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hey folks... in the famous words of, Satan and the Terminator.... I`ll be back..

well, i`m back folks and all looks peachy. hows everyone feeling about the visitors?


my whole life I have been a strange person. people look at me in a strange light. I can say, when I walk into a room, everyone will see me. I would be the worst ninja in the universe.....

I dont look strange or ugly, I am kinda normal. I believe many people would consider me to be extremely handsome. I dont give two fucks about the little things. I have always been a strong and selfless person. I make a note in the middle of chaos to change things. many things i have been in contact with have been changed on a note that was not expected.

If i was a good person in the middle of man-made-hell, I would help people change things for the better. Seeing is believing and things were changed for the better. I dont want to say, "I`ve been touched by god", and such because some people are starting to believe that shit.. look, if i cant help myself become a billionair that can change the world I would not see myself as a prophet. oddly, some do......

In my youth I have said many things.... In my older days of wisdom, I have learned to accept these oddities that life throws into our perspectives. I guess I shouldn`t speak too much on the physical means of these things, rather the meaning that i believe it entails.

blah.. at a loss of words... if you want to know, please talk to me. ask me anything...


Active member
Hey Howdy Psi.:abduct: Yea I hear Ya. I just bout couldda said that also. Blessins on Ya my Friend. I think we we'r inplanted with the spirit the Lord says Hel give Ya if He wants to save ya. By savin Ya I meen He'l come and colect ya as His when He dose the rapture thing. I think I just happened to be lookin when they gave it to me. Somethin like that anyhow. Either that or mabey they we'r there just to witness the event. Somethin like that anyhow. I felt differant from that time forward. I didnt even notice it at first but now I can actually recognise the change as it happened back then. He said He'd do this in the Bible and once I found the corilations between whats been happinen and what it says in the Bible I found the whole thing to be much less incredible. He's pikkt His chozen. I believe that its just like it says in the Book and Hes gonna come get us. He'l send His Angles of Light to get us. :abduct: I always pray like this. I pray"Dear Lord God Almighty please forgive me of my sins and take me into Your bossom on my final day." Basicly kinda like that. Thats the jist of it anyhow. I pray this for me and my wife and those I care about. For those I care about I pray the Lord puts His Holey Spirit into them so that they will know to pray for their own salvation along with me and the others they love. I do this every night. He tells us to in the Bible. It aint for nothin. I think its like a beakon to Him so the Angles of Light will find us and take us to be with our Holey Father. See even if He didnt put His Spirit into you you can still get saved if sombodys prayin hard enoughf for ya. If ya bug Him enoughf for this mabey He'l relent. :abduct: Anyhow. He's gonna be commin back for His chozen. When He dose He'l be commin in His ships of light. The world is gonna tremble and quake. But theyr gonna be tremblin and quakin for the wrong reasons. Theyre gonna run from God because the devils gonna have the whole world(just bout) fooled into thinkin that we'r just under ailien attack. The devils not gonna tell us that Gods commin for His chozen. The devil will say "Ailiens are here to kill us, look! they killed all these people!" The devil will say that all the chozen that got raptured actually we'r destroyed by a death ray or somthin. And the devil will also clame that other things that the ships of Light do is agression against humans when its only an assult on the devil and his evil forces. :abduct: If Im wrong then theres no harm done. Im not tryinna hurt anybody or get anyone excited or nothin. Its just that I dont want the devil to fool everybody. I know he wont but mabey if I say what I see folks'l at least know exactly WHO and what we'r dealin with. It is what it is and I just want everybody to see what it is.:abduct: If Im rite the Angles of Light will show up in theyr ships made of lookin like white Light. The ones I seen we'r white football shaped ships with blue bands spinnin round them. They look like theyr made of light but you can see the solid form in the Light. They can control time.. The devil will be mostly in them triangle ships. he cant control time like God. Gods ships are better. Thats a good way to tell too. Gods got Holey tek from Heavin. The devil just got what he could scroung up after his ejection from Heavin, and what he could throw together in the last 3000 or so years. Something like that anyhow. Im not to shure on the cronology. Youl know. Youl know the differance between a ship made here on earth and one from the actual Heavens. The world govts will be behind the triangls ships. Youl see. Theyl clane to "protect" us from God Himself while foolin us into not even knowin Hes God. If Your just joinin in Psi, Please read my other posts in this thread. I think I make some valid points but I tend to get chewed up by some folks a bit sometimes because of my spellin and grammer. I dont wanna put anybody off with my spellin and grammer but its what I got to work with. 8th grade was good enoughf for me. Sorry if it detracts from the convorsation. Blessins on everybody! If Im wrong Im just a nut, but If Im rite Im just showin Yas what to look for.


you are a cool dewd, harry. :rasta:

i dont know much about the lord or those that follow a light but i do know what i am to this, i`m sure you are a note on the same day.

The world is gonna tremble and quake. But theyr gonna be tremblin and quakin for the wrong reasons. - with the future, i can guaranty those words. ok i`ll try to keep up with you bro, you took like 10 speeches and turned them into one. lol...

i`ll try to chew those haters for their wrong reasons for ya, bro. just try to remember. :rasta:

ok, the answers.

"He's pikkt His chozen." - remember life begins a new every time something you love touches you and changes our future.

"Either that or mabey they we'r there just to witness the event." - it would be easy to forget something you never loved. I dont think this is the means to a universe. remember, it is a dark universe of life as we see it. so why struggle for something you dont love?

"I didnt even notice it at first but now I can actually recognise the change as it happened back then. He said He'd do this in the Bible and once I found the corilations between whats been happinen and what it says in the Bible I found the whole thing to be much less incredible." - life and change is the only future of the universe. it would be foolish to not recognize it.

"Hes gonna come get us. He'l send His Angles of Light to get us." - the angels of light could be you, dont forget.

"See even if He didnt put His Spirit into you you can still get saved if sombodys prayin hard enoughf for ya." - somewhere in this bible and all bibles, it says something about this outside "god" creating humans and all humans in the image of God. Try not to doubt too hard, it will lead you as a rebel without a cause that started your love to concern.

"Anyhow. He's gonna be commin back for His chozen." - I think hes talking about your future too and the future of your children. I would not stress too much in this world because we have each other to blame and to believe. It all starts from a seed of life. this of weeds and of peace giving grass.. think.... which is better, cannabis or poison oak and hemlock. we are required to make something of a choice. time, people, world, solar system, all are within our grasp. lets not fuck it up.... we have a great responsibility. dont forget... its not a guy with 5$ and a cum bucket for a g/f... lol god does not always play, captain save-a-ho or a wretch like me.

"Theyre gonna run from God because the devils gonna have the whole world(just bout) fooled into thinkin that we'r just under ailien attack." - ok, this deserves an explanation but wait a minute... this light and shit might be some beauty assed shit that no one can match.... and........ at whatever time, it might be wished for and embraced. imagine some bad shit and a light up above.

"I know he wont but mabey if I say what I see folks'l at least know exactly WHO and what we'r dealin with. It is what it is and I just want everybody to see what it is." - a very rational thought, i myself think in this way. seeing is believing. i`m not a god hatet but whos to know what a god is? A god is a god by the convictions, by the belief. If god suited everyone, what the hell is the point of a god? we seek god because we know we are lost in one way or another. If someone loves what you are, its hard to forget the things we believe. :)

"The devil will be mostly in them triangle ships. he cant control time like God." - wait a second... :) thats your choice in this "image of gods creation"... am i right? A god is something that rules or can rule you. A god can end or begin your life. I think we will agree on that without any other regard. I dont see the rings of saturn saving my stoner ass.. lol....

"Gods ships are better." - umm, i think we are talking on the same thing if we like it or not. this will declare that god can be a devil or a salvation, i suppose. this is based on what we want. I tell myself what i want might be different from the universe. would you want 100 girls or one? would you want one child that died? or 100,000 that lived and hated your guts? srry bro, thats not a hit, i luv ya.

"The devil just got what he could scroung up after his ejection from Heavin, and what he could throw together in the last 3000 or so years. Something like that anyhow. Im not to shure on the cronology." - i dont see how a devil can exist in this area of space, it too crowded... lol any real thing would let us become what we hate the most to see our own pain and change that greed with our hearts of wisdom, together, as a collective, as impossible as it seems. as hard as that is, it is difficult. our parents taught us that the life can be difficult. sitting together is the first step in feeling our future. without a future we dont have much. I would say we dont have anything but people love what they have and its hard to combat that.

"Sorry if it detracts from the convorsation."- i`ll do what i can, bro... i`ll never hurt you unless you get in my way and hurt me. :)


ok, reading 26 pages.. I got some time to spare on this for the moment, although i`m semi-busy, i have time elsewhere too but i will do so there as well. i`ll read all your posts, bro...

keep on speaking gritty, dewd... it all starts from a seed.....

psi 007,

good thing i know my shit, i expected the worst.. lol fucking web page crashed and i actually saved the text as fast as i typed it...


Active member
Thank Psi! Yea! Sombody elce should see this. The triangle ships are cazoo are the devil. Hes a li'l squishey with a li'l squishey neak. They wanna enslave us and kill us. Theyr the devil himself.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Well guys that was very interesting indeed! Hairy is a true survivor and has kept this thread A L I V E fo sho!

Psi007, what is your take on the Disclosure Project? Is it real or fake?.......if/when you get time bro, I'm very curious what you think on the UFO/ some aliens in them subject?


The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret.

I can tell them of a close-encounter of the 4th kind. regarding if its real or fake. dewd... It would be foolish to think we are completely alone but all bibles and religions state the facts in one way or another. The universe is a cold place to live. IT is a cold place to live. The bibles say that all of gods creatures are to be great, I take this to mean, "in all universe"-to be great. The bible does not say we are alone in the universe. It says, "All of gods creatures". I think people are going to be too scared to embrace the truth if we have something to hide from one another.

If you make E.T. public, they will open the world to a thaught that says, "everything i do is in gods hands". whould you want adolf hitler killing people and tell everyone in acceptance that it is gods plan? We have a note to play together and if we cant get along and go the route of this so-called, "promise land", then maybe we need help.

Its foolish to conquer the solar system and still kill each other over food and this shit we call money. Would we really think god will save us and deliver the hebrews and all others that follow to the promised-land for the one simple fact that we need money to get there? heheheheheh

take a step back and think what god really is in this universe.

hey, harrythecaveman.. :rasta:

i didnt get a chance to read them thread yet, i hope you fo~giv me, neiga. I`m your bro... Ive been through shit up and down to get where I am today.

this quote is what i would like to address.
"Theyr the devil himself." - god came to abraham and told him sodom and ghamora would be destroyed. Abe said, "dont kill them". He was speaking against what God is. Who am I to preach hate against gods true voice? I am a SOB at times, dont get me wrong. I too speak words of shit to a master of traits. All the same, I have a conviction toward the truth. I dont wish to see gods plan if it entailed the hurt of the world as we know it in order to change the future. As i see it, I believe also in the heart of people. More so than my God, my friend.


Ezekiel 1

4)As I looked, a stormy wind came out of the north: a great cloud with brightness around it and fire flashing forth continually, and in the middle of the fire, something like gleaming amber.
5)In the middle of it was something like four living creatures. This was their appearance: they were of human form.
6)Each had four faces, and each of them had four wings.
7)Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the sole of a calf’s foot; and they sparkled like burnished bronze.
8)Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. And the four had their faces and their wings thus:
9)their wings touched one another; each of them moved straight ahead, without turning as they moved.
10)As for the appearance of their faces: the four had the face of a human being, the face of a lion on the right side, the face of an ox on the left side, and the face of an eagle;
11)such were their faces. Their wings were spread out above; each creature had two wings, each of which touched the wing of another, while two covered their bodies.
12)Each moved straight ahead; wherever the spirit would go, they went, without turning as they went.
13)In the middle of the living creatures there was something that looked like burning coals of fire, like torches moving to and fro among the living creatures; the fire was bright, and lightning issued from the fire.
14)The living creatures darted to and fro, like a flash of lightning.
15) As I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the earth beside the living creatures, one for each of the four of them.
16)As for the appearance of the wheels and their construction: their appearance was like the gleaming of beryl; and the four had the same form, their construction being something like a wheel within a wheel.
17)When they moved, they moved in any of the four directions without veering as they moved.
18)Their rims were tall and awesome, for the rims of all four were full of eyes all round.
19)When the living creatures moved, the wheels moved beside them; and when the living creatures rose from the earth, the wheels rose.
20)Wherever the spirit would go, they went, and the wheels rose along with them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.
21)When they moved, the others moved; when they stopped, the others stopped; and when they rose from the earth, the wheels rose along with them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.
22) Over the heads of the living creatures there was something like a dome, shining like crystal, spread out above their heads.
23)Under the dome their wings were stretched out straight, one towards another; and each of the creatures had two wings covering its body.
24)When they moved, I heard the sound of their wings like the sound of mighty waters, like the thunder of the Almighty, a sound of tumult like the sound of an army; when they stopped, they let down their wings.
25)And there came a voice from above the dome over their heads; when they stopped, they let down their wings.
26) And above the dome over their heads there was something like a throne, in appearance like sapphire; and seated above the likeness of a throne was something that seemed like a human form.
27)Upwards from what appeared like the loins I saw something like gleaming amber, something that looked like fire enclosed all round; and downwards from what looked like the loins I saw something that looked like fire, and there was a splendour all round.
28)Like the bow in a cloud on a rainy day, such was the appearance of the splendour all round. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord.


Neil Degrasse Tyson -Planetarium director
has some views on beings not from earth. Those easily frightened..ummm


I think that their are aliens out there but do I think they have visited earth.

Prolly not unless they have some technology to open worm holes and even then you have no idea were your gonna come out...

the chances of aliens visiting us I think are slim to none. If they were evil they would have taken us over already and if they were then they would have shown themselves to us by now and would see through our crooked government for what they are.


Active member
They are our crooked govt. Theyr the ones pullin the strings. Theyr the ones responsible for us gettin smarter in the last fyew thousand years, while for tens of thousands of years fire was bout the greatest teknicle acheivment we had. I figured this out sometimes during this thread. The ones here are the devil and his minion. They got thrown down a while ago when they wouldnt serve Adam and his family. They turned themselves into them visnus and elephant head freak shows. Aint that when they popt up in time? Dont that corespond? They taut the locals some tek. They did it just so they could finaly get some fairly decent space ships built. Theyre the devil and the other fallen angles and they wanna get back into Heavin and war with God. His angles got white and blue ships of Light. I meen Gods that is. God's got the KIKK ASS Ships! Theyr not just space ships, they manipulate time too. They do all the incredible stuff that the triangle ships that the devil got cant do. Gods commin for His chosen and then Hes gonna leave for a thousand years. I think our years. The devils gonna rein on earth prolly in person rite round this time. He'l do lotsa real cool shitt. Just like in the target comercials. This is a brand new day. The devil might tryan explane things away and play like theyre somkinda life form or somethin and Gods opressinem. Couldnt be farther from the truth. Its humanity thats bein supressed by the devil.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Wo man,

Some deep shit here.

Ever heard of the sumerian tablets? The sumerians were the first civilization ever. I also saw somewhere that they had batteries back in the days of the pyramids. Can you believe that! They even make it work and everything.

I first started searching for the truth on 9/11. Once I got past the disbelief I started searching for more truth. Most truths lead to the existance of the illuminati, masons, bankers whatever the fuck you want to call them(new world order). Everything points to that all these cults worship lucifer. Its interesting to see that Neil armstrong and his fellow astronauts were all masons!

The past three bush generations are skull and bones(related to masonry I believe and they also have ties to nazi's). Nasa was made by nazi's. Most of the nazi technology was brought to the u.s. after the war.

John F. Kennedy tried to abolish the federal reserve which is an illuminati run business. He tried to warn the people, we all know what happened to him.

They're trying to put RFID chips into everyones right hand. Anyone remember that verse in the bible?

Tons of ufo's being sited all over. Astronauts coming forth saying UFO'S EXIST and that the gov't is covering it up? I ASK WHY?

I have come to the conclusion that these people are just EVIL, plain and simple. And the most scary thing about it is that they have the worlds nukes in their possession. There is actually no way to beat them unless blowing yourself up with them and everything else humanity has ever known.

The only true solution I found was, run for the hills and become a survivalist.

UFO's exist, count on it. The question is why are we being kept from the truth?

Something is weird these days. Can't anyone else feel it?

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor

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