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Whats the worst....

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
WACO TEXAS!!! omg what a shit hole Infact ther is only 2 really cool places in the whole state. Austin, and San Marcos. thats it. the rest of this place is a giant land of boring places and ignorance


Along with Inkster, Romulus, Ypsilanti.... Need I go on? Looks like things are gonna get worse before they get better. If you do live in the Detroit Metro area I recommend getting a shotgun and a pit-bull A.S.A.P...

Cookie monster

A bar on the border between northern ireland and the republic before the peace process.

The place was a shrine to the ira which was pretty scarey...being questioned by the locals on who i was and why i came into the bar a lot scarier.

First and only time in my life i went to the toilets and asked a buddy to come with that will tell you how freaked i was.


I hate to be so general, but the whole state... errr commonwealth of kentucky sucked.
Louisville, Lexington, Bearea, Richmond, all the other "villes" and towns and fucking backwards ass motherfuckers in that butthole place...

its great i guess of you are into racism, nascar, chewing tobacco and biscuits and gravy.
bad if you like sunshine, waves, and in n out.

worst pot i have ever smoked in my life was grown on a tobacco farm in kentucky... i was soooo dissapointed.

as a native southern californian I felt like i was trapped in deliverance

edit: and fucking tornadoes? those are racist natural disasters.... at least earthquakes are equal opportunity destroyers...
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I agree with Oshawa, Ontario.
Saturday night, some girls that we had met earlier that night invited us to go to a nightclub called 'Le Skratch'. I passed by the front and couldn't convince myself to go inside. Biggest crowd of underage, welfare stricken, inbred trailer trash.
Hamilton, Ontario is a close second. As soon as you cross the Skyway bridge into Hamilton a waft of smelly ass knocks you out.

Tony Danza

Newark, NJ-No amount of showering can make you forget Newark.

Athens-Why is everyone yelling at me? Who scheduled the jackhammer outside my hotel? No, I don't need to buy a comb. What do you mean that drink costs 150 dollars? I really don't need to buy a comb. Why are you yelling at me?

The town I grew up in--chocked full of good old boy, ultra Jesus, farm tards. An oasis of middle American ignorance out on the west coast. Every strereotype applies: No booze on sunday, no dancing in public, book banning, nepotism, racism, and an extemely high teen pregnancy rate--all of it.


Active member
Los Banos, California

It literally means "the toilet" in spanish, i dont know why anyone lives in this shithole town. i got stranded over night once because my car broke down on the way to LA. what a boring miserable place.


Active member
Rosaritos Mexico is also a pretty shitty place, i went there thinking i would have a nice spring break on a nice beach, but the whole trip consisted of us getting hustled by bartenders and police, two of my friends were arrested, another got food poisoning, and we all lost alot of money!

what a shithole!


Key West, Florida should be on the list somewhere IMO. Over priced drinks, fecal matter in the water, old cruise ship tourist, t-shirt shops, penis puffers, and pan-handlers. Wouldn't hurt my feelings if a large wave wiped it into the ocean.:wave:


Lake city, FL. While the area is nice to get away from everything, and the people sure are nice. Its like you walked thru the twighlight zone to end up back in the 1950's. Lots of places don't accept Debit/Credit cards, side walks seem to roll up at dusk.

As far as international places.... Belize City, Belize. I visited a few years ago and Belize city was 3x worse than Mexico. We left the city on a cruise tour bus to go to a river and had to pass through a armed checkpoint, with two guards carrying m-16's. Gun's dont bother me at all, but half the passengers on the bus froze up.

We passed an "amish" village on the way up the river to the mayan temple. From what I understood from our guide, it was an amish village.... IN BELIZE!


Active member
Someone mentioned VA, Beach...

I love VA Beach...however ever I was passing through from NC. I needed a little bud for the rest of the ride home...

ALL I could find in FAT sacks of yellow crack...No Herb!! (one guy pulled out about an Z rocked at 7-11, just in the open, like he was selling bootleg DVD's)

No Thanks, Nicest crack dealer I've ever met...he took me into the jungle to hook up...


Moldy Dreads

Active member
Most Latin American cities are shitholes that would leave you begging to get your ass back to PA., or VA., specially if you don't know any locals or where to go. Border towns are even worse, from Ciudad del Este in Paraguay, to Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez in Mexico, to fucking Paramaribo in Suriname, those places are teeming with criminals, murderers, drug cartels..corruption, violence and poverty that you've never seen before..

H20....would u and big d please change your avatar to something other than a bunch of ass? im no prude, but i can see ass on the internet all day if i want....cant u come w/ something more original?

...if thats all u got i understand.

Oh and dreadlocked guys are cool? coughcoughhomocough LOL


Active member
I spent a week in the Virginia Beach county jail for DUI and 3 grams of weed. It took a week to get bailed out.. I was a flight risk

LOL, I was on 3 different bails in NC from ONE vacation :yoinks:
(Still em':nanana:)
People, be VERY careful in Kitty Hawk/Nags Head, Devil's Something NC...The Cops there are their nightlife:mad:.
They are so bored they are all over anyone breaking the law, including us criminal smokers...

I've never been harassed worse by the "PO PO" ANYWHERE
(Arrested 3 times in 4 days :noway:) Just being me, like everywhere else...I guess they're just less tolerant there. I go to the beach...I want to have a good/safe time...Most beaches encourage tourism.


May my nice glass pieces, rest in pieces in NC :badday:

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