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let the party begin


Un - Retired,
well thats me in Amsterdam and getting things ready for the kickoff
already picked up some of the entrys and as usual theres some really nice samples there
I'll PM the entrants later to confirm entrys, anyone in Amsterdam that needs to get in touch with me
drop me a PM and I'll give you a number to get me on

Cannabis collage is ready to go and I'll be dropping off some sheets in a day or so
with information for the people that are in town early and I may try and sort out a few meet ups
on wed and thursday if anyone is up for it

time to go roll a fat one and get my tollerence up a bit for the main event


Woohoo.. get the party started dude :woohoo::joint::ying::smoker::smoke:

Are you tempted to dip into the entries for a little pre-testing? I would be! :canabis:

Definately up for a Thursday meet if others are, will be in town early on 16th.


can hardly wait :D
i can not send you a pm tho, as i do not yet have the necessary amount of posts..
i do need to get in touch with you to pay for the indica pass and also maybe pick up a hash pass ;-P unless i can just go to the college and get further instructions on those two things there.. :)

Anyway, see ya'll very very soon! :D:D


lives on planet 4:20
OP, was just wondering, I am arriving only on the 19th, where is the best place for me to go when I arrive, and since I want to make that donation to
CC, when is the best time to do that?

or should I try to get a mobile phone number from someone, since I will have
my phone with me and can simply call and find out where everyone is at?

what are your suggestions???


mosca negra

Looking forward to arriving on Friday am! We are going to get this party started right!!

Cheers, Mosca


Icetoker, Smeden, esbe and I will make Amsterdam a much more pleasant place to stay from friday.
Later den Haag will have the pleasure to host us.

Party time bros

P :smoke:


You fine gents and ladies (if theres any taggin along) have a splendid Cup this yr and praying for safety for all of you...Peace and shine on, looking forward to the results folks!


On schedule

On schedule

Sorting out the suitcase tonight in the air by afternoon tomorrow.

Safe travels everyone!



Active member
If anyone needs someone to carry their bags up narrow suicidal stairwells, I work for airline tickets, just pm me...

Have a great time everyone!

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