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Miracle Grow Organic Choice

Dr. Giggles

Has anyone tried anything from the new (at least I havent seen it before) Organic Choice line by miracle grow? I've seen it at wal-mart as well as a few local garden shops in my area. I was thinkin about giving it a try. If no one has yet I might have to be the guinea pig...

side note. I hate to support such corporate companies, but hey, it's so convienent and cuts back on the large packages coming in the mail, might be worth it just for that. and it's pretty cheap too


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
im in the uk so the line may be different. i have used their ericacious fert as a general feed additive to my mix at about 5g/litre and got good results (it contains calcium and magnesium too) having said that i use a few other ferts such as guano too.

the organic choice peat free compost i wasnt at all impressed with - looked very wet and coarse and seemed to be mostly chipped up fence posts!.i didnt even try it - think it's still in my shed.

one thing to remember is that many composts, especially ones that are made mostly of composted bark and recycled waste, can be very different in different places and batches depending on the supplier and exactly what has gone into it and how well it has been composted. so it is worth looking for a burst bag at the gerden centre or discreetly poking a hole in the bag to have a look and see what you think. its good to learn what decent soil looks, feels and smells like!

good luck


Active member
one thing to remember is that many composts, especially ones that are made mostly of composted bark and recycled waste, can be very different in different places and batches depending on the supplier and exactly what has gone into it and how well it has been composted.

Tru Dat.

I've used MG organic choice potting soil (orange bag, not the green) before, mostly because it was the easiest soil to get where I am at. The last time I bought two bags at the same time at home depot, I noticed that they were completely different after I got home and opened both of them. One was drier than the other, one was darker and the consistency, texture and even the smell was also different. I ended up mixing the two together so that all of the plants which were being transplanted would get the same type of soil mix. I also added a bunch of perlite and a dash of dolomite lime.


Active member
I'm also curious about there organic ferts for an outdoor plot. even tho' I probably wont go that route,I'm still interested.


in my experience...it stinks to all hell after a week or two (chicken shit) and I did get a bag that lead to full on thrip / gnat explosion. after the bug issue I changed to pro-mix but these are mostly indoor issues. May not be bad outdoors....add about a 10% perlite


ICMag Donor
I use the organic choice garden soil, blood and bone meals. I do not use the potting soil. Haven't had gnats yet (knock on wood) and there is no odor whatsoever. Mixed with perlite, promix, worm casings and kelp meal, i go from rooted clone to finish with just water. Blazeoneup gave me the bulk of the recipe in one of his threads. I just tweaked it a bit.


I'm trying to use up some of the potting soil right now.

It's pretty chunky, big bits of bark and twigs all through it. I managed to get a pretty decent mix using that and some Black Gold Coco Blend and extra perlite.

I won't get any more, that's for sure. The garden soil variety seems to have a better consistency and be better suited towards building a mix upon, I may try that next.


im using MG multi purpose soil feeds for 3 months i only add my additives.
bit strong for little plants,but when settled in they thrive cheap at 1/2 the price..



question about feeding?

question about feeding?

i am currently using mg organic choice potting mix and on the bag it says "feeds plant for two months", so my question is can i safley use other nutes such mollasses or something like age old blooms organic fertilizer during the first two months?, or would this cause nute burn? im a newbie at this so any help would be much appreciated. also i noticed mg has a organics choice all purpose plant food dry mix 7-1-2, or liquid concentrate 8-0-0. would either of these be benificial by using with its mathcing potting mix?
i am currently using mg organic choice potting mix and on the bag it says "feeds plant for two months", so my question is can i safley use other nutes such mollasses or something like age old blooms organic fertilizer during the first two months?, or would this cause nute burn? im a newbie at this so any help would be much appreciated. also i noticed mg has a organics choice all purpose plant food dry mix 7-1-2, or liquid concentrate 8-0-0. would either of these be benificial by using with its mathcing potting mix?

Yes, you can feed them nutes, but I'd start them out with 1/5 the strength and see how they respond to them. Also I'd wait a few weeks before you start feeding them if they are still seedlings.


thanks alot italiano!! they are only about 10 days out of the dirt, maybe 4 to 6 inches tall so i think i'll give it another week or so. definately gonna go with some mollasses and maybe try some of the mg oc all purpose plant food.
thanks alot italiano!! they are only about 10 days out of the dirt, maybe 4 to 6 inches tall so i think i'll give it another week or so. definately gonna go with some mollasses and maybe try some of the mg oc all purpose plant food.

Welcome my friend....I recently harvested some Silver Haze and I used MG all purpose plant food and bloom booster for the entire grow. I also had used superthrive as well as Grandmas Unsuplhured molasses and had marvelous results. When this other site gets up and running I will show you a couple pics of how they turned out using those ferts!

Some pics below of my SH!


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Is this the stuff that includes chicken litter?

If so understand that it most likely contains chemicals used to manage and clean the chicken coops.

Nothing I want the plants I smoke to be growing in.

What is this thread 493 about MG being good for us smokers growing weed?


Call MG and ask if it's safe to use for Medical Marijuana... I'm betting they will say no.

Is this the stuff that includes chicken litter?

If so understand that it most likely contains chemicals used to manage and clean the chicken coops.

Nothing I want the plants I smoke to be growing in.

What is this thread 493 about MG being good for us smokers growing weed?


Call MG and ask if it's safe to use for Medical Marijuana... I'm betting they will say no.


You act like you will be smoking the chemicals, that's why there is something called flushing that rids it of the chemicals.


You act like you will be smoking the chemicals, that's why there is something called flushing that rids it of the chemicals.

Flushing in organic soil?

Maybe I'm behind the times but that sounds very un-organic soil to me.

Listen to me if you like... Ignore me if you must but I have warned ya.

Flushing in organic soil?

Maybe I'm behind the times but that sounds very un-organic soil to me.

Listen to me if you like... Ignore me if you must but I have warned ya.


No one is ignoring you, you just seem not to understand the beginning question. So I'll put it back up for you.

Has anyone tried anything from the new (at least I havent seen it before) Organic Choice line by miracle grow? I've seen it at wal-mart as well as a few local garden shops in my area. I was thinkin about giving it a try. If no one has yet I might have to be the guinea pig...

All it asks if you've tried it and your experiences with it. Simple and to the point. If you haven't used it then what are you even doing here? Just so you know it IS 100% organic too. Whether you like it or not chicken litter and feather meal IS organic.

Also, I apologize if I'm coming off to be a d***, but I haven't :joint: yet and I am a little on edge.


Adventures in Miracle Growing

Adventures in Miracle Growing

I live 6 hours away from Fox Farm's nearest outlet, so I'm stuck with Miracle Grow soils....

Miracle Grow Organic is much better than regular Miracle Grow. The regular has tons of bark and rocks in it. The Organic has much fewer sticks and bark in it.

It is even hard to find the Organic version around here.

I like adding 1/3 earthworm poop to it and the plants seem to love it.

I do however, get free fungus gnats with every bag!

There's some pics of my Miracle Grow children....


All it asks if you've tried it and your experiences with it. Simple and to the point. If you haven't used it then what are you even doing here? Just so you know it IS 100% organic too. Whether you like it or not chicken litter and feather meal IS organic.

My take on it wasn't that JTG was saying the MG wasn't organic... but that there are likely chemicals that were used on the chickens themselves. Not fertilizers or inorganics of that sort, but residue and potential byproducts of the hormones/chemicals/etc that are fed/sprayed on/etc... the average chicken in a commercial environment. I have a feeling that that isn't taken into account in the products 'Organic' label.

Now on to the original question, I've not tried it myself but from what I've read it is better than ost of their other products, prone to bugs as Lola mentioned and probably useable (but not ideal to most) though you may want to ammend it to suit.


Active member
flushing is not possible in organic growing. The whole point is that you haven't added a bunch of water soluble nitrates and potash. There is nothing there to flush.