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all in one outdoors 2009 dank grow.


Active member
Foliar feed is higly recommended.

yeah try it and post the results, experiment a bit , it won't hurt them:D , I never tried it so i am not speaking from experience.

Hey pop , if you do foliar feed , what do u use in the and how often? i would also like to try it for the plants in my Greenhosue , cuz it gets dry and warm in there



pure dynamite
Foliar feed works great outdoor. I grow some plants one year only with foliar feed during the veg time... no flower nuters or other nutes... and I got some big crazy bushes.
I was using some italian made organic foliar feed for vegetables... so no dangerous chemicals involved. ading the fact they had like 2 or 3 months to flush all the remaining fert in them.. That is what I call organic. I used same receipe in one of my indoor grows (it's in my signature) and had a great result.

Good luck! :wave:


Well-known member
I was gunna post new pix tonight but the dam camira's batterys have died. gunna get new ones soon then on wit the pix.

and that one is getting more bushyer all d time.
now I gotta tie down d uder one some more so it can bush out some too.
also I still might plant more seeds. more seeds means more plants.

but on d uder hand if I can get the 2 I have there now big and bushy by august then Ill have many bud tops and wont need other plants.

so if I can get some 20-60 top buds each plant by august den ill be a happy ass camper.

also I do have s few other plants that r spring flowering for me and a few more still in veg mode.

now I is off for some jalapeno cheese bread. yumm yumm.


Well-known member
now for the pix.
probly gunna feed these tomorrow.
also this is just a few of my plants. the other 5 mini plants.
don't know if the other ones will grow much more.

ok thats it for now.
the cheese.


Well-known member
anyone wanna comment. I was hoping by august that theyll grow to 2 feet wide and 1 1/2feet tall. with 10-60 top buds.

looks like its working so far there is 6 bud tops. I just hope they other one is a female also.

I was thinking I might feed them with some of my superthrive today. or would my pureblend pro veg formula be better.

well see ya in the great out doors my pps. I gon on a hike its a very very very very very nice day.


Active member
superthrive isn't a nutrient , it's a mix of vitamins and hormones. So you could also add liquid nutes.

If u where u i would train them away from eachother because they are really close to one another.

You can keep topping them as long as the days lenghten.

Normally they should become much wider then 2 feet:D you will see in a few months:abduct: