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Making the Northern Cheese Haze 2.0 + Famiglia



Hi all,
this thread is to document the progress of 2 new strains i've just begun the process of starting:

Northern Cheese Haze 2.0

the Northern Cheese Haze 2.0 is pretty self-explanitary with the title name:
following on to the F2 generation of my previous cross Northern Cheese Haze,
here is a link to the making of the original Northern Cheese Haze project:

and a link to the follow up thread once the project was completed,
including a completed grow of Northern Cheese Haze i just finished harvesting last week,
the particular plant i harvested had an amazing sour pineapple candy aroma when growing,
with a fuel/petrol aroma noticable in the drying room,
here's a couple of Northern Cheese Haze bud pics from the grow i just finished



the Famiglia will see a chosen Northern Cheese Haze male matched up to a select Jack Herer pheno from Sensi Seed Bank,
this particular pheno of Jack i stumbled across recently has really impressed me with the amount of resin
this girl showed in flower, the resin count is very much like a hashplant,
as well as a beautiful sharp citrus/pineapple concentrated aroma,
here's a couple of pics of the selected Jack Herer on my last update of the diary, these were taken approx day 53,
you'll be able to see pics up until harvest time of this pheno in the thread below
here's the link to the Jack Herer thread with pics of the Jack Herer pheno #3




I just begun the process of starting a fresh batch of Northern Cheese Haze last week (pics below),
the plan is to hopefully find a really nice male and female to use in both projects,
then send the majority of them into Gypsy to give out as both freebies + to use in the server fundraiser,
wish me luck, i'll need it because this will just be 2 lucky shoot pollen chucks,
time to roll lady luck's dice and hope the dice rolls back in my favour




ICMag Donor
Cool. Tagged and read... I n I pet-named Northern Cheese Haze ,, 'Seeker's Cheese' already,, cause it saves on typo-lingua and I's understand what um be dat major happening on this thread... global overseas,, new wave,, next generation.,. locked in,, we still playing catch-up pon first dub-plate bro n ya run next thing already.. yo five steps ahead,,, Hazeseeker run ting ,, hear that,, true erbalist,, full praise n peace n love , bless , dLeaf :joint: :canabis:


Hi Doc + Mcsnappler,
good question Mcsnappler:yes:, the reason behind matching Northern Cheese Haze up to the likes of Jack Herer is because i'm trying to keep things within the Haze, NL5 + Skunk trio family (hense the name Famiglia - Italian for family),
i've also got a C99 clone in the garden a mate passed me but i won't use the C99 unless i get permission to do so seeing as it was a gift, i'm gonna ask my mate if it's ok to do this project later in the summer

the hopes/aspiration towards the Northern Cheese Haze line is to ultimately take it to F5 or further,
to hopefully by that time have both a stabalised seedline and also a unique seedline,
Shanti once said a breeder can truely call his line his own once he reaches F3 and beyond, by that time the breeder will have put his own mark/fingerprint on the line,
i'm not a breeder tho, don't claim to be, but that doesn't mean us normal growers can't create a line unique to what's already out there by the professional breeders

obviously the ultimate goal would be to capture the well known Cheese terpine in a stabalised seedline,
but as proven by the professionals it's not an easy task, it's take alot of luck with some skill involved,
so for an amatuer pollen chucker like me the chance on paper look slim to none,
but the original Northern Cheese Haze (Exodus Uk Cheese x NL#5xHaze) has already been made so the terpine profile is already locked in the NCH line,
it's just a matter of making the correct desisions throughout each generation, that along with alot of hoping and praying it all falls into place,
even if i can't capture that Cheese terpine profile it doesn't matter, what really matters to me is that they turn out well, anything more is a bonus:yes:



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
There will be some Wondrous plants along the way mate...There is Nothing better than taking a strain to a conclusion...As I mentioned before...My advice is to Keep high and Flavous/scents as your Priority traits(along with vigour and disease resistance,obviously)and worry less about Structure ,bloom times and Aesthetic differences as you cant stabilise everything about the strain. You could have a UK Legend on ya hands Eventually...
Oh and try not to do more than one Backcross if possible..But that can be from any offspring Gen back to a Gen b4(I have some more tips for BXing that I will gladly share if its necessary in the Future,I have learn't the Hard way with that one!)....You da Man! JBo


ICMag Donor
tagged...I am VERY interested in seeing what you can do with that N. Cheese Haze.

I have a couple more auctions I won on the way...I am hoping beyond hope I am lucky enough to get another couple of the NCH...you know I have high hopes for this one...yes, pun intended! So I have a couple more chances at scoring the freebies...I would really love to have at least one more pack...and be able to do a bit of actual selection; I'll cross my fingers and hope for the best! I have faith in the NCH being KILLER!



Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor

I am strapped in for the ride this is going to be one hell of a project i cant fuckin wait!!
BIG :respect: Hazeseeker bro u know i love this line of genetics...


Haze seeker, your like my self I have made loads of crosses some have been one off's some I have worked on for a few years but I still wouldnt call my self a breeder as to do so would be wrong & wouldnt give credit to true breeders like Shanti & others.

Hell I breed seeds all year round but I'm still a pollen chucker:yeahthats


ICMag Donor
If you buy a pedigree dog and stud it to an other pedigree from the same breed standard,, then ,, like it or not,, you are a breeder breeding :wink:

Moreover,, in the dog world,, there is a huge difference between home reared pups and those produced at a puppy farm :canabis:

The V2 took off already ... :bandit:

peace n love


Im pulling up a chair for this one!!! I cant wait to grow my Northern Cheese Haze out and I cant wait to get these beans also!!!


If you buy a pedigree dog and stud it to an other pedigree from the same breed standard,, then ,, like it or not,, you are a breeder breeding :wink:

Well, if Hazeseeker, an amateur ganja breeder, would be referred to as a "pollen chucker", I dread to think what the terminology for an amateur dog breeder might be.. :nanana:


Hazeseeker with that speed-cheese, peeps really gonna love these...full props man, this is the start of things to come...!!!!....UK legend!!:yes:

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
I can't wait to see this, I'll be buying some beans from the bay later and will be requesting some of your northern cheese haze, I just hope they send me them.