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BOOOYAAKKAA Welcome to kallens Outdoor Party...


Registered Pothead
Hey kall out of curiosity of different parts of the world, how are the plant snatchers in your country? Or do you not even have to worry about theft cause it looks so open and peaceful out there? Oh yeah you must of drank a ton of beer to be able to piss on that plant till it was all yellow!


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup kal,just poppin in F.A.M. hope all is well on ur side of the pond.peace-T-


Dragon awesome :D

Chubby my main man :D
i always have some noia over the girls when they are in flower , but i sleep on my Balkony in summer/flower time :D whit a bee bee gun or what u guys call em and my balkony is right above me plot...u can see it on some of the pics...this year my pool is right under the balkony so i wont brake a leg if i need to jump out and after a gay that dont know to grow he own...well i allso have my Rottie i will make hunt him down and let me tell ya some thing u rather wont me to catch u then me rottie :yeahthats

Yesterdays shots :D
sitting outside and enjoy sun and icm :D


My lil janedoe on your guys right :D she is so small but she is a crystal gal :D
5 weeks in flower or there about





One love :woohoo:


Registered Pothead
I figured the damn thieves are everywhere. I just had a plant jacked out of my GH the other day. Someone hopped the damn back wall! Had to call off my outdoor growing so i think i will bask in yours instead of doing my own if you dont mind.


Registered Pothead
Cool beans man. Also i love how you said your pool is under your balcony. Dont ask me why but i can picture you doing backflips off your balcony into your pool. LOL. Then chasing someone down and thoroughly beating their ass. LOL. I must say you got it all planned out.


StickyJJ .....on kallen that would be something like...."Awesome u show pics of you self and you car....Idiot...give my best to Henrik Møller ....Informer.."
welcome and plz take a seat and enjoy the show :D
You are a very wierd person if you normal im glad im fucked ..........


Active member
yeah and please write english i only understand about 5% of danish cuz a few words are like german..

Anywho mind ur own business:nanana::nanana::nanana:


Hvad snakker du om JJ ????? Hvem skal huskes på hvad og hvilken økse...du har da max Noia ....Hvad er dit problem ? At jeg poster billeder af mig selv er vel min egen sag ?

Dragon and thc great Bc champs :D I hope them mods ban hes ass 4 ewer, like my good friend says ...dont worry m8 we wait 4 him if he come its hes problem :D maybe some Doctors:D but let see, if the gay will visit my plot i have to protec my fam against peeps that are not invitet ....if i get cops on my plot i know its sticky thats a fuckin informer thats the deal now JJ so u just pray 4 them not to show ...


Active member
Thanks for the tur, kallen! what a nice "free maihuana march"!!!! I'm just starting to become normal again.. Hahahaha!! :D


BLackone 4 sure :D hope they stay away :D
Jyden m8 thanks i will do my best and be nice to em so they maybe go big again....:woohoo:

Dragon :woohoo: Thanks back at ya always great to meat new maggers irl and i hope your lil Bluesat had a great march as well hehe funny m8 :D i my self was a bit "tired" and that Sour diesel cross you had didten made me more awake hehe :woohoo: Hope to see you again 4 the harvest party could be nice :yeahthats


cellar my friend Damn sorry 4 lack of report and payback ;D but damn m8 i have so much to do them last weeks New job and lots of job interwiews BUT got a new job again as a handicap helper 4 a boy whit almost the same mucsel dieaseis? but he is only 15 years old, but know i can get paid while i surf on icm and whit a way better connecktion :D
But the butter was nice :D made me fall asleep i drink it whit hot chocolate but the smell was insane and the looks of it damn some tocix herp magic :D

C99/dc x b3n7/erdpurt


Me boy found a big bug hehe then he took it and said A det :D it almost whats that :D


Dahlia i bought a few weeks ago doing fine :D


Btw i was to the global canna march but got stoned offcourse and left my cam in the car:wallbash: but got a shot of some boats :D


My first Potato :D


Some more flowers and some citron melis



I'm glad you enjoyed it to the fullest my friend!
..no worries about any lil thing!