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Sour Diesel IBL & Friends in soil under 400w


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Doesn't seem to be much interest, but I'll update anyways!

Now on day 6 of flower. The 6 remaining girls(confirmed) was repotted a couple of days ago, bet they'll enjoy some more rootspace and some fresh soil to suit their needs a bit better. The last pictures of them showed a 'minor' magnesium deficiency I believe and I haven't watered since they were repotted until today, but today they got a bit of cal-mag to supplement their needs, but the fresh soil has done them good too I think.

They're getting BIG, their average height is about 60cm(-24inches) and they don't look like they're gonna slow down, lol. I really didn't think that I would get such a nice ratio of girls 6/7, that's fucking sweet Rez, Thanks! So originally I didn't have intention of getting them this big, intended to tie them a bit more down upon start of flowering, but there simply isn't any room for this. So I've had to uninstall my lower cabinet veg-room, that will give me a bit more height, hopefully that' be enough room.

Not any flower closeups as there isn't yet much to show off, an increase in pistils shooting, but nothing crazy yet, but here's some shots of them all and a few singles, enjoy!

feel very free to drop by guys!
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Hey GG

Looks like you're taking care of that Mag def, they're sure looking happier.

6 girls huh?
That's like your own personal harem my man, great ratio :headbange

Cant wait to see some more pistils being pushed. Enjoy!


Active member
Hey TheBEAK, always good to have you dropping by man! Looks like you pulled an awsome harvest off with your pures, props man, really nice bunch of plants you had/have there!:respect:

Yeah I think that I got the magnesium pretty much under control, we'll see.
But yeah 6/7 coming out of the closet as girls, that's for sure a sweet ratio, if only I'd known that a bit earlier they surely wouldn't have gone so long in veg considering how little space there's left for them. But it sure gives me a real good chance of finding a star keeper except for the fact that they won't have room to show off their ultimate potential, but I'm guessing I'll be able to find something way more than satisfying.


Active member
Hey REZDOG! Cool of you to drop by and check up on how I'm treating your offspring! You know I gotta get you mad props for these Sour Diesel IBL's, they're just fukkin beautiful, and 6/7 sprouts being ladies, that's just too good man, THANKS!


Active member

A couple of shots of the ladies from today day 10 after switching the light

And here's a little tribute to upgradeshafteds way of displaying of his healthy sour diesel ibl leaves :)

I second that^^
Wonderful job!!
My next round will include some SD, and some mango x bubblegum x SD.
So I've been watching lots of deisel threads and yours are gorgeous!!
Looks like i showed up just in time things are getting good.
Those girls are turning into some crazy bushes.
And more females than you excpected is always a good thing:)
I'll b c'n ya! JS


Active member
Hey bluebottle and Jochsmokes! Cool of you to drop by!

Thx bluebottle, I'll do my best to make sure they keep looking happy!

Hey Jochsmokes, that's quite a compliment that you find my Sour Diesels gorgeus, so do I :) So far I've got nothing but praise for Rez's work with these Sour Diesel IBL, they have been a treat to grow so far. Wow SD and mango x bubblegum x SD, that sounds like some potent tasty ones, good luck with them man, sounds like a nice mix of genetics! And yeah, 6/7 that's definitely good, the more ladies the better, but yeah, damn they have grown big, as I mentioned earlier I've had to remove my veg chamber in the botton to get some more vertical room, they really boosted in height shortly before flowering started and onwards, but it looks like the stretch is slowing down now and the flowers are starting to take over soon instead.

a few pics from yesterday



Active member
Hey guys!

Bad news, yesterday I was watering and I started spotting quite a few male pollen sacks on the Sour Diesels, I spotted pollen sacks on 4 of them, 2 which had quite a few of them, and 2 where I could only find a couple and then there was 2 of them were I couldn't find any. BTW, The pollen sacks were primarily along small flowers on lower sidebranches, not progressed to the top.

here's what I'm talking about

So thats a damn shame, I don't quite know what I'm gonna do. I'm the rookie here, and I know that Sour Diesel IBL is very sensitive to stress, especially light leaks, and I guess that the bananas might very possibly be caused by a light leak from when I started flowering, there was a little leak from the lower veg cabinet. After really inspecting my cabinet yesterday I really can't detect any leaks in there now.

But the question is, have the damage been done? If it indeed was caused by light leaks earlier on, can they get better/produce less pollen sacks, or has the damage been done and they will continue putting out pollen sacks regardless that there's no longer stress from light leaks?

They're really tightly fit, haven't got much room for theire sidebranches, so I'm considering trashing some of them if they continue and increase in producing pollen sacks, I don't think it would affect my yield quite that much, because it would just leave more room for the rest, but if it is avoidable I'd rather keep them of course.

As you can hear, I'm not quite the happy camper, I knew there was a risk that I might experience male flowers, but I was hoping that I wouldn't experience it this early and in such high numbers.

So chime in peoples, what do you think my best option is?

EDITED: the term bananas has been replaced by male pollen sacks as the term bananas was incorrectly used as they are male pollen sacks, not single bananas.
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im no expert, but in the past i have also had light leaks and herms. i would cut the branch with nanners off and keep on truckin. i've had plants that had nanners on only 1-2 branches and when cut off they never showed back up. keep a close eye on them for new ones though!

i know how it is to be left in the dark when looking for help. just my input.


Active member
Hey stke_fingas!

Thanks for your input man! So you've cut of the branches, guess that's an option is the male pollen sacks continue their victory. I've removed every male pollen sack I could find on them. Since the first show of the male flowers I haven't seem much more, a few more, one of the Sour Diesels has got quite a bit of them, so that one I'm considering scrapping if it continues to throw balls at me. But I might just try cutting of the affected branches as you say, don't think that would do alot of harm as they're really tight fit in the room.

I really don't have any clue yet as to how severe this is, well it's quite severe as of now, but I don't know if it will continue this way, time will tell I guess.

As said I really can't detect any light leaks any longer. But off course there could be other factors causing the stress, they look healthy and temps are about 80F at the canopy, but night temps might be a bit colder, will check up on it tonight, but don't think much lower than 70 F. Because guess temperature and changes could also be a factor. Other than that anybody knows about if plants can be really stressed by being tightly packed?

blabla, well I'm blabbering, just trying to figure out what's going on


Active member
Hey guys!

Have been carefully monitoring every little branch on my 6 Sour Diesels everyday since the male pollen sacks were first spotted. There certainly hasn't been any increase in the production of male flowers, actually when checking them yesterday all I could find was one male pollen sack on all 6, and that was also the case when I checked today. So I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, but it doesn't seem to be a serious issue with male flowers no longer, but I'll keep a close eye on them, I'm sure there's a couple I've missed, but if it's not a continuing issue, then woooohooo, yeehhee, well I'm just keeping my fingers crossed


Looks really nice man, they're pushing out those pistils :rasta:

Sorry to hear about the nanners, but hopefully it's gonna be manageable.


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Hey TheBEAK :wave:
Thanks man! They sure are in flower-mode now, pistils finding their way everywhere. About the nanners yeah, right now it really doesn't seem to be a major issue any longer, but I'll continue keeping an careful monitoring eye on them, hopefully it will be manageable yes.

A few shots from today, first one of them all under the HPS spreading it's evil yellow light, and a couple of closeups from the one also shown in full.



Grinding extra.
GoneGrowing - Sucks to hear about the hermies. Have they diminished? Are you still checking up on them everyday? It kinda scares me a little bit. I for one never heard that Sour Diesel is so sensitive to stress. I knew it was a little sensitive.
Out of 5 Sour Diesels, it looks like I may have only one female. So I really hope she doesn't hermie on me. I'm right behind you though. I'm going to be flowering them hopefully within a week or so. Just waiting for the stragglers to show me thier sex... This pic is from a week and a half ago (about)...


Active member
Hey ARTofMAKINGfire :wave:

Don't be scared man. It has to be emphasized that I'm a rookie at growing indoors, and I can't claim that my growroom is completely dialed in, that really has to be taken into account when considering how sensitive they are. As far as I have read from others experience here I'm not the only one who has experienced male flowers on Sour Diesel IBL, but it's a trait that originates from ECSD and this is especially sensitive to light leaks(as far as I've read), and at the beginning of flower I had a light leak from the veg section in the bottom of my cabinet and I believe that it's a the cause of the male pollen sacks showing up. So my best advice to you is just, NO LIGHT LEAKS, and if your plants are healthy otherwise and in a good range temperature wise I don't think you have anything to fear.

But all that said, yes the male polen sacks have diminished significantly, I'm finding close to none right now, and only on lower shots and not in the flowers but only at the lower branches. I'm still closely monitoring them, but more like every second day they get the full checkup and a good look the day in between, lol, they're just so huge that its quite the hassle to pull'em out and check'em. I'm really not that worried about the male pollen sacks any longer, because it really doesn't seem to be a continuing tendency and also because that they're just so damn nice in every other aspect that unless the male pollen sacks suddenly increase I'll maybe get a few seeds in the buds, but as long as they're not completely seeded it's all good. And on the plus side one of the ladies that yet haven't shown anything male is vigurous and putting on weight nicely so far and smells dank, so looks to be a real trooper keeper.

This is the favourite 100% lady so far

But yours are looking damn good man! I certainly hope that you'll get more than one lady from them!
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