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Active member
I was really cool to get all that gear at once. A few of the strain in there I paid for, but the bulk of it came from Dr. Dog. Wayyy better than anything gramma would have sent... :abduct:


Active member
Photo Update Time

All the plants getting fatter now..



And a couple macros


Red Rhino #4


Sweet Pink Grapefruit

Thanks for stopping by, hopefully soon I'll have seedlings and harvest pics to show off :pimp3:

Be safe!


seeker of greater knowledge
Faithful Readers, thank you for following along. The liberation has been without update for far too long.

First off, the Postman had wonderful news for me today:

New Gear and OGA Care Package

So I busted out the faithful Peat Pucks and planted a few.
In the dome I have:
10 Zombie Virus
10 Sour Puss
10 Flo

I want to start more of them but this will be plenty to work with for now.

Also coming along, I have a dozen BC Big Bud rooted clones vegging, I'll throw them in flower in a week or two.

My flowering clones have revegged, I managed to get one off the PGF, as well as a few others. They will be ready to be mothers soon.

Still have to work on the new veg area, haven't gotten around to that yet. It's been pretty busy around here, trying to find time for the garden... and I cut a few more testers today. Hopefully they'll pack a bit more punch than the last few!

I'll be back with more updates real soon, thanks for reading!

Be safe!!

you lucky guy you....looks like you have some KILLER gear there.....congrats che...you deserv that gear...looks like dr.dog REALLY takes good care of his people...................good for you bro i know you'll grow those beans out amaizingly........i'm happy for you dude.......k+...you lucky bastard:D:wave:


Active member
Doc, Thanks man! It's a hard space to photograph but I wanted to try to show all the buds in a few tight shots..:joint:

Vince, Thanks man! I know I'm lucky, it was like christmas getting all that gear at once!

Chubbynugs, thanks for coming by man! Welcome to the Liberation!!

Weedhound, there were a few posts deleted from this thread and it messed up the post count. Here we are on Page 9 now, so it's all good! :alien:
From time to time you'll see that on IC, kinda weird

Not much to update. 1 of the 30 seeds has sprouted, a Sour Puss. Can't wait to smell that Diesel funk... :D


Active member
Those babies have fattened up nicely Che. Liberation is close.
I see you got a pack of SwT#3. Best smelling weed ever. Well maybe anyway. Of course you have a sweet pink grapefruit, so maybe the sweet tooth smells like it.


Active member
Yeah I do believe that they are related, which is why I grabbed that pack. There's only 5 in there.

I was just puttering around in the garden and decided to check on a few of the seeds in peat pucks, by gently separating the peat and peering inside. Most of the seeds have germinated and I should have a bunch of seedlings by tomorrow night. Can't wait to see how these 3 strains do in my garden! Picking the keeper moms will be fun...


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Che...nice looking garden you have mate....planty of space to work with.
and what a nice package you got ...seems you will have yahands full with this one :D
Nway a bit late but tagging :wave:


Active member
Thanks for coming by, kind words, and rep everyone :) I'm just doing what I have to...

Small update, nothing major.
Lots of seedlings to care for now. Most of the OGA Sour Puss are already transplanted and under the 400w veg light, a few OGA ZV's are starting to poke out, and about half of the DJS Flo beans are above ground.

In the flowering room, a couple of my 3Gal growbag bag seed plants are putting on more weight than they can handle. 2 are buckling and 1 was actually on the floor yesterday. I had to tie them up... looking forward to trying a sea of green off the best of those plants (I'm still revegging and testing to see if any of the bagseed plants are keepers).

I harvested a tiny 2L bottle plant and it's now curing in a jar. A few more testers have come off the Red Rhino, SPG, G1 and G2 plants as well. They are drying/curing.
G2 is the closest to completely done, showing more and more red/amber each day. It's coming down soon for sure.

I've got about 3 of 12 BC BigBud clones doing very well, and the other 9 are fried. Too soon under the 400w. The BCBB mother will be ready for another round of clones soon anyways.. I'm using these to fill the space until the OGA/DJS stuff is ready to go in.

The "revegged" clones off of SPG as well as a couple others are almost ready to have clones taken too. Going to have a lot of plants to keep track of, good thing I have lots of masking tape and sharpies!!

Anyways, I'll come back with some photos soon, but for now Thanks for reading!
Be safe



Active member
Photo Update Time!

Veg area:
As you can see, my seeds are all taking off nicely..

Sour Puss and Flo seedlings


Zombie Virus, Sour Puss, and Flo seedlings

And as we move into the flowering room, everything is coming along nicely..

Bagseed putting on weight


More Bagseed...

In the last post, I mentioned that some plants are getting too heavy and falling over. I had to tie them up..

Bagseed, Tied up

This one was actually on the floor..


Seems like it will be okay...

And over on the 940W side of the the flowering room, this beauty is getting massive!!

Large Bagseed Cola


Large Bagseed Cola

And in this next shot, you can see the small "Lollipopped" plants low in the center. They are directly under the 940W

3 of them are very purple, and 1 has stayed bright green. The 3 gal bags are probably over kill for small plants like this...

And this next shot shows the room from the far end, 400w HPS side.


Well, I hope you enjoy the shots! Thanks for reading, and until next time:
Be safe!!



Active member
Thanks Weedhound! Always appreciate the positive feedback :D

So I have news.. was checking out the plants just before the lights went out, and found that two of them are starting to throw a bunch of nanners.. so I cut them. We'll see how potent the bud will be.. these plants are now lost because I'm not going to bother revegging a hermi, even if it waits until late flower to throw nanners - stray pollen is not what I am looking for!!!


Registered Pothead
Hell yeah che looking great in here. Gotta love it when plants want to fall over that means they got some weight on them nuggets. gotta get some bamboo stakes the next time around.


Pull my finger
Lookin dank bud. Ya mon, stake them babies next time.

note to self, get bamboo stake for the swamp too.


Active member
Hell yeah che looking great in here. Gotta love it when plants want to fall over that means they got some weight on them nuggets. gotta get some bamboo stakes the next time around.
Bamboo stakes would have been nice, I couldn't find them at Wally mart, but I understand that they are a seasonal item so I'll keep looking. :joint:

Yeah, get the nanners away from your girls. Nice plant drying there.

Dang Hermies, always trying to spoil my fun. Good thing Che has a keen eye!! Once these two are dried, you better believe we'll be rollin some phats. Thinkin it's just about time I make some Black Out Butter too...

Lookin dank bud. Ya mon, stake them babies next time.

note to self, get bamboo stake for the swamp too.

Note to self: Make a copy of swamp's note to self.

And now for some more photos.. I had to get better shots of the Lollipopped plants. I like this style of growing, I wish I'd tried it sooner. Could have had a really nice SOG in the Liberation by now..

Hash Plant:

Hash Plant 1, Green Pheno


Hash Plant 1, Green Pheno


Hash Plant 1, Green Pheno


Hash Plant 2, Purple Pheno


Hash Plant 2, Purple Pheno


Hash Plant 2, Purple Pheno


Hash Plant 4, Purple Pheno


Hash Plant 4, Purple Pheno


Hash Plant 4, Purple Pheno

BC Big Bud


BC Big Bud 1


BC Big Bud 1


BC Big Bud 1

Still waiting on the SPG and RR ladies to show enough amber to harvest, it's real close now... and that's about it for updates around here!
I hope you enjoy the pictures!!

So thanks for reading, and be safe!
