 500g pot for a quid! Quick, clean and so so cheap.

I have read it ain't good for gilding like gold, silver and platinum. Does this mean it may fudge up any fumed finishes?

Hey Ryu, It's good to see another Brit that enjoys their quality glass, there doesn't seem to be many of us around! A good way to tell if your Roor is US or German is where you bought it from, most places in Europe sell German pieces, so do places like EDIT and Weedcity. For cleaning your piece, I would go down to your local Maplins and buy some 99% Isopropyl, it comes in a 300ml spray or 1 litre liquid, then all you do is soak your pipe in hot water, empty the water out and pour some Iso in and you'll see the tar come off, rinse and repeat if necessary or use some salt or rice if extra grungy.


Amsterdamnesia - believe me when I say I have tried iso, every way possible, shit I used to clean everything with this stuff - trainers, tables, monitors ..... Got 20 liters sitting downstairs :) It works well on hot glass with salt but is way more expensive, not as good, dry your skin out something daft and smells bad.

Fast and clean this way and my girl doesn't complain about the smell.
30 - 50 beaker and precooler and bowl cleans for under a quid!

pack a bowl

My VCR.. It was specifically made for college, and prob saved my ass. I had a narc roommate, told official school peeps that the room reaked of weed, because it did. I had a QP / glass in the VCR when i was at school most the time, and it stunk even through that. One night at 2 am I was coming back to my dorm and campus safety found me telling me I was kicked out of that room (was always fighting with this roommate, he was the worst possible match they could of gave me) and asked me if i wanted to grab anything from the room. I told him i wanted my VCR to watch some movies that night and he let me grab it. It was such a great feeling walking away with all my glass/nugs in my hands next to CS and he didn't even have a clue... ha ha ha ha.. nowadays i'll throw glass in there sometimes... The insides have changed from time to time but now its mostly just to hold a bunch of pipes.





and yes, a tape has been broke in half to "jam" the front window so its basically like a HEAVY, "broken" vcr.. That broken tape can hold 2 tiny spoons too, hahah.

Mr. Tony

Active member
My first college room mate was a born again christian, anti drinking, anti smoking of anything, anti women......


wow.... vcr's and shit! haha... that shit is funny... and thats shitty about your roommate tony... id be pissed... my first year of college i had no roommate and i was in a double room. My roommate i was supposed to have dropped out right before the semester started and i was never assigned another roommate... perfect for studying, smoking, or fucking! haha
Heres a few of my pieces, not included is either one of my bongs, another day! But my favorite piece that i've had since high school, well over 5 years now, is my Sherlock Bubbler



Slinky VCR Pack, liking the stealth.

Aint decided what to do with the bigger stuff yet, working on that.
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