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guest 77721

Thanks Bud! You're ladies are sure looking nice in the jungle.

I took a peek at the boyz tonight. They needed watering and the big one was dropping pollen all over itself and the leaves looked covered in pancake flower.

I snuck them out to the garage and found a nice piece of glass. I snipped off each shoot and shook them over the glass and crumbled up the flowers with my fingers. This worked pretty well as the pollen stuck to the glass. I was able to scrape it up with a credit card and separate the pollen from the broken flowers. I didn't get very much maybe 1/8 tsp which went into a Tylenol bottle with about 1/2 tsp of flour for a dessicant.

Now I can make me some Thai-Lights crosses. Wohoo!


Active member
I snipped off each shoot and shook them over the glass and crumbled up the flowers with my fingers. This worked pretty well as the pollen stuck to the glass. I was able to scrape it up with a credit card and separate the pollen from the broken flowers. I didn't get very much maybe 1/8 tsp which went into a Tylenol bottle with about 1/2 tsp of flour for a dessicant.

Interesting, did you take all of the shoots off - will the guy survive, or do you now bid it a fond farewell? Can you reveg a male like you can a female??

I bet you didn't take pictures!!! :noway:

guest 77721

Naw, there really isn't much to see, just a grown man whacking a little plant on a table....
I cut the shoots off so I could whack them better. Both the boys are chopped and in the compost box.

I don't see why they wouldn't reveg. I'm just happy to get back to tending a couple of flowering girls.

All I really want to do is make a few seeds. Man, I can't believe the prices of Canadian seeds. Starting price is $90 for domestic and up to $300 for imported. Even the 3rd tier domestic is going for $50 - $75. I just checked my supplier, the LUI is $150 and the Atomic is $95. I think I paid $60 for them last year.

guest 77721

My girls started to stink through the scrubber so I made up a fresh cartridge today. I didn't document how I made my scrubber so here it is from scratch.

I'm using a Vent Guard brand vent cover with a filter that I found at the local hardware store. The cover flips open to take a replaceable filter which is just some felt like material on a paper frame.

What I do is cut the outside off of one filter so it fits inside the other piece.

I use Elmers Spray adhesive which I think is contact cement in a can. Each filter piece gets a light coating, just enough to make a layer of carbon stick to it.

I sprinkle aquarium activated carbon evenly on both pieces and fill the bottom piece with the sides about 1/4". What I'm trying to do is make it so the carbon doesn't slide inside the filter when it's verticle.

Here's the bottom piece with 1/4" of carbon and the top with about 1/8" that has been lightly shaken off.

Put the top piece on the bottom piece and tape it up.

Now I took the "spent" cartrige out and got the tape off without wrecking it. The carbon was still stuck to both sides and came off with a light rub. It's now been refilled and I have a standby ready to go.



One last little project for today before light's out. I impregnated my LUI and Shiska with the Thai-Lights pollen. I've been looking all over the Lodge for a little paintbrush or a Q-Tip so I ended up making one out of a cotton ball and a bamboo barbeque skewer and Krazy Glue.

At first I tried smearing the calyxes and found just holding the ball over top and giving it a tap worked well. I chose the lower popcorn buds so the big main cola is still Sensi. I'm going to have to spray them down with water tomorrow.

In my reading I found that some breeders mix pollen and wheat flour 1:10 or so. The flour makes a good dessicant and also makes it easy to work with.


Active member


Ahhhh, the money shot!!

Seriously, this is really quite interesting, thanks for sharing, Red. I'm very interested in seeing seed production, what the process looks like (what a seeded plant looks like - I've only grown feminized, only seen seeded dried ditchweed!).

guest 77721

Ahhhh, the money shot!!

Seriously, this is really quite interesting, thanks for sharing, Red. I'm very interested in seeing seed production, what the process looks like (what a seeded plant looks like - I've only grown feminized, only seen seeded dried ditchweed!).

hahahaha I love it, the money shot!!

I learned quite a bit from Pirate's Targetted Pollination methods.

It's amazing the number of awesome people that are sharing info on this site!

guest 77721

Hey ScrubNinja and Dr420CloneX, welcome to the Lodge. Pull up a chair and hang out for a while.

Here's a week 5 update on the LUI


Week 5 for the Shiskaberry


Week 3 for the Thai-Light

Week 3 for the Little LUI

I've given all the girls a haircut and took off the big fan leaves cause they were intefering with each other too much.

There's lot's of threads on whether it's better to trim or leave them. My take on it is that the plant wouldn't grow them if it didn't need them. Also anytime you have deficiencies the leaves show it first before the flowers so they act as a first warining system. I just try to trim the plant as needed but don't get carried away.

guest 77721

Hey MaxOr - give me a smoke report asap. I'm dying to hear how your headband girls turned out.

Hey Cheesebuddy - great to see ya back in the Lodge.

I clipped a budlet off the Shiskaberry tonight and packed it in my Happy Vappy vaporizor. Pretty potent for a puffball. The vaporizer works great with raw bud right off the plant. :muahaha: No curing drying at all, just have to be carefull with the steam off the first pull.

Seeing how nobody's been in the lodge for a bit, I might as well post a little rant FWIW.

As you know I've been just starting to dabble in the mystical art of breeding and have been doing a bit of reading in the Breeder's forums. I can only venture in there for a bit until the egos, backstabbing and general unpleasantness get's to me.

Here's my rant. Prohibition has driven the cost of weed up to more than it's weight of gold. Recent tactics have driven seed sales underground by prohibiting International trade and the going rate for seeds is now around $10 per seed and up to $30 per seed for Cannabis Cup quality genetics.

If you get a male, don't chop it down, grow it out and pollinate your lady and save the pollen. All the breeders do is get two packs of seeds from non related stock and find a nice mother and a good male to cross pollinate. When this is done, the seeds will produce pheno's where two plants are mixed traits and one plant favours the mother and one plant favours the father. I found a thread with one of the breeders talking to guys about one of my strains. All it is is a F1 cross of two nice plants. That's all my Dutch Treat X Shikaberry is and it does indeed make 3 pheno's, a Dutch Treat, a DT/Shiska and a Shiskaberry. Apparently my LUI is an Ortega x Sweet Tooth and makes 3 distinct pheno's as a good F1 should. This isn't a complaint cause these plants are top drawer.

All you have to do to be self sufficient is to grow out your male and pollinate the lower popcorn buds on your females to get 10 - 20 seeds. As long as you're careful to breed non related lineages, you'll get a MUTT that is heathier and more vigorous than either parent. Who cares if there are 3 distinct pheno's, cause they came from nice plants.

Just be careful not to inbreed because that brings out all the recessive traits like hairlips, cleft pallates and mongolism in kissing cousins. Same thing goes with hermis's or induced flowering.

Save the Males....


Hey MaxOr - give me a smoke report asap. I'm dying to hear how your headband girls turned out.

Hey Cheesebuddy - great to see ya back in the Lodge.

I clipped a budlet off the Shiskaberry tonight and packed it in my Happy Vappy vaporizor. Pretty potent for a puffball. The vaporizer works great with raw bud right off the plant. :muahaha: No curing drying at all, just have to be carefull with the steam off the first pull.

Seeing how nobody's been in the lodge for a bit, I might as well post a little rant FWIW.

As you know I've been just starting to dabble in the mystical art of breeding and have been doing a bit of reading in the Breeder's forums. I can only venture in there for a bit until the egos, backstabbing and general unpleasantness get's to me.

Here's my rant. Prohibition has driven the cost of weed up to more than it's weight of gold. Recent tactics have driven seed sales underground by prohibiting International trade and the going rate for seeds is now around $10 per seed and up to $30 per seed for Cannabis Cup quality genetics.

If you get a male, don't chop it down, grow it out and pollinate your lady and save the pollen. All the breeders do is get two packs of seeds from non related stock and find a nice mother and a good male to cross pollinate. When this is done, the seeds will produce pheno's where two plants are mixed traits and one plant favours the mother and one plant favours the father. I found a thread with one of the breeders talking to guys about one of my strains. All it is is a F1 cross of two nice plants. That's all my Dutch Treat X Shikaberry is and it does indeed make 3 pheno's, a Dutch Treat, a DT/Shiska and a Shiskaberry. Apparently my LUI is an Ortega x Sweet Tooth and makes 3 distinct pheno's as a good F1 should. This isn't a complaint cause these plants are top drawer.

All you have to do to be self sufficient is to grow out your male and pollinate the lower popcorn buds on your females to get 10 - 20 seeds. As long as you're careful to breed non related lineages, you'll get a MUTT that is heathier and more vigorous than either parent. Who cares if there are 3 distinct pheno's, cause they came from nice plants.

Just be careful not to inbreed because that brings out all the recessive traits like hairlips, cleft pallates and mongolism in kissing cousins. Same thing goes with hermis's or induced flowering.

Save the Males....

Im with you on the seeds. Its nice be able to buy your own seeds and get new genetics but sometimes that shit can get old(too much money i know first hand). My rule is "If you meet a nice guy keep him by your side"

liking the grow :D


Active member
So it's still really cold in your neck of the woods, eh? Because, that LUI in post 130 has an awful lot of frost on it!!

Lookin' GREAT, Red!!!

guest 77721

Yeah the LUI is really frosty. I find myself quite often just standing infront of the cabinet and staring. Damn doors, life was much easier in a rubbermaid when it took 5 mins to take the top tub off without knocking the scrubber off.

Hey Kii, thanks for dropping by. I think you'll see the sources dry up for seeds in the next couple of years.

Save you males!!!

guest 77721

Hey I just tested a popcorn bud off the Shiska with my HappyVappy vaporisor. Ooooh gonna be some nice smoke when done.

Played golf with my buds today since I'm layed off every Friday. Damn it was a nasty day. Nobody in our group wanted to wuss out so we played at 40F with a high wind and drizzle and no alcohol ARRGH. I gotta load up an emergency flask of single malt in case this happens again...


Active member
Yeah, 40F golf, high winds, drizzle, no alcohol - sounds like a real good time!

Do you like your Happy Vappy? I have a Volcano, which makes a really great hit - but that noisy bag crinkling-away whilst in the process somehow takes-away from the mood, ya know? I have a small glass pipe, but I don't care for what it does to my throat. I'm considering another alternative. Bongs are out (I can hear it now, 11-yr old asking "Daddy what's this for?" :yoinks: )

What to do, what to do!

I'm chuckling @ your remark about just standing in front of your cabinet and staring - I've been do the same lately, only I also end-up sliding the girls out of the light for "closer examination" - then back into the the light - - then back out... over-and-over.

I think I may be autistic! (Damn rails!)

guest 77721

Hey I2 - we had fun anyway, playin' the game like they do on the Scottish Moors. I sure needed a hot shower when I got home.

I really like the HappyVappy. It doesn't look like a pipe or bong more like a an aromatherapy thingy. It works very well. All you do is stick a pea size chunk in and suck really slow through the straw. I find it does dry out my throat a bit but nothing compared to smoking. I did a bit of research before I bought one and I think I made the best choice. http://www.happyvappy.com/

Week 6 Update:

My LUI is bulking up and is very frosty.

The Shiska is starting to bulk up too.

The little LUI is chugging away. It's a bit shorter pheno than the other one and didn't stretch too much.

My Thai-Lights is still stretching. It's just staring to settle down to make buds.


The ladies are looking nice bro.That vape looks nice the only drawback for me is the amount it holds as it looks really small for the price.How long have u had that vape?