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Paranoia and panic attacks



Anxiety & Exercise

Anxiety & Exercise

So how many of you with anxiety problems exercise or are able to exercise on a weekly basis ?


Paint Your DreamStrain
Anyone else get shaky with colder weather?

I'm in the desert southwest so I'm used to heat most of the time. Cooler temperatures (for me the 50's F and lower) and being high, ends up making me feel quite sketchy. Lately I've been smoking the local commercial (Mexican) though, so I'm not sure if it's mostly me or how much the exact sample smoked has to do with it.

One thing I really hate is being cold enough to shiver while stoned. It's like a body earthquake. A piping hot shower makes everything right again.

Welcome to me. I've been having some shakys myself, in cold weather, but mostly when I'm tired in said cold weather. When I got under a shitload of blankets and moved vigorously to warm up I started to feel better. I was also smoking that commercial mexi. I didn't have hot water at the time, otherwise that hot shower would've been a good idea.


Exercise helps IMMENSELY I agree with the last post on the last page. Start walking a mile, then jogging a mile, then running a mile, then running a couple miles. Once you hit that, run a couple miles and then doing slight weight training.

I know the anxiety you guys are talking about it makes you want to quit so bad but you enjoy getting high. TRUST me on this, eat healthier and start exercising EVERY DAY. The key is to not think, just DO!


Eugene Oregon
Cold weather makes me feel really strange when I am baked because I think to myself..
"No one is as cold as me, I have it the worst"
but in Reality were all just as cold, I think a lot of this stuff is just thinking positive I know its hard but trust me there has been scientific proof of it!

So how many of you with anxiety problems exercise or are able to exercise on a weekly basis ?

Nodda I exercise at least 5x a week but I am always trying to improve my build... something I have always done since a teen.

But the more you exercise the better in my opinion. :2cents:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
this is very true you need to do this. You cant sit on your ass and expect good things for your heath. You need to at least go for a good 30 min walk.

Exercise helps IMMENSELY I agree with the last post on the last page. Start walking a mile, then jogging a mile, then running a mile, then running a couple miles. Once you hit that, run a couple miles and then doing slight weight training.

I know the anxiety you guys are talking about it makes you want to quit so bad but you enjoy getting high. TRUST me on this, eat healthier and start exercising EVERY DAY. The key is to not think, just DO!


I agree with eating healthy and exercising. I have a pretty good diet, I take vitamins and hike several times a week. Taking care of yourself IS the best medicine.

But still.... Cold weather and cannabis don't work well for me. Cold weather without cannabis, and I can be in shorts and a tshirt and not mind at all, until I smoke, and then I need to get warmed up again.


i just want a very inspiring,mouth closed smile,everything is okay,sunny ass day


But I have to say though that if you are getting sever panic attacks.. i really recommend requesting from the dr. a starter dose of medication. Combine that with a mellow weed and hopefully you wont have them so often.


I've had anxiety/panic attacks since I was about 10 or so, and for about 4-5 years I was put on anti-anxiety meds. They defiantly helped and I stopped having panic attacks. Sometime during my 10th grade year in high school I just dropped the meds completely and I was fine. I realized the meds made me feel like a zombie and I was just going through the motions of everyday life and they seemed to make life more dull like things weren't as exciting, but i didn't realize this until I stopped taking them. I was fine for a while since I had my head straight (after all anxiety is all in your head) and it wasn't until I got out of high school that I started having problems again. I started smoking weed and it took me a while to make a connection and realize Hey this works really good for my anxiety. That's not to say I haven't smoked to much before or the wrong strain and have had anxiety from it. But for the most part i've been fine until here recently, I've had to quit smoking in order to get a job and my anxiety has gone to hell again. It's been quit a while since i've had a full blown panic attack but I did last week and even went to the hospital because I felt like I was going insane and just couldn't gain control of myself. Of course nothing was wrong but when your having a panic attack it's very hard to convince yourself of that as we all know.

I've ordered some Satori seeds and I think this will be the strain for me. I can't wait to try it out.

Things that help me with anxiety as others have mentioned is exercise I lift weights and that always makes me feel better. I think cardio will be really good for it running,biking,hiking whatever it may be I need to get on that myself.
Also has anyone else noticed that using a vaporizer vs smoking seems to really lessen the anxiety? I can smoke a joint of one strain and it may make me feel anxious but if I vape the same strain I not only get higher but also don't have any anxiety symptoms. Figured i'd throw that out there since it's something i've noticed.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I would like to say good for you. Some people have a very hard time kicking that habbit. I have been there. when I first broke my back. It was not fun. Be safe and we will be here if you need help.

I quit heroin, alcohol and cigarettes by walking whenever I felt stress. Take a 15 minute walk one way and turn around and walk back. Half hour at 4 miles an hour and you'll lose the stress. Everytime I had a craving for any of the three I would just walk. Read in a book a few years later that most cravings only last 20 minutes. It makes sense because about two-thirds of the way through my walks I would feel really good. I quit the drinking first in the summer of 94. I figured quit it first because alcohol always would lead to more drugs and you gotta smoke when drinking. Then quit the dope in Feb. of 95. Thought I would wait 6 months to quit smoking because I figured I was kicking enough things at once. Two months later I gave them up. Just couldn't smoke a cigarette if I wasn't drinking or loaded. Can't believe I ever smoked or stuck a needle in my arm. Most people I ran with are in the grave or look like they belong there. And the most bizarre thing is that everyone of them thinks it was just last week that you were hanging with them. 15 years later.


One vote here for Mandala Satori. :yes:
I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Panic and placed on 10 mg of Lexapro a day and 1 mg of xanax when needed while I was in college. I hated the side effect of the Lexapro and decided to grow out Mandala Satori. It is a vigorous, easy, heat and mistake tolerant plant.
I grew it because I heard of its medicinal values for anxiety and panic. And I can whole-heartedly say that when I smoked it, I didn't need meds, only a game of frisbee golf and a gatorade. I stopped needing the Lexapro and haven't had a panic attack in over 3 years.
And like someone said, I appreciate all the honest stories people are sharing in this thread, that is what makes it a truly valuable resource for choosing a proper strain, smoking method, etc.

Grow on all, and Grow Mandala Satori
- spy:joint:


One vote here for Mandala Satori. :yes:
I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Panic and placed on 10 mg of Lexapro a day and 1 mg of xanax when needed while I was in college. I hated the side effect of the Lexapro and decided to grow out Mandala Satori. It is a vigorous, easy, heat and mistake tolerant plant.
I grew it because I heard of its medicinal values for anxiety and panic. And I can whole-heartedly say that when I smoked it, I didn't need meds, only a game of frisbee golf and a gatorade. I stopped needing the Lexapro and haven't had a panic attack in over 3 years.
And like someone said, I appreciate all the honest stories people are sharing in this thread, that is what makes it a truly valuable resource for choosing a proper strain, smoking method, etc.

Grow on all, and Grow Mandala Satori
- spy:joint:
satori is the only sativa I know that gives you no paranoia or Anxiety, some people miss that effect as it is sought in the sativ for some, but not me :noway: thats for sure,the only down to satori is that she needs a long cure to get good, a month is not enough a 3month cure will get you there ;), long shell life.
I appreciate all of the replies.

The reason that I'm not interested in indicas is because even if it has the smallest amount of indica in it I'll get lazy/sleepy even though other people say that they are not. It's just not something that I'm interested in. For example, a lot of people say that blueberry has a very euphoric effect but for me, it just made me sleepy.im not interested in building up my tolerance on indicas.

Having NO paranoia,racey,speedy,shaky or skittish feeling is a very big deal. Just a very uplifting,inspiring,motivational, high that just makes you feel like everything is good and beautiful and makes you want to smile about everything,but not necessarily cant stop smiling, and definitely not one that makes it so you cant stop laughing because for me when i cant stop laughing i tend to start having a panic attack as im laughing.just a real warm high that just makes you feel like verythings okay. it doesnt have to be super entergetic but definitely something that has absolutely no laziness or downer affect.

I found the Blue dream to fit the description of the sensation you are looking for.

This is a blue berry haze hybrid. I find it most comforting soothing and peaceful.Not racy at all no paranoia just general bliss.

I believe it is the sativa blueberry that is in it and not the indica blueberry.

True Blue Berry is the sativa Blueberry ( DJ Short).They have this clone at Harborside as well as the "Blue Dream"

Blue Dream also has the bonus of being a high yield high grade.

Flo as someone else mentioned gives you a great sense of well being w/o unpleasant plateaus or antisocial side effects.

Avoid strains like cindy 99 jack the ripper or anything with Colombian genetics even bubble gum has the 1970's strain paranoia it is from the 70's.lol.

Colombian Gold from the 70's could give you instant paranoia.

My best friend has panic attacks he likes Indicas,but the Blue dream had no adverse affect on him.

Hope this helps


I also noticed that when i started growing my own meds. and growing organic their is a warmer feeling to organics. i guess that's why they call it kind. because its kind to your mind and body. but when i started to smoke my home grown it was a shock at first from the high content of thc.but that ended after i started feeling all warm and happy. now i am looking for
ward to smoking some good c99 and super silver haze.