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Sleeping bags and sleep problems


donut engineer
Hey y'all,

I love camping but hate sleeping in tents, mostly because of the discomfort. I find my self tossing and turning at night trying to get comfortable. My natural sleeping position is on my side, but this can't be easily accomplished because of the hard ground.

I have one of those self-inflating pads that go under the sleep bags, but they don't really add much comfort. Any portable ideas for tent sleeping? I'm going on a big trip in a few months.



Active member
eat two canna cookies before you get in your sleeping bag. problem solved :)

maybe a strip of eggshell foam would help? you could roll it up in your sleeping bag so it isn't a PITA to carry with you

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
I'd recommend you try out a cot, as that would let you sleep on your side as you desire.

A quick look on google indicates these cots are well reviewed:


I personally use a sleeping bag and a "Ridge Rest" but I don't think that would be enough for you, as they are nice but still pretty thin. Check one out though, as it is super light-weight and would prolly be nice with the cot.



donut engineer
Mr. Bongjangles, that looks like it will fit my needs swimingly! Thanks! I must spread my karma around before giving it to you again :)


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I'm a side sleeper also. They make a backpacking equivalent to floating pool mattresses. Say a dozen 3" tubes in their own "pillow case" with individual sleeves and beach ball caps. Each tube fills with a single breath. Uncap the tubes, roll it up, weighs about a pound and is as big as a 2L soda bottle.



dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
i just take my hammock with me, and a tarp to go over top. much better than a tent in the spring and summer imo. mine packs up into a 6x6 little bag and weighs under a lb. ground aint flat?? doesnt matter!


We're spoiled campers, but heh, when you're our age, no biggie. We got a nice 4 man Eureka tent and a good self-inflating queen size air bed, and one of those 2 person bags. We travel with all our goodies, including the kitchen coffee maker and always get a site with electricity. Last summer we did Cape cod, this summer it's someplace in Maine.


We're spoiled campers, but heh, when you're our age, no biggie. We got a nice 4 man Eureka tent and a good self-inflating queen size air bed, and one of those 2 person bags. We travel with all our goodies, including the kitchen coffee maker and always get a site with electricity. Last summer we did Cape cod, this summer it's someplace in Maine.



I feel ya JQP, we take a generator with us too! We're tent campers, but why suffer from lack of electricity??? I WANT POWER!!! LOL


donut engineer
I'm a side sleeper also. They make a backpacking equivalent to floating pool mattresses. Say a dozen 3" tubes in their own "pillow case" with individual sleeves and beach ball caps. Each tube fills with a single breath. Uncap the tubes, roll it up, weighs about a pound and is as big as a 2L soda bottle.


Those fancy pants sleeping pads are leaps and bounds beyond the technology that my shitty $20 self-inflating pad manages. I think this coupled with one of those sticky knife-drawer sheets between the sleeping bag will ensure one doesn't slip off the thing.

I love and hate REI. Love their gear, hate their prices.
i can never sleep in a hammock the whole night.. i can only use mine for naps.

try a nice foam pad under the sleepin bag. or maybe that cot idea

i dunno, its the outdoors, sometimes u just gotta tough it out


I use a Coleman cot, put eggshell mattress on top of cot, then sleeping bag. Works great. Don't forget a couple of beers.
As a summertime camper myself..(gold claim) I spend lots of time sleeping on the ground. Cots are probably what you're looking for, but you'll run the risk of being cooler at night. You can make the ground softer by cutting down pine boughs before pitching your tent.. Those eggshell foam things are great tho.


Active member
Have done tons of camping/backpack camping......
Found out that if you sleep on your side for a few nights your hips begin to get sore. So, I started using a Thermarest in combination with a thin foam backpacking sleeping pad. Problem solved!!! Just put the foam pad down first & the inflatable Thermarest on top & the foam will help protect the Thermarest from punctures.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
We bought an air mattress last summer.It started deflating during the nite. you could slowly feel the rock sticking you more and more. The ex has the camper and boat. I make do with what I have left,wich is great friends and beautiful boys.Life and camping ROCK. ps. The guy my ex married and I get along real well. He takes me fishing in the boat I paid for. I showed him how to run it and were to fish. Kinda ironic but cool.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^that is funny. My moms second husband hates that all his exwives(3 of them) are friends.

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