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Active member
Raco does the columbiaan you grow still have that earthy gold or brown taste or was that just from the late chop and poor curing? I loved that taste


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I sad 5% but oviously not those. Nirvana Maui waui is only 5-10% and these strais are old school from what Nirvana say.Now thats what im was use to seeing back then. Sweet nugs there. So if those strains where arround in 78 what the hell happened in 77 lol.


Hammerhead i dont think any one is offering what they call mauie or has any thing even close to the old mauie lines once exported to places like here and the us not even close i know as i smoked it in the erly days found a few seed and grew the old mauie sat they called mauie it was amazing smoke to very unique i have found a mauie line close to it took me over 2 decades to find tho but it has less sat to wat i had then tho and i have a native of mauie to thank for it.

Fact is the old lines were very good and some was seeded becouse they were grown out doors and some males were pulled late as they were grown in large numbers back then as the seeds we grew from the seeds found in the old lines as that was ow seed banks back then the plants we grew into seedless plants sure some hermie plants were found but not like some think and leed people to belive.

Pictures look good but you need to rember there sativas so there going to be a little airy and on top of that they were dryed possible out doors then bailed and comprest then stuck into a ship and exported so there not going to look as nice as it would if you grew it dryed it and cured it your self.

Fact is few of todays lines are even on the same level as the flowers pictured some lines come close but with fast flowering lines and adding indicas you have trade off.

This post is good gives people an idear of what some of the old lines looked like as they hit the streets after they were imported in and gives some a look at what they looked like unlike what many lay claim to have now that are far from the old lines there trying to pass them off as.

I stand by what i have sed for years i have yet to see any one post a pic of the old pan or culumbine reds or even the acupulco gold or many other lines i saw growing and in flower most add a name to an unrelated line and seek to cash in on it or inflate there egos.

I like most lost many lines from bad storage id trade all my modern hybrids well most love my mangohaze and a few more lol for what we were growing in the 70s 80s i would even pay $500 for 10 seeds of lines posted in that book as im sure many older growers would.

Thia from 1978.


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charlie garcia

There will always be 2 positions Hempy, the complainers and the guys who try to do something instead. Is obvious and truth, so much is lost and legacy recieved and saved for our children is reduced to a minimal part of what it was before, usually most potent but hybridated, not pure.
Is another fact, most people of cannabis dont give a shit about.... cannabis genepool. Thus we are strange community, we may collaborate saving whales or ants... but cannabis diversity? You shouldnt be much worried about marketing or not of sativas, we are in XXI century amigo, almost nobody grows them.

There are plenty of lines around yet to make some nice and new hybrids be sure. And although in what we understand for sativas potency and quality are so rare to find in most and you need to dig deep and deep and never know if worth, some hybrids can be quite potent yet and in comparison to present well known stablished genetics. Be sure challenge of this job is so high compared with if done with old times hyper-potent lines.

There is a point also about extreme potency weed and thats more related to medical users. I dont know how can they benefit for instance of a extremely potent and trippy Haze if not used to smoke! Taking in account some sativa hybrids can so useful medicine for many people and effects sometimes more friendly, lots of medical users can get their relief with different and unique hybrids bred with different present sativas. Dont know if we should lock all doors yet. At least intelectually I can't, I benefit myslef smoking them. Don't think we know all. Cannabis richness has many and different faces to be useful, not only extremes and value is not same than price.

I would pay as well

Best wishes all


ICMag Donor
WOW RACO.......can i join you for a splif sometime.....id fly round the globe to smoke the buds in them pick`s

whats your 4 best for taste??
how do i buy the seeds??


Paint Your DreamStrain
There will always be 2 positions Hempy, the complainers and the guys who try to do something instead.

Word my man, it's up to the community that are aware and actually care about these great strains to keep them alive, I'm assuming the majority of this board wants faster flowering commercial shit with high yield and what not. See I'm relatively new to the growing scene and kinda sorta new to smoking, I've probably only smoked only 1 or 2 strains that you can consider quality, but I can get a feel for what you guys are saying which is why I started a thread about landrace strains, which seems like it could be the closest to the original untainted genetics we're looking for.

We can bicker about whats lost or we can maintain what we still have, before ya know it, a couple million blinks of our eyes and our genepool is even less diverse, more high yield indica knock-you-off-your-shit oriented, less inspirational motivational sensational low yield sativa oriented, shit'll sit in the past where we left it.

Let's do somethin' about it, ya know?


I would guess that commercial mex might have been around 5% but everything else including commercial columbian I would bet was stronger. I think most of the time when you hear that weed was alot weaker back then it's from parents (and grandparents) trying to justify why they could smoke weed but their kids shouldn't. I wasn't a big Jamaican fan but that was the next step up from mersh mex and I would bet that even that was stronger than 5%. Jamaican wasn't bad herb but the taste was kind of too musty or earthy for my taste. Lumbo on the other hand usually was quite pleasant tasting to me and the better columbians had a hashy spicy taste that was killer and so was the stone. And I would say that top shelf herb from the day would stand up to anything going today. Top grade mexis, lumbos, thai, africans etc would take you for a ride. I didn't smoke any hawaiin til about '80 but that was definitely some killer herb as well. There were some killer strains going around in '66 when I started smoking and there are some killer strains still, my opinion is that great weed is great weed no matter what time period it came from.


I started smoking pot in 63 the mid 70's was a good time
lots of red bud columbian still the early 70's with all the
hash I loved the red leb after all these years one thing
is true "the best pot there is is what you got"


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Like I said you can buy these low thc strains right now from gypsy im sure there are more

Breeder : Nirvana
Flowering Time : 9 - 11 weeks
Environment : Indoor/Outdoor
Seeds Per Pack : 10

Hawaii Maui Waui is a lanky tropical sativa, long a main attraction of the Hawaiian Islands. This strain has a citrus aroma and smooth fruity herbal flavour. The buzz from Hawaii Maui Waui is inspiring. These are old school genetics and not too overpowering like modern indoor strains tend to be. Through years of inbreeding we have captured that taste of the Valley Island.

* Plant type: Best suitable for outdoor growing.
* Plant height: Tall- Mostly Sativa
* Stoned or high?: Sativa High- Cereberal Buzz
* THC level: Moderate 5-10%
* Flowering Weeks: 9/11
* Yield (Sea of Green on one m2) : 350-450
* Harvest Month: 9/10
* Grow difficulty: Experienced


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Colombians of the 70´s and 80´s were some of the best smelling and tasting herbs ever :D
Chaman´s colombian Red x Gold,greenhouse,45ºN :D


Care Free 1

Active member
Interesting that many of those strains passed through SoCal back in the late 70's.
Looks are deceiving. That was some great stuff!!!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Great thread Dr.D love those old strain pics. Raco and Hempy once again you astound me with your pics,I'm in my late 30's so was a child when all these strains were around...I'd kill for anyone of them now...although its the DurbanPoison that was always my fave...JBo


I saw a few posts on the first page or two from the younger crowd saying "weed has come a long way since '77"...Folks, those buds aren't schwagg - those are all outdoor grown, heavy, if not all, sativa influenced as some of the more experienced members have pointed out (yes, read 4-7 mos flowering). I was 10 at the time this issue came out, but I'm DAMN sure the best weed I ever smoked was some wispy, no-bud shit they told me was Hawaiian in about '82 or '83.

It didn't smell like weed...It smelled minty if I recall. I took the guy that sold that shake to me into the high school bathroom (town outside of Boston) and threatened to give him the beat-down because I thought I had gotten ripped off at $10 a G. I was smoking a lot of Vermont grown outdoor skunk at the time -- that was the standard. He kept saying "Just smoke it first, then ask for your money back". Boy, was he right!

The difference is that EVERYTHING was grown outdoors back in the day (real sativas galore) and now, if ya can't grow it indoors, it don't sell (witness the haze dilemma and varying accounts of potency). Looks don't mean a thing in this situation.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
...the arrival of the afghan indicas changed it all....forever? :chin:

Monkey Ball :D

Thanks everybody, i'm glad you like the pics.

Those are some awesome samples Raco. You seem to know your old school strains. I'm wondering if you could help me identify what this one is. I was given some supposedly 25-30 year old beans, the guy that gave em to me is 60 and hasn't really been into the seen in years so i suspect it is possible. I tried a couple and one germinated. It's a really long flowering sativa (i chopped at 12 weeks an the pics were taken within days), it stretched like crazy...octopus arms that wove into the other plants. As you see i had to cage it. It smells like the most wonderful mango / carrot. The calyx's are super small but he hairs are enormous. The potency was minimal when i cut it...but as you can see...it wasn't even close to done. I'm just curious if its worth trying to work with. I know i have to grow it out completely at see...but just wondering if you can tell the basic strain this might be?


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I could be wrong, but that looks like a more contemporary haze hybrid variety to me . Are you growing those outside to do them justice? I don't think any Sativa can come to full fruition in the midwest outdoors... Send those old school seeds to cali where we can do them beans justice!

Different game: The leaves of a sativa can carry more potency in comparison than the indica buds. Shake can be more potent than indica bud.

They look Great Dr. D!



Thanks everybody, i'm glad you like the pics.

Those are some awesome samples Raco. You seem to know your old school strains. I'm wondering if you could help me identify what this one is. I was given some supposedly 25-30 year old beans, the guy that gave em to me is 60 and hasn't really been into the seen in years so i suspect it is possible. I tried a couple and one germinated. It's a really long flowering sativa (i chopped at 12 weeks an the pics were taken within days), it stretched like crazy...octopus arms that wove into the other plants. As you see i had to cage it. It smells like the most wonderful mango / carrot. The calyx's are super small but he hairs are enormous. The potency was minimal when i cut it...but as you can see...it wasn't even close to done. I'm just curious if its worth trying to work with. I know i have to grow it out completely at see...but just wondering if you can tell the basic strain this might be?

Damn mystery strains are so awesome, especially old school ones. Any close up shots of the buds?