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Shiskeberry, FBlueSativa & Mirkos Mazars n more..


Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
hewy IC folks....
Have had these beans sittin around for a while so its time to see whats up....
Shiskes came from Canada(personal not a seed co) as a F.2 of orig Shiske pk..
Fast Blue Sativa is a cut I feel is a renamed DJ BB heirloom...
Mirko's Mazar is somethin Ive been dying toi try evr since Mirko posted the info on his trip and pics to help...
Ive got a good 5-8 Shiskas, 6-8 Mazar and a cut of the FBSat...
Anyway this will doc what we'll be doin this summer for those interested...Hope its worthy...Will be plenty of others to check to as were running a total of 18-20 varieties...
Few opics to start...a panarama of the bloom box and a few veggers..
I'll post details on the rooms and nutes soon..
Its mainly
PBPro Grow/LK/Hydrogaurd
Dyna-Gro Bloom
and a Hydro-Logic, room controller+c02 (no fuzzy logic tho..we do PPM by hand)
----The Line Up-----
Shiskeberry f.2
Mazar from Mirko
Fast Blue Sativa (local cut prob ganked n renamed by some lame-ass..)
3xBMoonshine (Kaya /FOE20)
NL#5 (BCSC/Reefermans supposed Pure)
SourBub Bx2/x3 (Bogs ?Liquids f.2/3's)
Indiana Bubble Gum (seed/ndnguy)
Purp Rhino (DrLoads)
Purp Erkle
Purp Butters (if you dont know what it is...get it anyway..)
p98 Bubba
Pink Kush (interesting breed..mo Kushy then Bubba or OG but lacks of power)
Pure Kush (its all that...)
Orange Kush (never had it..new test pup)
BananaDawg X BananaBubba
Chem4 x NL(JoeysW)
SQueen (TGAs ver of Romulan...SQ my ass....lol..)
Swt#3 (very nice SPG pheno)
LA Con (yuck....for my friend...strain sux IMO..)
Blowfish (DF/dogsnobs f.2)
Headband (loompas cut)
SourD IBL (Heath)
GDP x DPD (OutlawG)
Skunk #1 sssc (motarebels f.2)



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heheh awesomeness about to happen! :yoinks:

i've been lurking in your threads at the djs subforum and have always enjoyed reading them. i'm sure this one will be no different, tagging along! :wave:


What up brothaFOE, said it once and I'll say it again... everythings lookin' excellent man.

Lookin' forward to the show!



Active member
I am pulling up a chair for this one, I have some Shishkaberrys running right now myself glad to see someone else giving them a try so we can compare.

Keep it up Foe.


pulling up the bean bag, and makin a big family size bowl of popcorn......

:joint:let the show begin.....

been wonderin about those sssc skunks...
and the shishk.....
and the mazar...
and the.......
and the.......
all of them....

many blessings on your grow my friend


Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
much thnx gentz....theres so much goin on and its a combo garden with many levels of shit goin on...Im not really with it yet as its a big re-vamp and keeps changing for the first few wks in both Veg and Bloom..then again as sets finish and show any issues...
I'd like to say its going to be great but prob will take a few sets to really get dialed and allot of the strains are test strains we've never run...

Room setup/ medium...
Coco on this for while....run in 4" to 3gal containers..a lil perlite in the coco..
Veg = 5x4 or so with split levels - 2x2'T5's/1-400mh...we plan to use a 4'ftT5 soon in place of the 400hm..
Bloom = 6x5x8 / 3x600hps(2 open/w partial inline/ 1 mounted parabolic)
Dehumids in each room..
c02 if needed...not in use atm...
We use PBPro as said but level have increased from extra watts we've added...Mainly in Bloom as the increase really took effect and we'll show on that soon...
We try to maintain these levels mostly tho with the amount of watts were using...These PPM levels are pending phenotypes as Sats need less in Veg but sometimes More(P-K boost also), and Longer in Bloom..Where Indicas like more overall and even more so in pre-bloom but then can be easy or lite feeders thru flower to harv finishing fast and on point as desired..
Seedlings/Cuts - 150-200ppm(all measures are at PH 5.5-5.7)
Veg - 250-350ppm
Transition - 300-400ppm
Bloom - 400-600ppm
Flush - 0.00
hola masta Bodhi...bro glad you peeked in cause we have your...
BigSurHolyWeed heirlooms
AcapulcoGold x Lav?...

Back soon........so many...and plenty of time....:joint:
I think you mean to grow Mrikos Mazar I Sharif,not Mirko. HeHe

Good luck with your grow Foe20, I see you got a bunch of nice plants to grow.

Here is a bud from Mrikos Mazar I Sharif


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Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
much thnx n just slippin thru real quick...will add some notes later...but heres a look at how it all looks...enjoy



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Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
With the space and equip I been given to play with...I really play to tear this a good one...heh...things are lookin tight....stay tuned...










Awesome line-up you got there and nice pics to go with it! I'll be following this one for sure! Rep for caring for so many different strains, I know how tough that can be!


Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
much thnx fellaz.....Im stoked on this set myself as I thought it was a lil under preped...usually they go in a lil darker n bigger but I moved and allot of changes happend over the last 3-4wks....the plants delt with all of it and are just gettn settled..
Lots more to come and with this rig n variety theres no tellin whats gana show...Im so curious on so many I dont know where to start...
more pics...Im just gana show allot during this whole thread so fuk the talk...its just gana be allot of walk...



Matter that Appreciates Matter
FOE20 - Nice spread!

Why do you use Dyna-Gro Bloom over pbp bloom?
Do you think the RO water is worth it? Did you notice any changes?


Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
yo 3dDream on the nutes I use PBPro Grow which is heavy in N-K and the residuals from it can be used late into bloom..When I used PBPro's Bloom it was causing late re-flowering and not wanting to finish but most PBPro is a bit heavy in K...I switched to PBP SoilBloom but still ran into the prob of it not wanting to finish or just to much K causing odd late growth patterns....To remedy I needed a high P formula and still use minor shots of Soil Bloom here n there....But Dyna-Gro Bloom is 3-12-6 which for PBPro's Grow formula(3-2-4) works great when hitting the 3-6 wk of bloom as Dyna is a synth salt Liq and the Plant uses up all those excess organic macros/micros left from the Grow/LK..
RO is a must if you have shit tap water...that the reason for it...
You need a base decent water supply and in my local the tap is bad and super heavy in minerals..So I must have RO but I cut it with tap to save on all of it...Plus using tap adds back some minerals to the RO to help buffer it when you hit it with nutes which will drop the PH dramatically if its not buffered..
Another thing on PBPro is its more for Flowers of Veggies so it needs a P booster and carb thru bloom also..I use BudBlaster(any booster like BigBud,KoolBloom,) in micro amounts as a finishing booster and also raw sucanat which is unrefined sugar..its just PBP is weird so ya gata play with it a bit but it always gives great end quality...
Reason being when I used PBPro's whole line the bud burned to "green"...and slow and flavors weren;'t as pronounced as the aromas..So I made minor changes to get the best flav without loosing yield or trich prod...but then I moved and a bro gave me these digs to use and its 3-4x the wats Im used to...So im re-dialing a shit ton atm..heh....but you get the jist if you use PBP....but SoilBloom is kewl just in really small dose cause its heavy and the plant just keeps feeding on it...it was allot more work to flush it out which in turn is more water waist n work overall......hope that helps

werd HashZeppelin...me to....

more pics......




Parthenocarpe Diem
ICMag Donor
good eye DjRHooks.....out of all the seed co's I'll say TGA has some power hitters indeed...They really hold a good % of quality phenos compared to allot of other brand names..and this SQ is bloody impeccable...except its very weak to molds...which Vortex is also...not sure buty I'll guess its the sweet of c99 and the dank Grape-Pine of Rom that the mold likes....Im not talkin purp TGA work tho..just older stuff as Im not a fan of JTR or JC either..But SQ, Vort, Jilly n SpaceBoy?....are choice..

More pics....


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