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Outdoor Fun 2009


Hey everybody! I wanted to share a bit of my guerilla grow and wish everybody the best of luck this season with their outdoor endeavours.

I'm growing a few strains from Greenhouse (fems) and I have a good amount of stock from past seasons that I will be running mini's with later on.

The plants got all jumbled up during planting wich sometimes happens and I'm not too concerned about it. These are one of the below that were planted at this spot: White Widow, Himalayan Gold, A.M.S., Alaskan Ice, Big Bang and The Church.

Some random pics for fun



seeker of greater knowledge
good luck with the grow........nice puppie is he an american staff terrier??


looks good man! what did you do to prepare the plots? I'm lookin for a good simple mix that doesnt include bone meal or blood or anything like that to attract critters....


Thanks Bongcritter! I appreciate the good vibes. I augered the holes then mixed the existing soil wich is predominantly clay with a fair amount of coco coir, green sand, alot of chicken manure and a product called azomite wich has trace minerals and elements.

I mixed all that together with water polymers then added some extra coir ontop.

I stay away from the blood and bone meal aswell. I find though that animals will still dig up your soil regardless so you need to wait a couple weeks after digging before planting.


Hey Everybody. I've enjoyed lurking and seeing all of your gardens this year:yoinks:

Here are a few of GHS The Church growing in an overgrown area. These plants get minimal holes as I don't want them to get too big. Sunlight is great in this spot. You can see I have a major ant mound next to one plant. I tried to get rid of them organically with grits to no avail so now I'm going to use some Seven dust on them.:joint:

Peace everyone and I'll update with more pics in a week or two.



Grits dont work on ants.

You know it's interesting, I never would have thought so either but apparently they do to an extent. There was a noticeable decrease in ants on one mound after a couple days but it needs to stay dry and we have had alot of rain. Apparently the ants can't digest the dry grits and they expand in their stomach thus killing them. Here is an article I read on it if it's of any interest to anybody http://www.gomestic.com/Do-It-Yourself/DIY-Amazing-Nontoxic-Organic-Ant-Killer.62265. I would have to agree though that it didn't work too well for me so now I'm goin with the Seven.