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Smoking and driving .. the debate



I just recently last week drove across canada (literally). I rolled 13 Joints , it took me 3 days. I got pulled over once when I was smoking a doob and threw it out the window as the cop was pulling me over.

I drove at night and through the day and had no problems and I also drive a 450 horsepower sports car. FOR ME it actually helps me concentrate, I even smoke before track days in the summer and the lap times are faster when im stoned lol.

my .021 cents
Me & my Buddies used to drive stoned all the time when we were younger, as I have matured I realise that smoking weed impares your concentration and reaction time. If I did kill someone when driving while sober I think I would find that very difficult to deal with, but if I killed someone while high, I don't think I could live with myself. Could you?


ed zahcary. sound it out. sounds like exactly, yes?

the guy was simply agreeing with you. you said don't ever do it... he said... ed zachary!


Gotcha. I was taking it as a reference to the old joke regarding Ed Zachary disease. :D

By the way, Feyd, I see you're and MF Doom fan. I can definitely dig it!


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
HEY...................I GET IT !!!!!!

Ed Zahcary.......HA HA HA HA HAHAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I respect everyone's opinions and I understand I may have possibly opened a can of worms.

oooo.... it's wiggling!

It's the old, "Do as I say and not as I do" trick. I was driving home in the fog one night. Doing maybe 30 mph on the 65 mph freeway. Suddenly a Highway Patrol zips by me, slides in front of me and slows to 15, lights a flashing. Once I realized he was just leading me, I rolled a J, cranked up the tape deck and toked up with an HP escort.

I was young and stupid and got away with it :wallbash:. Please don't drive smoking, smoked or roll behind the wheel.


Ready for the truth?

Here we go.

Driving under the influence of a drug, or substance such as alcohol can OBVIOUSLY impair your performance behind the wheel because it not only alters state of mind but also physical response including sensitivity to things (hearing, seeing, touching senses decrease)...blurred vision, slurred speech...obvious, obvious signs of impairment.

Now weed on the other hand, is both good and bad in this situation.

I will agree with a good portion of members here...I'm able to drive legitimately stoned, sober, but not drunk. i refuse to drive DRUNK ever...but i have drank, and drove. let me explain why.

think of it this way. say there's a level... from 1-10.. 1 = lowest, 10 = highest, when it comes to impairment/inebriation/intoxication (primarily to include blurred vision, loss of consciousness, etc.) alcohol would obviously rate a 10, while weed would probably only hit the 3-5 scale, max.

alcohol's effects cause problems with our ability to operate a motor vehicle..

marijuana's effects don't cause the same problems with the ability to operate a vehicle..BUT, response time is affected - now, i can never say by how much, but it can be affected. now here's the kicker...there's no way to say and/or predict how "messed up" you'll be with weed. with alcohol you can generalize and make a best guess of saying "oh, well, 6 mixed will get me fucked up", or "10 shots fuck me up"...and generally be right, given you have experience drinking.

with weed... you can't do that. strains, potency, effects can vary dramatically...some strains may increase paranoia or racing heart (sativas) and depending on volume smoked, this may be a good or bad thing. 1 hit off a bowl may wake the driver up and they coast' down the highway no problems...but 3 hits completely destroy you and you can't even see straight.

my point with all this....alcohol you can clearly see, observe and test the results of alcohol use, and what it does to you while you drive...with weed, those tests would be EXTREMELY hard to test due to all the different effects of marijuana and an individuals body.

I think:

They need to penalize people for driving under the influence of marijuana IF they could set a standard and test for it on-site. Just how i can have 1 beer and be ok to drive, 1 hit off a bowl is the same thing essentially...so what's the difference? The limit in my state is .08 with alcohol...

1 beer may take me to .01... 2 beers to .03....and so on... how can you test weed? you cant!

as much as i am against any control against our precious plant, the general population is fucking retarded, man. criminalize driving under the influence of weed, but oh wait, that's already a law. in the state of PA we have DUID laws like many other states, which is driving under the influence of drugs. from what i hear, it's the same if not more severe penalties than compared to normal DUI's.

but, being that i don't have the problem of not being able to understand if i'm sober enough to drive (after i smoke) i will continue to smoke, and drive. responsibly...if i can noticably tell i'm retardedly stoned, damn right i'm not driving. but if i'm just relaxed and calm...and mental buzz goin on...yeah i'll drive...i've did it daily for years to, from work...to friends houses...everything.


its quite disturbing to have to notice all the little things that "could" be wrong with your car just because youre so high you keep hearing every little sound...

i try to drive high less often now, because ill end up replacing every part in my car if i dont


ya no problem driving high. unless my tolerance is non existent like not smoking for a month or so, then i can get really high, still can drive Ok, but i avoid it, generally i try to drive sober. which is like 90% of the time,

if u have a good tolerance there is no problem in driving high

while if ur high on alcohol that's a totally different story...

the bad thing is u can get into a lot of trouble if u have a crash and to be found under the influence.

a crash can happen anytime, so if u drive high drive more carefully so u don't get in trouble.


Active member
I think certain type of strains in moderation are ok while driving. I sometimes take a sativa puff or two for relaxation if the road ahead is long and dull, but I wouldn't drive if I had just blazed up a bowl of white russian (mebbe I wouldn't find the vehicle anyways).

Still, you don't often hear about traffic accidents involving marijuana. Over here the culprit is nearly always alcohol or amphetamine.


I think the only thing worse than other stupid drivers is stupid drivers on alcohol. I have no worries or concerns about driving "stoned", maybe cause I'm stoned all the time anyway. Anyway, there's a lot that can get you out there, it's how you handle it after.................


New member
that video that was posted on here a few days ago is on point! nice to see some surveys and experiments are non-biased.


The only study I've ever seen on the subject showed a net decrease in hazardous driving actions on the part of the stoned subjects compared to sober control. But I seriously doubt anyone's done a strait up double blind (how could you?) on this subject to see what the results would be.

Personally being very lightly stoned doesn't seem to affect my driving, but I really prefer to be on a bicycle when I'm stoned at all, it's a much nicer experience for me.

There was a study done back in the 70's that considered the impact of driving while under the influence of pot.

Turns out the stoned drivers were a tad paranoid about fucking up while they were driving, and responded to their paranoia by driving more cautiously than a driver not under the influence.

This is the exact opposite of what happens when a person drives under the influence of alcohol, especially low levels like one or two drinks. These folks tend to drive with the "superman complex," and, although not terribly incapacitated with the alcohol, they drive in a much more dangerous way, like speeding.

So, it turns out that driving while stoned is actually a bit safer. Of course, this study was done back in the 70's when their was a lot more sativas being smoked, not sure what affect that had on the paranoia rate.

Personally, I love to drive with a bit of a buzz, not much, just one maybe two bong hits. Turn up the tunes, go get some pizza, hit the country roads, yeah baby :) I don't like to drive with too strong a buzz though, I get much too paranoid...every car behind me turns into an unmarked cop.


For me there is a line, and I generally know when I've crossed it. Back in the day I would've rolled a joint FOR the drive, these days I'm more likely to get my gf to drive if I'm far too stoned for comfort.

When not completely blazed though, I'm a better driver than when I've not toked at all. Less aggressive, less confrontational, less quick..


Domesticator of Cannabis
Considering I smoke all day & night driving is not a problem. I used to be a serious partier in my youth somewhat of a bar fly & before driving home I'd smoke a joint to keep me in line or between the lines. I keep joints & roaches in the change tray so I'll have one or two if I'm stuck on a job or in traffic line. I rarely get pulled over.


I smoke everyday and often I start in the morning and it continues through the day.
If I have to go somewhere with a car it is no problem for me.

Sometimes I also go for a ride with car through hills and fields with a spliff in my mouth, music and open window. I like this A LOT! But I know it is not the safe way.

I got stopped by police many times. Most of the times I was high and I never had problems with any of those fuckaz.

It also seems that my dreads are not suspicious to them....


ok so this is what i do alot, get a friend hop in the car pull out the weed and hit it while driving with my knee it all works good for us.


I find my aim is much better when stoned, the people seem to move slower and so are easier to hit.