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any Trailer Park Boys fans out there?


Active member
has anyone seen the new say goodbye to the badguys short movie? its only like 50 mins long but its on alluc.org


Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Wasn't that the finale? At least in Canada it was
Say Goodnight was another special, like the Dope and Liquor Xmas Special. However, it was the last TPB ever to be televised. As far as the TV show, that's it. There's an interview with Mike Clattenberg on the Showcase site that talks about ending the show.

You are also correct that Say Goodnight ends with a setup for the new movie. So while the TV show may be over forever, there is still one more TPB fix to be had. And I don't know about you, but I'm jonesing pretty bad right about now. I own everything TPB on DVD and just started over again (about my 10th time) on season 1, after watching the short film first of course. TPB is the best TV show EVER!!!!

And always remember, you shave my back and I'll shave yours.


Active member
Just a heads up for you American folk.
The Trailer Park Boys have been booked to appear on Jimmy Kimmel on July 24, 2009.
They will promote the fact that Direct TV will broadcast TPB in America.

Should be tight, I'll be watching.


bens lab

Look at randy's gut, it's full of dirty old cheesebugers..

Mafuckers with guts like that are definitely on the cheeseburgers dog...


I've seen every episode at least 5 times lmao.


After so many years of seeing all of you guys with avatars taken from this show, and not knowing WHAT these avatars were taken from, I finally did some necessary research and found out about this show. How did it go under my radar all this time?! Is it because it's a Canadian show, and I'm in the U.S.? If so, how come I've been privy to other Canadian shows before? How It's Made comes to mind (that show was MADE for stoners I think!).

At any rate, I downloaded the entire collection, and I've only watched episode 1 of 1st season so far, but I was cracking up the entire time!!! So I ask again... HOW IS IT THAT THIS SHOW HAS GONE UNDER AMERICANS' RADAR? At least, the Americans around this part of America.

I want to be Bubbles when I grow up.

Mitch Connor

Ricky: Corey, smokes, lets go *snap snap*

Trevor: Well fuck, I'm startin to run out..

Ricky: Knock knock boys...

Trevor & Corey: Who's there??

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

I haven't seen the entire series in about 6 months, I think it's time to get another run in.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!

Because we don't go for that kind of "entertainment" in the good ol' U.S. of A. I first saw it several years ago on BBC America. Heavily censored. Just luck that I happened to catch a few episodes. My big thrill on a recent trip to Canada was getting to watch the boys on prime time network TV totally uncensored.

Avatar? What avatar?